Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama Campaigns for “Cash for Caulkers” at Home Depot

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009


Touting the success of his Cash-for-Clunkers program (which was just another government boondoggle) costing the taxpayers $24,000 per vehicle instead of the $3500 to $4500 rebates that were offered.

Obama today visited a Home Depot store campaigning for home energy efficiency tax credits and incentives, calling insulation sexy stuff and that saving money is sexy stuff.

Why should the taxpayers pay to make someones home more energy efficient? Obama says that his “Cash for Caulkers” program will help jump start the economy as he continues to blame the Bush Administration for unemployment, reiterating the same tired old rhetoric that his Administration policies have resulted in the best jobs report in two years.


On the 04 December, I wrote here the U.S. Unemployment rate in 2007 stood at 4.8% during the 4th quarter of 2007

U.S. unemployment currently stands at 10% during the 4th Quarter 2009 according to the U.S. Dept. of Labor

From February until presently there have been about 3.36 Million non-farm payroll jobs lost when will Obama begin taking responsibility for his own dismal economic failures?

Dem’s plan to Raise Debt Ceiling close to another $2 Trillion Dollars

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009

Debt Ceiling

As Democrat-Socialists plan to vote before their Christmas recess to raise the Debt Ceiling close to another $2 Trillion Dollars, quadrupling our debt during Obama’s Watch, Congress continues on with their spending spree, sending to the White House its latest porkulus $1.1 Trillion Dollar Omnibus Spending bill loaded with 5.224 earmarks.

Related Posts: Obama signs $1.1 Trillion Dollar spending bill containing over 5,000 earmarks

In One Year, U.S. Public Debt has risen from 41% to 53% of GDP Via Washington Examiner

Value Added Tax Won’t Solve Deficit Crisis Via Breitbart Big Government

Unemplyment Rate 10% Obama says, “Best jobs report since 2007”

Friday, December 4th, 2009



Barack Obama in Allentown, PA claims that 10% Unemployment is the best jobs report since 2007 and that his Administration has created or saved 1.6 million jobs.


The U.S. unemployment rate for persons 16 years of age and older was 4.8% in the 4th quarter up from 4.4% a year earlier, it remained below the 10 year averages for the 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s Source: U.S. Dept. of Labor

What is a “Saved Job” Mr. Obama?

Today’s small drop in the unemployment rate might be good news if it wasn’t for the 11,000 jobs lost—we’ve gone more than two years without creating any new jobs.

Why is the U.S. unemployment rate down 0.2% this month, because fewer people are now looking for work—the U.S. Labor force is at its lowest level since 1986

More here from the Washington Examiner

Bleak Friday in Dubai, Lesson for USA

Friday, November 27th, 2009


Dubai defaults on Debt payments—world markets stumble

The annual U.S. federal budget deficits as a percentage to Gross Domestic Product, has reached its highest point since the Second World War

U.S. Dollar falls to 14 month low against Japanese Yen Via Taipei Times

China #1 Creditor of U.S. Debts What lessons will the Democrat-Socialists in Congress learn from Dubai?

Related Posts: China’s 3 Leading Banks: No to holding Dubai World Bonds Via Xinhua News Agency

Dow dives more than 150 pts on Dubai Debt Crisis Via Daily Finance

If countries like Dubai began to fail, who will save them? Via Telegraph U.K.

CBO: Projections Senate ObamaCare Cost’s

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Sentate Health Care Bill Cost Chart

Congressional Budget Office Projections: Senate’s version of ObamaCare $1.8 Trillion Dollars

Senate Republicans released their own cost analysis of Democrat-Socialist Majority Leader Harry Reid’s Socialized Medicine health care bill, price tag $2.5 Trillion Dollars

Senate Republicans Chart depicts the degree of deception Via The Weekly Standard

Related Post: We Pay Them to Lie to Us by John Stossel—Real Clear Politics

Gold Prices Soar To New Record, Fueling Inflation Concerns

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009


A young woman in Taiwan, holds two 37.5 grams of gold from the Bank of Taiwan—Gold prices soar to new record highs as the dollar continues to weaken during Obama’s Watch.

Inflation Worries: What we can learn from Japan Via Seeking Alpha

Significant Numbers of Policy Makers are Clueless Via Naked Capitalism

The “Real Jobless Rate” 17.5% of American Workers Unemployed Via CNBC

The government has spent $3.5 Trillion Dollars during Obama’s first year in office shattering records Bush spent $1.8 Trillion in 2001

There was a time when Candidate Obama promised that he was a proponent of pay as you go saying, “…every dollar that I’ve proposed, I’ve proposed an additional cut…we’re going to have to embrace a culture and an ethic of responsibility…”

Obama Lied—Would say Anything to get elected.

ObamaCare Costs—Mandate States to Raise their Taxes

Tuesday, November 24th, 2009

Obama Deficits

Only a Washington Politician could come up with this…

A novel way to not be blamed for another round of federal tax increases to pay for a Washington boondoggle—require States to raise their taxes to fund the government takeover of health care.

Health Care Reform & Taxes—Big State Tax Hikes Coming by Dick Morris Via The National Ledger

Related: Another California Crisis: Unemployment Fund Facing $7.4 Billion Dollar Deficit Via Mercury News

Obama Quadruples Federal Budget Deficit

Friday, November 20th, 2009

Budge Deficits

Even though President Obama has repeatedly promised that he would cut the federal budget deficit, the deficit has quadrupled during Obama’s watch.

Bush Deficit -v- Obama Deficit

The U.S. is close to $12 Trillion Dollars in Debt by Rep. Michelle Bachmann R-MN

Congressional Budget Office Chief, “Under current federal law, the federal budget deficit is on an unsustainable path because federal debt will continue to grow much faster than the economy over the long run.”

Rest here from CBO Director’s Blog

Obama’s Economic Stimulus Hoax—Nearly 80,000 New Phantom Jobs

Thursday, November 19th, 2009

Stimulus Jobs

Nearly 80,000 stimulus jobs not saved or created around the country and the list continues to grow.

Five Pennsylvania Congressional Districts which don’t exist have received a combined $12.6 Million Dollars in taxpayers money which somehow created 32.2 jobs according to the website created by the Obama Administration to track the $787 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus money going out the door.

$9 Million Dollars in taxpayers money approved to build pedestrian footbridge for the NFL New England Patriots

Get ready for the Economic Stimulus Sequel, Democrat-Socialist House Speaker Nancy Pelosi-CA announced today a new economic pump-priming legislation which is being promised would maximize job creation.


Related Posts: Stimulus Jobs Boost in State Exaggerated Review Finds Via Boston Globe

Stimulus Jobs Lies: The Exclamation Point Via Marathon Pundit

Obamanomics—Labor Markets Worst Is Yet To Come

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

Great Depression Unemployment Line

Think the worst is over? Wrong—Conditions in the U.S. Labor Markets are awful and worsening. While the official unemployment rate is already 10.2% another 200,000 jobs were lost in October and when you include discouraged workers and partially unemployed the figure is a whopping 17%

While losing 200,000 jobs per month is better than 700,000 jobs lost in January, current job losses still average more than the per month rate of 150,000 jobs during the last recession.

Rest here NY Daily News

Related: Obama Administration Jobs “Saved or Created” in Congressional Districts that Don’t Exist Via ABC News