Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Will Obama Return $994,000 From Goldman-Sachs?

Monday, April 19th, 2010

Rep. Mark Kirk, R-IL is voluntarily returning political contributions from Goldman-Sachs will Obama return the $994,795 that he received from the embattled financial firm?

More here from Breakdown of America

Obama’s “Not Coincidental” New Economic Crisis

Sunday, April 18th, 2010

The U.S. is destined is endure a new economic crisis that sticks taxpayers with the bill unless Congress tightens oversight of the financial industry Barack Obama said yesterday.

“The Anointed One” arrives just in the nick of time? What would happen if Obama was not there, inventing a crisis in order to create new federal regulations.

On Friday, the government alleged that Goldman-Sachs committed Securities Fraud by lying to investors about who really was behind junk mortgages.

Barclays Banking Analyst Roger Freeman, accused the SEC effort as “well timed” targeting of Goldman-Sachs offering the White House publicity and perhaps “not coincidental” to Obama’s financial reform effort.

Ironically, President Obama and Senate Finance Committee Chairman Christopher Dodd, D-CT are pushing a bill that would reward companies like Goldman-Sachs with billions of taxpayer dollars by instituting resolution authority which will give Wall Street giants a “too big to fail” status, insulating them from competition and protecting them against losses, over Main Street, USA

More here Via The Washington Examiner

Obama Praises Success Of Failed Economic Recovery Act

Friday, April 16th, 2010

Thursday night President Obama addressed Democrats at their DNC fundraiser at the Arsht Center for the Performing Arts and what a performance he gave, praising success of his failed Economic Recovery Act.

Obama said, “So one year later we made progress. The economy is growing again, the markets are rising again, America’s businesses are creating jobs again. One year later more than two million Americans, more than 100,000 Floridians are at work today who otherwise would not be there because of the Recovery Act…”


Florida Jobless Rate in March Hits Record 12.3% Via Business Week

California’s Jobless Rate in March Hits Record 12.6% Via Breitbart

Ohio Jobless Rate in March Hits Record 11% in March First Time in 25+ Years

Boston Tea Party, Thousands Rally To Take Our Country Back

Wednesday, April 14th, 2010

The Tea Party Express rolled into Boston today, former GOP V.P. Candidate Sarah Palin was the key note speaker, addressing the thousands which showed up to protest being Taxed Enough Already, Repeal of ObamaCare and voicing their support that “its time we take our country back.”

Sarah Palin rallied the crowds gathered at the Boston Tea Party delivering an important message that government should be working for the people, we should not be working for the government.

One Goofy Loony Liberal Lefty showed up carrying his sign “Dump Palin Into Boston Harbor” sign, feeling unwelcome he left.

Related Posts: Foes of Tea Party Movement to Infiltrate Rallies Via Breitbart

Denver radicals issue Tea Party crash call Via Michelle Malkin

Never A User Fee (Tax Hike) That Mitt Didn’t Like

Sunday, April 11th, 2010

Romney a Conservative? Romney in 2012?

Mitt Romney wins Republican Leadership Conference test vote receiving 439 votes of  1806 ballots cast. Surely we can hope for better than Mitt Romney in 2012?

Why? Is Romney a Reagan Conservative? Clearly Not.

While Governor of Massachusetts, Mitt Romney supported 126 user fee increases, for marriage licenses, gun registrations, blindness certificates, home deed registrations, gasoline taxes, corporate trusts, non-profit corporations, sales catalogs, never a user fee that Mitt didn’t like.

Mitt Romney: Champion of Big Government

Romney Defends Massachusetts Socialized Medicine

Mitt Romney’s Record of Higher Fees & Taxes as Governor
Via Massachusetts Democratic Party

Obama Administration Chief Economic Adviser Larry Summers “U.S. Economy Still Has A Long Way To Go”

Tuesday, April 6th, 2010

Obama Administration Chief Economic Adviser Larry Summers said Sunday that despite the passage of the $787 Billion Dollar actually $862 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus pushing the unemployment rate below 9.7% won’t be easy.

When “Hoax & Chains” was pitching his grandiose economic stimulus package he said that it would save or create 3.5 million jobs and keep unemployment from peaking at 8% instead it stands at 9.7% and has shed 3 million jobs. Where are all the jobs that Obama claims were saved or created?

Related: San Francisco–Bay Area Jobs Market Won’t Recover Until 2015 Mercury News

Hey Obama, “It’s the Economy Stupid.”

Friday, April 2nd, 2010

Obama’s public approval continues to slide, earlier this week I wrote here that Obama’s approval rating stood at 46% two days later, “Hoax & Chains” public approval rating falls to 44% according to a CBS News Poll conducted between the 29 March and 01 April

Could it be the Obama and the Democrat-Socialist in Congress are not paying attention to whats most important to Americans—It’s the Economy Stupid.

Under Employment Rises to 20.3% in March

Today the U.S. Dept of Labor released its monthly jobs report showing that the nations unemployment remains at 9.7% for the third month in a row, while 162,000 jobs were created about 1/3 of them were temporary government jobs. In total the U.S. Economy had shed 3.8 million jobs since Obama signed into law the $862 Billion boondogle economic stimulus bill.

Obama doesn’t get it. Today while championing his economic success story at a company in Charlotte, NC “The Anointed One”  said that we’re “beginning to turn the corner.”

At this rate it will take more than 4 years just to break even on the 8.4 million jobs lost since the recession began.

Related: ObamaCare is Already Threatening the Economy—Brietbart

50% of Americans Say Obama Doesn’t Deserve Second Term

Thursday, April 1st, 2010

Americans  anxious about Unemployment and the Economy, blame “Hoax & Chains” according to a USA Today/Gallup Poll—50% of Americans say that Obama doesn’t deserve a second term.

More here from the USA Today

Obama’s Fiscal Train Wreck–Runaway Spending

Sunday, March 28th, 2010

The fiscal train wreck is happening sooner than we thought a leading bond market traders says, which is why Investors are now telling the U.S. Government it will have to pay more to borrow money.

Bot as much more as Greece but enough to constitute a shot across the Obama bow by what we call the bond vigilantes, investors who try to punish governments that splash to much red ink across national ledgers.

The passage of the health Care bill has focused investor attention on the runaway deficit situation and its long term consequences. The deficit which ran around 3% of GDP in George Bush’s final year, is now exceeding 10%—Government Debt held by the public has gone from 40% og GDP when George Bush was President to 63% now and will hit 90% by 2020

Full article here from The Weekly Standard

Related: Obama Promotes Fiscal Restraint, Big Spending
Via FOX News

Obama & Congress AWOL on Fiscal Restraint Via USA Today

The Federal Budget Deficit That Obama Owns

Monday, March 22nd, 2010

Since FDR’s New Deal, America’s entitlements have consistently grown faster than projected in size, scope and costs. Like unwanted house guests, they cost money that we don’t have and they can’t be kicked out.

Between 1934 the first fiscal year in which FDR and Congressional Democrats had full control of the federal budget, FDR never spent more than 12% of Gross Domestic Product.

Compare that to today, Hoax & Chains will spend 25.4% of GDP this year, 25.1% in 2011 and 23.2% in 2012

In January the CBO released a detailed report on the nations budgetary outlook covering the period from 2010-2020

Key Findings Include:

$6 Trillion Dollars in additional Deficit Spending–$1.35 Trillion that we will see this year;

By the end of 2020 public debt is expected to be 67% of GDP;

Interest payments to service Obama’s Budget Deficits will skyrocket;

Annual spending on interest will triple;

More here and here from Reason Magazine

Related: Drowning in Debt: Obama Quadruples Federal Budget Deficit

The Trouble With Bonds Via Agora

Bad News for Obama, CNN Weekend Survey Results