Archive for the ‘Global Warming’ Category

Global Warming Out—USA may have worst winter in 25 years

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

Nearly the entire Eastern half of the United States is enduring bitterly cold temperatures not experienced since 1985 the last time a large swath of severely cold temperatures struck the nation was 25 years ago.

More here from

Related: Four Scientists: Global Warming Out, Global Cooling In Via Whats Up With That?

Britain braced for heaviest snowfall in 50 years Via Telegraph UK

Real Science—No Rise of Atmospheric CO2 Levels in Past 160 Years

Friday, January 1st, 2010

News that Al Gore, MSM and the Obama Wingnuts may not want you to know.

Real Scientists say, “New research finds that airborne fraction of carbon dioxide (which all of us of course exhale  by breathing) has not increased either during the past 150 years or during the the most recent five decades, contrary to some recent studies.”

More here Via Science Daily

Related Posts: Snowstorm Squelches Global Warming Protest Via Salt Lake City Tribune

Hiding Evidence:  Junk Science Exposed among Climate Change Believers Via Washington Times

Climate Change Hysteria, Pets Are Serious Threat To The Environment

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Man’s Best Friend could be  one of the environments worst enemies, according to a new study which hypothesizes the carbon paw print of a dog is more than double that of a gas guzzling sports utility vehicle.

Other animals are not much better according to Global Warming Soothsayers, Cats have an eco-footprint slightly less than driving a VW Gold for a year,  while two hamsters equates to a plasma television, even tiny little Goldfish are not spared, allegedly burning enough energy equal to two mobile phones.

Will Obama’s put Bo down and buy a Pet Rock to save the planet?

How many carbon emissions do Santa’s Reindeer emit during their global Christmas Eve trip? Should we cancel Christmas to save the planet?

More here Via Yahoo News

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi Travels to Copenhagen to Help Lower Unemployment?

Thursday, December 17th, 2009


House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has traveled to the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen, with 20 other House Members which include 6 Republicans to help lower unemployment saying, “We see Copenhagen as a meeting about job creation…”


According to Pelosi, the group will meet with representatives from countries involved in the climate talks as well as business leaders and advocacy groups to discuss job creation.

Does this include Islamic Fascist President Ahmadinejad of Iran & Marxist Hugo Chavez of Venezuela?  Both have attended the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen.

More here from The Washington Examiner

Related Posts: Pelosi Leads U.S. Delegation to Copenhagen Using 2 Air Force Jets Via NY Post

Queen Elizabeth is Not to Proud to use Public Transportation, Catches Train to Sandringham for Christmas

Al Gore Uses Misleading Data at UN Climate Change Conference

Tuesday, December 15th, 2009


A group of 125 countries including China and India boycotted the UN Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen on Monday.

More here from Yahoo News

Related Post: Inconvenient Truth for Al Gore, as his North Pole Sums Don’t Add Up Via Times Online UK

UN Climate Change Conference Huge Carbon Footprint

Monday, December 14th, 2009

Carbon Footprint

The UN Climate Change Conference will generate more carbon emissions than any previous climate conference, equivalent annual output of over a half a million Ethiopians.

On the 10 December I wrote here that Climate Change Delegates are using 1400 gas guzzling limos and Obama plans on flying back across the pond this week to attend the Climate Change Conference after his round trip excursion last week to pick up his Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, Norway last week.

More here Via Reuters

When Protesting is Patriotic?

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Loony Liberal Leftists

Democrat-Socialists in Washington and MSM are silent about these Liberal Loony Leftists protesting outside United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen yesterday where the temperatures reached a high in the lower 40’s

These goofy protesters must make their Mother’s very proud?

More photos here from Peoples Daily Online China

In August I wrote here House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA called Townhall Protesters Un-American

Norwegians Incensed as “The One” Cancels Nobel Prize Events

Thursday, December 10th, 2009

Obama Lord Messiah
Norwegians are angered that “The One” President of the World, feels he is too good to attend a series of events honoring Nobel prize recipients.

Obama has arrived in Norway to collect his $1.4 Million Dollar prize check, a gold medal and a diploma and plans to spend 26 hours there before heading back to Washington.

Next week, Obama plans on flying back across the pond to attend the last day of the Climate Change Conference,  just how much carbon pollutants will Obama cause because of his frequent flying?

Wouldn’t it be better if Obama was really so concerned about the effects of his carbon footprint on the environment to travel first to Norway and then to Copenhagen during the same trip?

More here Obama’s Nobel Snub Angers Norwegians Via The Guardian

Related Posts: You’ll hardly know he is gone: Obama to Oslo Via The Washington Examiner

China claims that its “One Child Policy” helps to slow global warming Via Xinhua News Agency

Saving the Planet, 1200 gas guzzling limos and 140 private airplanes at a time Via Dakota Voice

Obama’s EPA Knows Best, Kill Jobs to Save the Planet

Tuesday, December 8th, 2009

Obama Knows Best

Obama’s Progressive’s in the EPA on Monday, formally announced that the air we exhale, the gas essential for human existence poses a danger to the planet and must be suppressed.

Increased regulation and red tape will stifle innovation by reducing the resources that business otherwise could spend on job creation, the EPA new rules will have a disruptive economic impact on the economy and living standards but to Democrat-Socialists, people are unimportant compared to saving the planet.

More here from The Heritage Foundation

Related Posts: Copenhagen Climate Change Scam Conference Via The Washington Eaminer

EPA Claims Right to Cut Greenhouse Gases Via The Washington Times

Penn State to Investigate Prof that Fabricated Climate Change Data

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Climate Science

Penn State University will investigate Michael Mann, PhD accused of fabricating climate change data.

Related Posts: Climate Cult Con—When did Global Warming turn into forced religion? Via NY Post

Climate Change: This is the Worst Scientific Scandal of our Generation Via Telegraph, UK