Archive for the ‘Economy’ Category

Obama & Democrats Sink In Latest Poll

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Obama Latest Poll Numbers

In the latest Wall Street Journal/NBC News Poll Obama & Democrat-Socialists continue to sink rapidly and the percentage of people that approve of the way that Obama is handling the economy has fallen below 50% for the first time.

ObamaCare is taking a toll on the President’s approval with only 41% of American approving of the way Obama is handling the Health Care debate, while 46% disapprove.

Democrat-Socialist’s have lost the confidence of the American people, while the GOP have taken a six-point advantage—On the related issue, controlling government spending, in 2007 Democrats held a 16 point advantage over Republicans, now all that has changed with the GOP now holding a 9 point lead.

More here from The Washington Examiner

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Obama Economic Stimulus, Tall On Promises

Thursday, July 30th, 2009

Obama Economic Stimulus Promising Jobs

Obama is Tall on promises, just really short on results.

In Oregan where lawmakers spent $176 Million Dollars of the Economic Stimulus money, Democrat-Socialists are taking credit in creating 3,226 new jobs in the first 3 months.

These Loony Liberals left out a whole heck of a lot in their story, what didn’t they tell us, is more important than what they did.

The 3,226 jobs were Temporary—only 35 hours, after that the workers were let go and were again unemployed.

More here from Breitbart

Cash For Clunkers Unexpected Consequences

Friday, July 24th, 2009

Cash For Clunkers
Via Consumer Reports

Cash For Clunkers final rules are to be released today, consumers will have until the 01 November to trade in their used cars for a federally funded credit towards a new more fuel efficient car.

Germany’s “cash for clunkers” program hit a few unexpected potholes, hurting businesses that sell used cars, spare parts companies, scrap metal yards, body shops and auto repair businesses.

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Rahm Emanuel: “We Rescued The Economy…”

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Rahm Emanuel

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel told the NYT, Obama intends to use tonight’s Presidential News Conference as a “six month report card,” to talk about “how we rescued the economy…”


In February when “Hope-n-Change” assured Americans that if his $787 Billion Dollar stimulus was passed, unemployment would not rise above 8% as of the first of July, unemployment has risen to 9.5%—there are 2.6 million fewer Americans working today since Obama took office.

More here from Flopping Aces

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Obama’s Dwindling Power by Dick Morris

Obama Administration Delaying Release of Key Economic Report by Michael A. Fletcher, Washington Post

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Government Motors Post 22% Decline In Sales

Wednesday, July 22nd, 2009

Govt. Motors

Via CNN Money

Under the leadership of the Obama Administration, Government Motors sales fall 22% globally during 1st half of 2009

More here from Anti-Dismal

Obama Pleads For Patience On The Economy

Saturday, July 11th, 2009

Obama Stimulator

Stimulus Confusion or political psycho-babble?

In February, Obama Budget Chief Peter Orszag said, Stimulus money was to be spent quickly but in reality, only about 10% of Obama’s, “shovel ready” stimulus has been spent and now, some White House staffers are already seeking a second stimulus.

Hopefully not because Obama’s first stimulus was so successful?

In February Obama promised the unemployment rate would top out at 8% but without the stimulus would peak at 9%

On the 02 July the Labor Department reported that 14.7 Million Americans are currently out of work and the nations Unemployment rate now stands at 9.5%

Joe Biden acknowledged  recently what “Hope-n-Change” and White House Staffers never admit publicly, we misread the economy but Biden stands by the stimulus.

Oh My!

Today, Obama says, more time is needed for his $787 Billion Dollar stimulus to work, pleading for patience now warns that unemployment likely will top 10% in the coming months.

Wrong in February, how much confidence should anyone have in Obama’s forecast?

Guessing on the economy, sinking us further and further in debt and delivering billions in stimulus dollars to areas of the country that voted overwhelmingly for Obama in 2008

Stimulus confusion, political psycho-babble and political cronyism—all recipes for economic disaster.

California Budget Woes, Not The State’s Fault?

Friday, July 10th, 2009

California Issues IOU's

Stephen Levy, Senior Economist at the Center for Continuing Study of the California Economy doesn’t know why the State of California is Bankrupt and now issuing IOU’s—it isn’t the State’s fault.


Rest here from Doug Ross @ Journal

Former Disgraced Chinese Auto Executive To Build Auto Plant In Alabama?

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

China USA

Former disgraced Chinese Auto Executive Yang Rong claims to have the support of former VP Al Gore, to build a new automotive plant in Alabama, which would create thousands of jobs?

How often have we been reminded? If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.

First question people should be asking, show me the money?

Full article here Birmingham Business Journal

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Yang Rong, The Right Man For ‘Bama?

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Stocks Slide As June Unemployment Hits 9.5%

Thursday, July 2nd, 2009

Dow Jones Industrial Average
Employers cut more jobs than expected in June, pushing the unemployment rate to 9.5% a 26 year high at this hour, the stock market is off  170.57 0r 2.1%

Yesterday I wrote here that the MSM has attempted to spin the nations unemployment rise by saying, “job market shows some improvement…market deteriorating at a slower pace.”

More here from Yahoo Finance

Obama’s Plan For Job Growth Is Working?

Wednesday, July 1st, 2009


Great news? Obama’s plan to stimulate the economy and prevent more job losses resulted in only 473,000 jobs lost last month, the pace of job losses has slowed, an improvement from May.

OK? Oh My…

Obama’s MSM Cheerleaders spin, “Job market shows some improvement…market deteriorating at slower pace”

More here from CNN