Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama Receives Failing Grade on “Bread & Butter” Issues

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Americans view of Obama’s
handling of Terrorism remains closely divided according to the latest USA Today/Gallup public opinion poll conducted between 08-10 January, 2010

While Obama has seen a slight uptick in his handing of Terrorism, his job approval numbers for handling the economy have continued to decline.

Obama’s handling of Health Care has continued to decline and now stand at the lowest level of his Presidency.

Obama’s handling of Foreign Policy is evenly divided but has continued to dip from the previous USA Today/Gallup poll conducted in November

More here from ABC News

Related Posts: Quinnipiac Poll: Obama neglecting focus on the Economy Via The

Americans Give Obama Mixed Report Card for his 1st Year Via The Wall Street Journal

Virginia receives $9.5 Million of Stimulus Dollars in non-existent zip code areas

Thursday, January 7th, 2010

As much as $9.5 Million Dollars of federal stimulus money has gone to Virginia in 14 zip code areas that don’t even exist according to Old Dominion Watch Dog the federal website that reports how the stimulus money is being used, lists funding and jobs created by zip code.

Nearly $650,000 was being reported as going to non-existent zip codes in New Mexico

Even with a real zip code, it took 7 hours for a small Midwestern business to report to the bureaucrats in Washington one $2,000 stimulus contract.

More here Via The Washington Examiner

Home Buyers Sign 16% Fewer Sales Contracts in November

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Home Buyers abandoned the market in droves during November, executing 16% fewer contracts than in October, following 9 months of gains. The drop exceeded analysts expectations.

More here from CNN Money

Related Posts: Contracts Down: Is Housing Headed for Double Dip? Via Yahoo News

Obama Claims Economy is Improving, How Does he Explain 140 Bank Failures Via Romanticpoet’s

2009 Bankruptcies Rise 32%

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

Didn’t Obama say how well his Stimulus is working for Americans by saving or creating thousands of good paying jobs?

During Obama’s Watch Bankruptcies Rise 32% in 2009 Where are all those good paying jobs Obama created or saved?

Obama Saved 935 jobs at a place that employs 508 people

Obama saved or created 30 jobs in non-existent Arizona Congressional District

On the 23 December, I wrote here Small Business Bankruptcies Rise 81% in California

Obama Nationalizes GMAC

Sunday, January 3rd, 2010

After first nationalizing Chrysler and Government Motors, the Obama Administration has announced plans to nationalize GMAC taxpayers will provide another $3.8 Billion Dollars to the troubled auto lender.

Will GMAC actually be able to pay the taxpayers back?

One can always hope—which is maybe just wishful thinking?

On the 19 November, I wrote here that Government Motors announced plans to repay their bailout back with taxpayers money.

Its Obama’s Economy—Democrat-Socialists Run For The Exits

Friday, January 1st, 2010

Will Democrat-Socialists continue to ignore the polls that a majority of Americans oppose ObamaCare and vote this year for the $2.5 Trillion Dollar health care bill?

On the 20 November, I wrote here that Democrat-Socialists which control Congress the federal budget deficit has quadrupled during Obama’s first year in office.

Remember when Obama said, “…I am cutting more than I’m spending so that it will be a net spending cut.” October 07, 2008 Presidential Debate, Nashville, TN

Dem recruits continue to head for the exits Democrat-Socialists are expecting huge losses in this years Congressional Elections.

Related Post: Are Democrats Exiting the Sinking Ship? Via Washington Examiner

High Volume of Connecticut Unemployment Claims Overwhelm Server

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Connecticut filers for unemployment compensation flooding their state agency have overwhelmed servers dragging the system to a crawl.

Obama’s Economic Recovery Act is working so well that 156,673 unemployment checks went out during the week of 13 December.

Connecticut Jobless Rate has increased 50% during Obama’s Watch compared to the same period one year ago.

More here from NBC News Hartford, Connecticut

Related Posts: Small Business Bankruptcies Rise 81% in California Via Free Republic

Economic Recovery is not as Strong as Previously Thought Via My Way News

Obama: We Cant Continue Treating Tax Dollars Like “Monopoly Money”

Monday, December 21st, 2009

Barack Obama says, “In the long run we can’t continue to spend as if deficits don’t have consequences, as if waste doesn’t matter, as if the hard earned tax dollars of the American people can be treated like monopoly money, that we’ve seen time and time again, Washington has become more concerned about the next election than the next generation.” Video here Via Real Clear Politics

Obama doesn’t mean it—last week Obama signed into law a $1.1 Trillion Dollar Spending bill containing over 5,000 earmarks and just today Obama praised Democrat-Socialists in the Senate for overcoming the health care filibuster efforts which is expected to cost the taxpayers at least $1.8 Trillion Dollars during the first 10 years.

Last month I wrote here that Obama Quadruples Federal Budget Deficit which is on an unsustainable path because the federal debt will continue to grow much faster than the economy over the long run.

China: World Can’t Buy More U.S. Debt

Sunday, December 20th, 2009

US Debt

China the largest holder of U.S. Debt says the world just does not have the money to continue to fund Obama’s Budget Deficit which has quadrupled during the first year of his watch with an out of control spending Democrat Congress.

Zhu Min, Deputy Director of the Peoples Bank of China said, “The United States can’t force foreign governments to increase their holdings of U.S. Securities…the world does not have so much money to buy more U.S. Treasuries.”

More here Via Shanghai Daily

Related Posts:

Where will Democrat-Socialists in Congress find the money to pay for ObamaCare? Real Cost of Harry Reid’s Health Care bill is projected to be $1.8 Trillion Dollars Via The Weekly Standard

Bankrupting America—During this past year U.S. Public Debt rises from 41 to 53% of GDP and is projected to grow reaching 85% of GDP by 2018, 100% by 2022 and 200% by 2038 Debt Crisis Portends Liberalism End Via The Washington Examiner

National Debt in Excess of Debt Limit

Wednesday, December 16th, 2009

Obama Grades Himself

While President Obama may believe that he deserves a B+ for his first year in office and an A- should Democrat Socialists in Congress send him legislation which nationalizes health care, continued unrestrained federal spending is bankrupting our country. Obama deserves nothing but a failing grade for his handling of the economy during his first year as President.

ObamaCare is projected to cost taxpayers by some estimates $2.5 Trillion Dollars adding to a ballooning budget deficit.

Today the Treasury Department announced that the national debt now exceeds the national debt limit, last raised by Congress in February to fund Obama’s failed Economic Stimulus.

On the 07 December, I wrote here that Obama’s Redistribution of Wealth have cost the taxpayers $246,436.00 per created job,  definitely not a very good expenditure of taxpayers money.

In August, most American wanted unused Stimulus Money returned to the Treasury but Democrat-Socialists in Congress, who are spending money like a drunken sailor, have chosen to ignore their constituents.

Remember when Candidate Obama, promised us that he would Restore Fiscal Discipline if elected President.

Riiight—Obama Lied

Update: Democrat-Socialists in House Vote to Raise Debt Limit by $290 Billion Dollars

If Obama’s plan to rescue the economy is working so well, why did the House Pass a New Jobs Bill?