Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Compensation Creates Jobs Faster Than Almost Any Other Initiative You Can Name

Thursday, July 1st, 2010

With the U.S. unemployment rate near 10% and President Obama’s failed $787 Billion Dollar $862 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus not creating the 5.2 Million Jobs promised it comes as little surprise that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA would now say, Unemployment compensation “creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.”

Video here Via Breitbart

Related: Real Unemployment Rate 16.6% Via MSN Money

Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid, adjourns for 4th of July holiday without extending unemployment benefits Via The Hill

Republican Minority offer compromise bill that would extend jobless benefits for two months, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rejected offer Via The Washington Examiner

Yikes! A 50 foot Nancy Pelosi Via Newsweek, The Weekender

Obama’s Recovery Summer Tour, Economy Is Headed In The Right Direction?

Thursday, July 1st, 2010

Obama seems more happy campaigning than he ever does actually working. During his latest stump speech at a Town Hall meeting in Racine, Wisonsin yesterday, Obama attempted to blame Republicans (despite the fact that Democrat-Socialists have huge majorities in both the House & Senate) for the the economic chaos gripping the country and the BP oil catastrophe.


In May, Obama claimed to take responsibility for the BP Oil disaster and vowed to defend the assault in the Gulf of Mexico. Was he lying then or were the promises made by Obama disingenuous?

When will Obama began taking responsibility?

Jobs Market Barely Budges in June as Hiring Stays Weak Via CNBC

National Debt Soars to Highest Level Since World War II Via USA Today

Stock Market ended their worst quarter in over a year, Dow loses 10% Via CNBC

U.S. Leading Economic Indicator For Next Six Months Tumbles

Tuesday, June 29th, 2010

Closing numbers of the NYSE this afternoon, the Dow Jones Industrial lost 268.22
or 2.65% of its value from yesterday, its first close below 10,000 since early June.

A market circuit breaker briefly halted trading today of Citigroup after a trade sent its price tumbling 17%—Citi ended trading today down 7%

Consumer confidence fell in June more than forecast as Americans became distressed over the economic outlook for jobs.

Some U.S. retailers are seeing consumers pull back on purchases. Best Buy Co. the worlds largest consumer electronics retailer, this month reported first quarter profits rose less than analysts expected.

Bed Bath & Beyond, a New Jersey based home accessory retailer, this month forecast fiscal second quarter and annual earnings trailing analysts estimates.

Despite the Obama Administration propagandists traipsing the country claiming that the Economic Stimulus boondoggle was a great  success, Americans have lost confidence in the exaggerations made by Democrat-Socialist activists promises of utopia.

U.S. Economy: Confidence Sinks On Concern Over Jobs Via Bloomberg Businessweek

Related: Stocks Skid on Renewed Fears of Global Slowdown Via Yahoo Finance

America’s Ticking Debt Bomb: Like Greece Only Worse Via Yahoo Finance

Obama Pledges To Tackle Budget Deficit, Next Year?

Monday, June 28th, 2010

Maybe Obama was a bit inebriated when he pledged that he is really serious about tackling the soaring U.S. Deficit next year?

Why not this year?

Obama has yet to take responsibility for his leadership crisis and continues to blame Bush for the deficit. What are the facts: During the first year of Obama’s watch, the federal budget deficit quadrupled in size from $459 Billion in 2008 to $1.85 Trillion Dollars last year.

How is Obama’s Deficit Reduction Team Doing? They need a Bailout. Via Tax Prof Blog

VP Joe Biden Calls Small Businessman A “Smartass” When Asked About Lowering Taxes

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

Vice President Joe Biden while in Milwaukee, WI for a fundraiser for Democrat-Socialist Senator Russ Feingold, stopped at Kopp’s Frozen Custard and wanted ice cream, not exactly something that is on the menu at a frozen custard shop.

Having already put his big foot into his mouth, Biden didn’t want the opportunity to pass without putting his other foot into his mouth and called the store manager a “smartass” when responding to his question about tax cuts.

Video here Via Real Clear Politics

Related: Vice President Biden: “There is no possibility to restore 8 million jobs lost” CBS News

Obama calls for $90 Billion Dollar Bank Tax Via Reuters

Taxation 101: Who Pays Corporate Taxes? Via Capitalism Magazine

Obama Administration asks 5th U.S. Circuit Ct. of Appeals to kill 20,000 good paying jobs in Louisiana

Friday, June 25th, 2010

The Obama Administration has asked the 5th U.S. Circuit Ct of Appeals to put the President Obama’s 6 month moratorium on drilling in the Gulf of Mexico back into place that was lifted this week by USDC Court Judge Martin Feldman

Obama’s ban on off shore drilling is estimated to kill 20,000 good paying jobs.

Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal Calls Drilling Moratorium a Second Man-Made Disaster

Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner: U.S. No Longer Has Economic Strength To Drive Global Growth

Friday, June 25th, 2010

Treasury Secretary Timmy Geithner says the United States no longer has the economic strength to drive global growth.

Democrat-Socialists are destroying opportunity. The U.S. Economy grew at a slower pace in the 1st quarter than first believed. Economists anticipate even slower growth ahead as businesses are likely to reduce their spending during the second half of the year.

Related: IRS wants its share of BP payments received by oil spill victims Via

Democrat-Socialist Reach Deal On Anti-Capitalist Legislation

Friday, June 25th, 2010

Democrat-Socialists reach agreement on yet another 2,000 page bill which Connecticut Senator Christopher Dodd says, “No one will know until this is actually in place how it works but we believe we’ve done something that has been needed for a long time…”

Provisions of the 2,000 page monster provides that federal regulators may seize and break-up corporations.

Financial Overhaul: The Winner Wall Street, The Loser Main Street

More here Via The Wall Street Journal

Related: (Video) Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-PA Finance bill will help Good Americans, Not Minorities or Defective People. Via Human Events

Financial Overhaul Punishes Regional Banks Via FOX Business

Democrats add $19 Billion Dollars in New Tax Increases Via WBUR Radio Boston

Obama’s Improving U.S. Economy

Wednesday, June 23rd, 2010

Only in an Obama World would anyone attempt to thump around the country saying how good the economy is, such as Barack Obama done last week in Columbus, Ohio

Today the Dept of Commerce reported that new housing starts fall to a 50 year low could we simply be misunderstanding “The Anointed One” rosy outlook? Maybe just maybe, Obama is saying that his personal economic forecast continues to improve at the expense of the rest of America?

Related: Private Employers hold back on hiring in May Via Yahoo Finance

Biden’s Job Prediction Falls 5.2 Million Jobs Short Via New Busters

When will Obama begin taking responsibility?

Sunday, June 20th, 2010

When is Obama going to accept responsibility?

Obama blames Republicans for making life more difficult for the unemployed, instead for his failed economic stimulus boondoggle.

More here from My Way News

Related: Obama Lectures G-20 About Debt Reduction

Obama ‘Stimulus’ Visit Stimulates Day Off Without Pay For Columbus, Ohio Construction Workers Via Michelle Malkin

New road built with failed economic stimulus plan bears Obama’s name
Via Central Florida News