Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama Announces Budget Busting $1.6 Trillion Dollar Deficit

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Standing next to Treasury Secretary Tax Cheat Timmy Geithner could not be a more fitting image as Obama announces his $3.8 Trillion Dollar Budget which will boost the budget deficit beyond any in our nations history.

During the 07 October, 2008 Presidential Debate in Nashville, TN Barack Obama said, “When George Bush came into office our debt–our national debt was around $5 Trillion its now almost $10 Trillion we’ve almost doubled it—but actually I’m cutting more than I am spending so that it will be a net spending cut.”


On the 20 November, I wrote here that during Obama’s first year in office the federal budget deficit has quadrupled from $459 Billion Dollars in 2008 to $1.85 Trillion Dollars last year.

How is quadrupling the federal budget deficit in one year, a net spending cut?

Related Posts: Debt Deluge: Here comes the $1.6 Trillion flood of red ink Via Michelle Malkin

The Budget Explained Via Politico

Big Government is Back with Growing Federal Payroll Via The Washington Times

Obama’s Spending Plan Anticipates $5.08 Trillion Dollar Deficits over Next 5 Years Via Politico

The Budget: Obama is living in The Matrix Via Another Black Conservative

Obama’s 17% Nagging Unemployment Rate

Friday, January 29th, 2010

Obama is full of it when he claims to have created or saved 2 million jobs, the nations unemployment rate is stuck at 10% and if one calculates those Americans who are so discouraged that they have stopped looking for employment or those under-employed, the jobless rate has been above 17% since September.

This is what we got for Obama’s $787 Billion Dollar now $862 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus program which the CBO says will cost American taxpayers more than originally believed.

More here Via The Washington Times

Related Posts: Obama chooses to double down on his bad hand Via NewsOK

Obama’s new Stimulus plan may be the needle that pops the Treasury Bond bubble Via Money Morning

Economic Black Hole: 20 Reasons why the U.S. Economy is Dying Via The Economic Collapse

Senate Raises Debt Ceiling Another $1.9 Trillion

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

Senate Democrats vote 60-40 to lift the debt ceiling another $1.9 Trillion Dollars to $14.3 Trillion Dollars, equal to about $45,000 per American.

The party line vote passed only because the Senate has yet to seat Senator-Elect Scott Brown, R-MA

More here Via Breitbart

Related Posts: Congress writing costly checks taxpayers can’t afford to cash Via The Hill

Obama signed $1.1 Trillion Dollar spending bill packed with over 5,000 earmarks Via Examiner

In one year public debt has risen from 41% to 53% of Gross Domestic Product Via Washington Examiner

Obama Puts Up Trade Barriers Endorsing Protectionism

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

Free Trade or Protectionism—Obama says one thing and does another.

During his State of the Union speech Barack Obama said, “We need to export more of our goods because the more products we make and sell to other countries, the more jobs we support right here in America….so tonight we set a new goal, we will double our exports over the next five years an increase that will support two million jobs in America.”

If Obama was really committed to trade and increased exports, why did he slap a 175% duty on electric blankets made in China the same day he delivered his State of the Union speech to a joint session of Congress.

Record Number of Young American’s Unemployed

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

The U.S. Recession has taken a particularly heavy toll on young American’s aged 20-24 who were neither in school or working jumped to 28% during Obama’s Watch up from 17% in 2007

More here Via Reuters

H/T: PoliJam Times

Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich Claims Non-Existent FOX News Led to 1994 GOP Congressional Majority

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Former Clinton Administration Secretary of Labor Robert Reich in his column yesterday at “In December, 1994…Dem’s had lost the House and Senate. Washington was riding a huge anti-incumbent wave…Newt Gingrich and Fox News leading the charge…”


FOX News was not even launched until 07 October, 1996

More here Via Andrew Breitbart Big Journalism

Obama’s Shifty Budgetary Positions

Tuesday, January 26th, 2010

Obama plans to announce a 3 year freeze on discretionary non-security spending during his first State of the Union address to a joint session of Congress tomorrow evening according to Senior White House officials.

The shifty policy move is intended to blunt the populist backlash against Obama’s $787 Billion Dollar now $862 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus program which the CBO says, will cost taxpayers more than originally believed, as more people are collecting unemployment benefits because they’ve lost jobs which the failed bill was supposed to have preserved.

Obama Shifty Budgetary Positions: Obama To Propose Spending Freeze

Obama Campaigned Against Spending Freeze

Home Sales: Largest Drop in 40 Years

Monday, January 25th, 2010

December home sales drop 40% in December—Largest drop in 40 years

Remember when VP Joe Biden said, Obama’s economic stimulus is working better than expected and that the stimulus created or saved 500,000 to 750,000 jobs so far.

Stimulus Funding Failed to Create Jobs Via New American

What is a saved job?

More here Via Yahoo Finance

Obama Proposes $90 Billion Dollar Bank Tax Upon Consumers

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

President Obama whose strengths is definitely not free market capitalism nor economic logic, proposes a 10 year bank fee (tax hike) which would  apply to about 50 Banks to cover the losses from the governments bailouts.

Anyone who has studied even elementary economics realizes that any bank fees imposed by the federal government, will be passed on to the Consumer in the form of increases in credit card interest rates, over-draft fees, maintenance account fees or whatever other creative gimmick in which banks will nickle and dime their customers.

While Obama Hood claims that the tax hikes imposed upon banks will only be temporary, “There is nothing more permanent than a temporary tax”—Author Unknown

Related Post: Obama–I will tax you to punish banks by John Stoseel, FOX Business

Obama Credits Stimulus With Creating 2 Million Jobs

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Is Barack Obama delusional or is he nothing more than a mouthpiece and will say anything for the Loony Liberal Lefties? Obama now claims that his
Economic Stimulus has created or saved 2 million jobs since he signed it into law in February.

Huh?  That would be definitely stunning news if it was true.

Since Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law in February, the nations unemployment rate worsened according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy continued to lose jobs in December for a total of 2.7 million jobs lost since Obama’s Economic Stimulus bill was enacted into law in February.

More here from Pro Publica