Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Protests Flare At Steve Israel, ObamaCare Forum

Wednesday, October 7th, 2009

Obama Printing Press
Democrat-Socialist Rep. Steve Israel of NY holds a ObamaCare Townhall meeting his Constituents protest massive amounts of porkulus spending and tell him “stop printing money.”

Remember when then Senator Obama was campaigning for President and vowed to restore fiscal discipline just like a lying politician, say anything to get elected.

Democrat-Socialists that control Congress have increased the national debt by more than $1 Trillion Dollars so far and they are just getting started.

Unemployment 9.8% Highest in 26 Years

Friday, October 2nd, 2009

Obama Economics

V.P. Joe Biden upon receiving word today that the Unemployment rate hits a 26 year high and stands at 9.8% said, “The first quarter of the year we were losing jobs at an average of 700,000 jobs per month, month after month…in the Quarter that ended this week the loss was 250,000 jobs per month two-thirds less.”

That is something to write home about?

Back in the day—one month ago, Joe Biden was telling us how Obama’s Economic Stimulus was working better than expected and the “plan has created or saved 500,000 to 750,000 jobs.” Really? Where do those numbers come from?

When Jimmy Carter was President unemployment during his watch was 7% many believe that Carter was the worst President in the 20th century.

The real unemployment rate hits 17% in September 0.2% higher from August which includes Americans who have stopped looking for work or who can not find jobs.

If Carter was the worst President in the 20th century, what does that make Obama?

Obama Naivety, Foreign Policy and Chinese Tires

Thursday, September 17th, 2009

Obama Protectionism

China Condemns U.S. Tariffs on Tires as Protectionism
Via FOX News

Last week Obama back tracked on his own commitments and slapped 35% punitive tariffs on all car and light truck tires entering the United States from China.

Protectionism is shortsighted even for Obama. With mounting debts during Obama’s watch and CBO projections that the U.S. National Debt will nearly double over the next 10 years, who will be willing to continue to finance Democrat-Socialists spending spree?

In July, while many foreign investors were selling off U.S. Debt Securities, Central Banks in China and Japan, continued to finance Democrat-Socialists insatiable appetite to spend money that we don’t have.

In May, Obama said during a C Span interview “were out of money now” when asked about the exploding USA deficit. In August I wrote here since Obama took office in January, his deficit spending will exceed all of Bush’s deficits. In 2009, federal spending per household is $30,958 representing the largest expansion of government spending since 1952 and up 57% since 2001

China is the single largest creditor of the USA owning just over $800 Billion Dollars in July, 2009 followed by Japan.

Obama slapping tariffs on Chinese tires entering the USA is yet another further illustration of his naivety and lack of any coherent foreign policy.

Related Post: U.S. Scraps Missile Defense Shield Plans Via CNN

Obama Administration to scrap missile defense shield made on 70th Anniversary of Soviet invasion of Poland

Barack Obama Surrenders to Russia on Missile Defense
Via Telegraph UK

China, Tires and a Clear Way Forward Via Chamber Post

Creating American Jobs Through Global Trade
Via U.S. Chamber of Commerce

China Strikes Back on Trade Via The Temasek Review

Tea Party Express, Thousands Rally In DC

Saturday, September 12th, 2009

Taxpayer Rally

Via Washington Times

Tens of thousand of  protesters, rally today in Washington, DC to demonstrate against ObamaCare, continued wasteful federal spending, resentment over Democrat-Socialists nationalizing the auto industry, banks and insurance companies.

Related Posts: Tea Party protesters drown out
CNN Reporter Via Breitbart TV

Thousands Rally in Capital to Protest Big Government
Via Beltway Blips

Obama’s New Era of Responsibility?

Tuesday, September 8th, 2009

New Era of Responsibility

Remember “Hope-n-Change” new era of responsibility? Obama pretends to be frugal as we sink deeper into debt now the Obama Administration asks the Senate to Raise the National Debt Ceiling above $12 Trillion Dollars.

Six months ago I wrote here when does deficit spending end and fiscal responsibility begin? In July, I wrote here that ObamaCare will blow up the federal budget deficit even larger than it is now, denying health care to some Americans in order to hold down costs.

China the nations largest creditor and holder of  $2 Trillion Dollars in U.S. Securities is alarmed by U.S. Money Printing saying, “If they keep printing money to buy bonds it will lead to inflation and after a year or two, the dollar will fall hard…”

Related Posts: Shame doesn’t appear to be part of the
Era of Red Ink Via The Washington Examiner

It’s the Deficit, Stupid by Dick Morris

Tea Party Express Roars to DC
Via The Washington Times

Tea Party Express Tour

Unemployment 9.7%—26 Year High

Friday, September 4th, 2009


Via Yahoo Finance

During Obama’s watch, unemployment rises to 9.7%
a 26 year high.

VP Joe Biden is goofy, claiming that Obama’s $787 Billion Dollar Stimulus is in fact working so well.

So where are all the millions of jobs the Obama Administration promised us they were going to create? The Administration earlier this year predicted that unemployment would peak at 9% without the Stimulus  and 8% if Congress hurried and passed his Stimulus bill.

Related Post: How Obama’s Stimulus Kills Job Creation
Via The Heritage Foundation

Real USA Unemployment Rate 16%

Friday, August 28th, 2009


The real U.S. unemployment rate is 16% during Obama’s watch when counting workers that have dropped out of the labor pool either because they’re discouraged or have just stopped looking and have given up on finding a new job according to a Federal Reserve official.

On the 01 August, Obama announced that because of his success in handling the economy, the U.S. unemployment rate fell in July to 9.4 %  while disregarding the many U.S. workers that were not included in the real U.S. unemployment totals.

Obama has no real plan on managing the economic mess that he along with Democrat-Socialists in Congress have created, their solution is more and more federal spending which is not working but is bankrupting the economy leading us down a wide path to catastrophe and not prosperity.

Related Post: Gov. Palin and President Kennedy Agree:
Tax Cuts Help Economy Via Conservatives4Palin

White House Screws Up Cash-For-Clunkers

Thursday, August 20th, 2009

Cash For Clunkers

Democrat-Socialists can’t run the “Cash for Clunkers” program and want to take over health care for all Americans.

Oh My!

More here from Breitbart—NY Dealers pull out of “Clunkers” program.

Obama Deficit Grew Another $181 Billion In July

Monday, August 10th, 2009

Economic Stimulus

Under Obama’s watch, the federal budget deficit grew another $181 Billion Dollars in July to a record of $1.8 Trillion Dollars for the 2009 fiscal year.

Democrat-Socialists want to add another $2.1 Trillion Dollars of runaway spending to the ballooning federal budget deficit by imposing ObamaCare—Socialized Medicine on us.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA and  House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-MD says that those of us who oppose ObamaCare are unpatriotic and “un-American.”

More here from FOX News

Related Post:

Drowning out opposing-views is-simply un-American
Michelle Malkin

Obama’s Smoke & Mirrors Economic Recovery

Saturday, August 1st, 2009

Unemployment USA

Via Hot Air

Initial applications for unemployment benefits continues to rise under Obama’s watch—for the week ending 25 July, new claims for benefits rose 25,000 as more than 584,000 American’s applied for unemployment benefits for the first time.

Obama and his MSM propagandists claim that the dip of  just 1% in the GDP in the second quarter is much better than expected providing the strongest signal yet, that the economy is headed in the right direction.

Kurt Nimmo—Infowars: Here is what Obama and the MSM did not report…the GDP is highly prone to revisions, the numbers may change plus or negative 2% or more over the next few months.

Quarter 1 was revised to -6.4% from -5.5% so even though Quarter 2 beat the consensus of -1.5% overall we’re in worse shape than expected…the GDP does not take into account Obama’s $1.5 Trillion Dollar Deficit.

Rest here from Ancavge