Archive for the ‘Fascism’ Category

Saudi’s Host U.N. Human Rights Summit While Blogger Imprisoned For Insulting Islam to Be Flogged

Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

Saudi Arabia

(The Independent) Saudi Arabia hypocrites host UN backed Human Rights summit while Blogger Raif Badawi imprisoned and sentenced to 10 years according to Amnesty Intl will receive 1000 lashes for insulting Islam.

In 2014 Badawi was found guilty by a Saudi court for insulting ‘Islamic values’ by promoting liberal thought and ‘going beyond the realm of obedience’ in 2012 by suggesting the kingdom should become more democratic.

Flashback: On the 02 June, the Natl Review reported that the ‘Clinton Foundation’ accepted millions of dollars in donations from the Saudi kingdom together with lavish gifts to Hillary Clinton from the late King Abdullah while she was Secy of State.

More here from CBC News Montreal

Related: Saudi Court Upholds 1,000 Lash Penalty for Blogging –Newsmax

Outrageous! ISIS Takes Children to Beheading of Libyan Soldier for ‘Educational Purposes’

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

ISIS Public Beheading(RT News) ISIS Beheads Libyan Soldier in Front of Children for ‘
Educational Purposes’ –Image Courtesy: Libya Al Hurra@Twitter

On the 30 April, I wrote here about the 16th century Dominican Pope, which Obama could learn a thing or two from (if he’d be a student of history and willing to learn from it, I digress) Saint Pius V, implemented steps to stop the spread of militant Islam, bringing together both Spanish and Italian Naval forces, winning a dramatic and decisive battle against the Muslim barbarians of his day.

Flashback: Remember a year ago when Obama said ‘the world is less violent than it has ever been.’


H/T: Barracuda Brigade

ISIS Threatens 1,650 Year Old St. Matthew’s Monastery in Iraq Filled With Christians

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

ISIS Threatens Monastery(Pravmir) St. Matthew’s Monastery founded in 363 AD survived the Ottoman and Persian Empires, the Mongol invaders and Kurdish conquests–it has served as a refuge for persecuted Christians for centuries but today, is being threatened by ISIS Jihad Thugs.

When ISIS stormed the City of Mosul (just 20 miles away) the Monastery’s thick stone walls became a safe haven to Christians and other religious refugees that sought refuge there.

“We can see the battles and the airstrikes from here–especially at night. The sky lights up at night but we of course are not scared, God protects us.” said Fr. Yousif Ibrahim, one of the three Monks that live at St. Matthew’s Monastery.

Before Iraq fell into chaos, St. Matthew’s Monastery was home to thousands of Nuns, Priests and students–the ancient Chapel there traces its founding back to the time of Jesus Christ–some of its earliest founders may have personally known Jesus.

St. Matthew’s Monastery houses one of the most ancient Christian libraries in the region. On the 01 February, I wrote here that when ISIS Thugs invaded and ransacked the Central Library in Iraq Mosul a month before, they were on a mission to destroy a familiar enemy–other peoples ideas which included: Children’s stories, Poetry, Philosophy, volumes on Sports, Health, Culture and Science, only leaving behind Islamic texts.

ISIS has previously vowed to destroy all Christian historical sites in areas that fall under its control. Last July, ISIS Jihadists destroyed the ‘Prophet Jonah’ tomb, they have smashed ancient Iraq artifacts and have also desecrated Churches both in Iraq and Syria.

St. Matthew’s Monastery (another view of the Monastery) is built like a fortress into the side of a mountain (Mt. Al-Faf) last Summer, Kurdish Soldiers were able to push back ISIS to about 4 miles away but today, the ancient Monastery is in danger of falling to ISIS again.

  • Flashback: Remember in 2009 when in Egypt when President Obama claimed “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance” and a year ago when Obama claimed “the world is less violent than it has ever been.”
  • Remember in December when Hillary Clinton claimed that America must ’empathize’ with its enemies.

President Obama and Hillary Clinton are either intentional liars or delusional and actually believe what they say, living in their own world of butterflies and daisies.

Related: President Obama’s Foreign Policy Mess –FOX News

New ISIS Recruitment Propaganda Guide Ends With Disturbing Message for the West

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

ISIS Guide(Center for Security Policy) Abu Rumaysah, a British Jihadist that fled the UK to join ISIS in Syria has released an e-book guide (pictured) targeting Western recruits and compares territories under the Islamic genocidal Jihadist Caliphate to a ‘plush holiday resort.’

When describing the food, Rumaysah writes: “If you thought you would be living on stale bread and septic water then erase that culinary fib from your mind. The great thing about food in the Caliphate is its freshness. You can be sure that the vegetables your crunch down on, basked gloriously in the sunshine before reaching your dinner plate and what about the olive groves? Yes there are plenty of them and the pickles are rich oils that spring them beat anything from your locals Tescos.”

Rumaysah boasts of education offered in the Caliphate: “There are no classes promoting homosexuality, evolution, music, drama, interfaith and the rest of the rubbish taught in non-Muslim schools. You(r) child’s delicate mind is well and truly protected in the Caliphate,” — Subsequently claiming, “Despite the strict curriculum, the Caliphate ‘screams diversity’ and has become a ‘magnet for talent…If you thought London or New York was cosmopolitan then wait until you step foot in the Islamic State because it screams diversity.”

There is however no mention to the sex-slave markets, beheading children, genocide for being Gay, dismemberment, stoning, together with other acts of violence and tyranny widely reported  in Iraq and Syria.

The guide ends with a chilling message for the West: “When we descend on the streets of London, Paris and Washington the taste will be far bitter because not only will we spill your blood but we will demolish your statues, erase your history and most painfully, convert your children who will then go on to champion our name and curse their forefathers.” 

H/T: Frank Gaffney

Where’s the Moral Outrage by the MSM & Left? Women Working in Iraq Testify About Genocide of Christians by ISIS

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Iraq WomenIslamic Religious Police Install Posters Outlining the Laws of
Female Dress Code in Iraq Mosul –Image Courtesy: Amy Mek@Twitter

Christians Iraq(CNA) ‘Iraqi Christians Have Lost Everything Except Their Faith’
Sister Momeka, Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena Tells Congress


Obama’s foreign policy is based upon how he expects the world to operate than how it actually is.

Related: Women Working in Iraq Testify About Genocide of Christian

Loony Liberal Lefty CNN Guest: Radical Islam is a ‘Made-Up Idea’

Prominent American Muslim Newspaper Publisher Claims Pam Geller is Worse Than ISIS

Monday, May 11th, 2015

Mohammed Cartoon

#EverybodyDrawMohammed — In the Next Art & Cartoon Contest

Osama-Siblani“They’re really getting hysterical and this speaks volumes,” writes (my friend) Pam Geller. Prominent American Muslim Newspaper Publisher Osama Siblani appeared on a weekend news program in Michigan and claimed:

Pam Geller “she is a hatemonger. She is drawing incitement and violence. Let me talk a little about ISIS. ISIS is a hate group exactly like Pamela Geller. She is drawing killers, she makes killers, she is inviting killers to come in…She is worse than ISIS. She is worse than ISIS.”


Islamic/ISIS apologist Osama Siblani is out of his mind.

Related: ISIS Slaughter 300 Yazidi Captives in Northern Iraq

ISIS Forces Girls to Undergo Virginity Surgeries & Marries Them Off 20X

Loony Liberal Lefty CNN Guest: Radical Islam in a ‘Made-Up Idea”

ISIS Calls on Muslims Everywhere to Kill Christians – New ISIS Video Shows Executions of Ethiopian Christians in Libya

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Obama ISIS is JV(Ynet) New ISIS Video Shows Execution of Ethiopian Christians
in Libya –Image: Atomiktiger

On the 09 April, I wrote here that ISIS continues on its path of destruction against Christians in Iraq and Syria; On the 13 February, I wrote here that ISIS Calls on Muslims Everywhere to Kill Christians

Is Obama and Hillary Clinton Doing Their Part by Acquiescence?

Islamic Fascist Iran (Obama Administration’s Peace Partner) Building Suicide ‘Kamikaze’ Drones

Friday, April 10th, 2015

Iran Drone(JPost) U.S. Army Report: Islamic Fascist Iran (Obama Administration
Peace Partner)
Building ‘Kamikaze’ Drones for Hamas & Hezbollah

Related: Iran Tests Kamikaze Drones in Military Exercises –IIT

H/T: Anne Bayefsky@Twitter

ISIS Continues Defacing Churches in Iraq & Syria as Assault on Christianity Accelerates

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

ISIS Virgin Mary(The Guardian)  ISIS Continues Assault on Christianity in Iraq & Syria
Image Courtesy: KurdNews12@Twitter

ISIS Before...ISIS Destroyed Image of Cross in Iraq Mosul Ahead of Easter
Images Courtesy: Steven Nabil@Twitter

ISIS AfterISIS Symbol of a Black Flag Where Cross Once Was

Christians SyriaChristians Returning to Syria to Ruins of Churches that ISIS Destroyed
Image: Franciscan Foundation of the Holy Land@Twitter

Christianity SyriaChristian Community in Syria Idlib, ISIS Replaced Holy Virgin Mary
with Black Islamic State Flag –Image Courtesy: Yromme@Twitter

  • Flashback: On the 25 July, I wrote and annexed images here of ISIS Jihadists destroying the ‘Prophet Jonah’s Tomb’ from the 14th Century in Iraq — Courtesy of Obama’s Disengagement Foreign Policy

Related: Cardinal Filoni’s Visit to Iraq’s Persecuted Christians Concludes

Obama Finally Admits Nuclear Deal with Islamic Fascist Iran Assures They’ll Obtain the Bomb

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

Hezbollah(FOX News) Obama Concedes Islamic Fascist Iran’s Breakout Time
for Nuclear Weapons is 0 to 13 Yrs —
Hezbollah Approves of Obama’s
Framework of a Nuke Deal
–Image Courtesy: Anne Bayefsky