Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama’s Columbus, Ohio Photo-Op Brings Out A White Coat

Friday, June 18th, 2010

Barack Obama at a Columbus, Ohio construction site with men wearing Hard Hats under near 90 degree heat with construction halted during the Presidential visit. What Doofus would wear a White Lab Coat on a Construction site?

Obama’s Columbus, Ohio trip cost taxpayers $1 Million Dollars Via CBS News

Obama touts more phantom jobs Ohio Unemployment in February, 2009 was 9.4% after the $787 Billion (actual $862 Billion) Economic Stimulus Ohio Unemployment presently is 10.7%

Related: Obama’s Killing Great American Jobs’ Machine Via Human Events

Obama’s Efforts To Pull The U.S. Out Of Recession Fails

Thursday, June 10th, 2010

Job hunters in San Francisco before entering jobs fair held by the California Employment Development Dept and the Veterans Employment Committee. Hundreds of people seeking employment attended the 12 May event as the California Unemployment rate exceeds 12% up from 9.7% when Obama took office.

Obama Administration’s efforts to pull the U.S. out of Recession haven’t succeeded said Nassim Taleb, author of the best selling book The Black Swan on CNBC today. “We had less debt cumulative (two years ago) and more people employed. Today we have more risk in the system and a smaller tax base. Bank Balance sheets are just as bad as they were two years ago…the quality of life hasn’t improved…Obama promised us 8% unemployment through stimulus. It hasn’t worked.”

More here from CNBC

Thank Democrat-Socialists Barbara Boxer & Barack Obama, U.S. Debt Projected $19.6 Trillion By 2015

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Thanks to U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer, D-CA her Democrat-Socialist colleagues and Barack Obama, according to a Treasury Dept report to Congress, the Federal Budget Deficit will top $13.6 Trillion Dollars this year and climb to an estimated $19.6 Trillion Dollars by 2015

The report quietly sent to lawmakers last week states the ratio of debt to Gross Domestic Product would rise to 102%  in 2015  up from 93% in 2009

More here from Reuters

Related: Our Unsustainable Debt: America is on the verge of financial disaster

Here Comes The Double Dip Recession by Dick Morris Via

Its an Obama Recovery, Dow Plunges 324.06

Friday, June 4th, 2010

President Obama calls May’s jobs report proof of recovery. Who is he kidding?

Obama must think Americans are so stupid not to see past the smoke and mirrors and realize that 95% of the jobs allegedly created in May are nothing more than temporary Census Worker jobs which the Census Bureau hired and fired workers in order to inflate the actual jobs numbers.

Why isn’t the Dinosaur Media reporting the U.S. Dept of Commerce-Census Bureau cooked the books so that “Hoax & Chains” could pad employment data?

While Obama may fool some Americans under the age of five, Wall Street today wasn’t the least bit fooled by Obama’s rosy jobs rhetoric, the Dow Jones Industrial plunged 324.06 today and is down 12.5% since the 23 April closing high for the year.

More here from Yahoo Finance

Obama’s Economic Stimulus Promise 5.2 Million Jobs Short

Friday, June 4th, 2010

Despite all of the money spent on Obama’s Stimulus programs the only jobs being created are temporary Census Workers jobs.

U.S. payrolls grew by 431,000 last month reflecting a burst of temporary census hiring by the government.

The unemployment rate shrinks from 9.9% to 9.7% as more discouraged unemployed workers quit looking for work.

More here from Yahoo Finance

Related: Biden’s Prediction Falls 5.2 Million Jobs Short of Obama’s Promise

Obama, Who Will Pay The Bills If Our Economy Stalls?

Thursday, May 20th, 2010

During a stop in Youngstown, Ohio this week Barack Obama, credits his economic policies for creating 350 future jobs in the Northeastern Ohio community of 73,000 which is desperately hurting with a staggering 14.5% Unemployment Rate.

One better not put the cart before the horse Mr. President, as key economic indicators declined for the first time in nearly a year, signaling that recovery from the recession may be losing strength.

More here from Channel News Asia

Related: Democrat-Socialists continue to spend money that we can’t afford. China becomes our largest creditor again–Via The Economic Times

Drowning in Debt: Obama’s Spending & Borrowing Leaves U.S. Gasping for Air

Obama’s $54 Billion Dollar Bailout Guarantee For The EU

Tuesday, May 11th, 2010

The U.S. Federal Budget Deficit is about
$13 Trillion Dollars give or take a hundred million or so.

Since Obama became President despite all of his (broken) promises that he would cut the federal budget deficit the national debt has Quadrupled during Obama’s watch.

With nearly a 10% unemployment rate less revenue is going going into the U.S. Treasury.

Democrat-Socialists love spending other peoples money and have now promised the European Union that the U.S. will guarantee $54 Billion of their debts obligations why are the American Taxpayers now bailing out Europe?

We don’t nearly have enough money to pay our own debts that are bankrupting our nation.

Related Post: Our Unsustainable Debt: America is on the verge of financial disaster

Unemployment Rises To 9.9% in April

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Prospective workers line up for job openings, outside of the Rio Hotel and Casino Jobs Fair. Nevada was ranked the nations most economically stressed state with a jobless rate of 13.4% in March.

Despite the assurances of Obama on Tuesday in a speech before the Business Council, a group of CEO’s from major U.S. companies that “the economy is growing again” the U.S. Dept of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics just has released the April Unemployment Numbers showing a spike in the jobless rate from 9.7% to 9.9%

Related: Unemployment Percentages are Stagnant Via California Bankruptcy Lawyer

Odds of a “Double Dip Recession” better than 50% Via Investment News

Will Athens, Greece Financial Crisis Spill Over In The USA?

Thursday, May 6th, 2010

Protesters outside of Greece Parliament yesterday—three people have died as a result of the riots fueled by fears of an economic collapse and government austerity program that will freeze wages, cut pension and increase taxes.

Protesters rioting in the streets in Athens, Greece the Socialist Government has lost the confidence of the people as an economic collapse of their nation may be all but certain.

Is the United States the next Greece?

Former Clinton Senior Adviser Dick Morris says, “The U.S. Economy will ultimately suffer the same fate as Greece, which is struggling to avoid default of its government debt…the same deficits and lack of control of spending that have landed Greece in such turmoil will eventually spread to the United States and Britain because our deficits are just as high and contracted just as irresponsibly  by socialist regimes.”

More here from

Related: Asian stocks plunged in early Friday trading Via KIVI-TV Boise, Idaho

U.S. Markets staged one of the most dramatic sell-offs in history on Thursday

Obama May Support Even More New Tax Hikes

Thursday, April 22nd, 2010

Despite Obama’s campaign pledge that he would not raise taxes of any kind on American Families making less than $250,000 annually which of course he broke last year when he signed into law a federal cigarette tax increase which disproportionately affects poorer Americans, since breaking his promises once, its easier to do it again and again.

When “Hoax & Chains” signed into law ObamaCare, Democrat-Socialists imposed a federal 10% tax on anyone who goes to a indoor tanning salon which small business owners fear will drive away customers.

One must never forget the new federal tax on medical devices that ObamaCare imposed on manufactures who will either pass the taxes on to the consumers or in the alternative be forced to scale back employment opportunities putting Americans out of work.

Having repeatedly breaking his “no new tax pledge” its becoming easier and easier for Obama to support even more tax increases on all Americans and yesterday, Obama suggested that he may support a value added tax which taxes the value of an item during each stage of production, raising prices on Americans on nearly everything consumers purchase.

Related: The VAT Tax: Tyranny in Increments Via The Daily Caller