The Carbon Neutral Myth: Offsets Indulgences For Your Climate Sins
Related Posts: Climate Change Lies Exposed—Express UK
James Cameron Backs Out of Global Warming Debate That He Organized–NewsBusters
Didn’t the Obama’s just recently return from vacationing in Maine, before President Obama announced the New Federal Greenhouse Gas Reduction Policy on unnecessary travel?
President Obama’s Personal Greenhouse Gas Reduction Exemption:
Michelle Obama and her daughter Sasha will now be taking yet another vacation at taxpayer expense this time to Spain, with unspecified family friends next week during President Obama’s Birthday–White House Press Corp unwelcome.
Elitist—Michelle Obama has reserved some 30 hotel rooms at a 5 Star Hotel for her guests and Security Detail.
More here from The Hill–Blog Briefing Room
James Cameron and Robert Kennedy, Jr. “You are who your friends are.” –Author Unknown
Director James Cameron, lashes out at FOX News Glenn Beck at a news conference Tuesday, offering to debate Beck on Environmental and Political issues.
Asked what he thought about Glenn Beck during a junket appearance in support of the “Avatar” home video release, Cameron said, “Glenn Beck is a f—ing a–hole. I’ve met him, he called me the anti-Christ and not about “Avatar” yet…”
Cameron was apparently referring to Beck’s reaction to his 2007 documentary “The Lost Tomb of Jesus” which casts doubt about the resurrection of Jesus Christ and makes the case that the ancient “Tomb of the Ten Ossuaries” belonged to Jesus Family.
Rest here from The Hollywood Reporter
Related: Glenn Beck responds to James Cameron (video) Via The Hollywood Reporter
The Institute of Physics said “worrying implications” had been raised after it was revealed the University of East Angila had manipulated data on global warming.
On Monday, Climategate Researcher Phil Jones, was grilled by the UK Science & Technology Committee, and admitted to withholding data about global temperatures but attempted to excuse his behavior because information was available elsewhere online.
On the 15 February, I wrote here that Jones came clean and admitted that there has been no global warming since 1995
In later testimony, Jones claimed that it was not “standard practice” to release data and computer models so other scientists could check and challenge research.
More here from Daily Mail UK
Private industries and governments around the world have spent trillions of dollars in the same of saving the planet, on man-made global warming. Academic institutions, think tanks and schools, have altered their curricula and agenda to accommodate what was seen as the global warming consensus.
Mounting evidence suggests that claims of man made global warming might turn out to be the greatest hoax in mankind’s history.
The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) has had to retract its claims that up to 40% of the amazonian rain forests were at risk from global warming and would likely be replaced by “tropical savannas” if temperatures continued to rise.
Read full article here by Walter E. Williams, Ph.D. Via The Washington Examiner
Study published in 2009 that sea levels would rise by up to 82cm by the end of the century—reports author now says the estimate is still unknown.
Scientist have been forced to withdraw on projected sea level rise due to global warming after finding mistakes that undermine the findings.
Rest here Via The Guardian UK
Professor Phil Jones of Britain’s University of East Anglia has admitted in an interview with the BBC, that there has been no statistical significant warming of the earths atmospheric temperatures since 1995
Rest here Via The Washington Examiner
Related: The Hottest Hoax in the World by Ninad D. Sheth Via Open Magazine
World may not be warming, say scientists Via Times Online UK
The Global Warmist’s Desperate Dance of Death Via Breitbart–Big Journalism
Another beautiful smoggy day in Beijing.
China calls on Obama to offer sharper carbon cuts following Obama Administration Senior Aides promising a “robust” engagement at Copenhagen Climate Change Conference.
State Sponsored Propaganda: PRC reaffirmed its willingness to work with the United States for mutual benefit following Obama’s State of the Union Speech.
Riiight…Chinese Communist Party will say anything.
Beijing renewed its commitment to step up efforts in pollution and emissions controls.
What is Obama’s response? During his State of the Union speech last night, Obama called on Congress to pass comprehensive Cap & Trade legislation, praising the House passage last year and called on the Senate to do the same.
Cap & Trade is a jobs killer and the Obama Administration own Treasury Department concluded that it will cost taxpayers $200 Billion annually, the cost per American Families $1,761 per year the equivalent to hiking personal income taxes by 15%
Inseparable Moonbats—Goofy Al Gore with equally Nutty Danny Glover, they look like such a happy couple.
Danny Glover blames Haitian 7.0 Earthquake on Global Warming
Loony Liberal Lefties will blame maybe anything on Global Warming?
In November, 2008 Al Gore blamed Climate Change for the destruction of the Mayan Civilization