Archive for the ‘Global Warming’ Category

Global Warming, Junk Science Exposed Among One Time Believers

Wednesday, November 25th, 2009

Global Warming

Now what will the Obama Administration do? One-time Global Warming Believers realizing that Climate Change proponents,  purposely destroyed data that did not support global warming claims have become skeptics of the junk science theories.

I have previously written here about some of the rather bizarre claims made and hypocrisy of Climate Change advocates.

Al Gore: Global Warming Caused Destruction of Mayan Civilization

More here Via The Washington Times

Obama Carbon Footprint Hypocrisy In China, 71 Car Motorcade

Tuesday, November 17th, 2009

Obama in China

Obama do as I say not as I do—pulls 71 car motorcade during his state visit to China

By the Numbers 71 Vehicles Via Politico

Related: “Aobama” to Change to “Oubama” from Now On Via Mirror in Chinese

Obama Hysteria: “The issue of climate change is one that we ignore at our own peril.” Via YouTube

More Americans believe in Ghosts than manmade Global Warming Via American Thinker

Environmentalists say, “Cap-n-Trade” designed to drive up energy costs and redistribute wealth Via CNS News

Goofy—UK Climate Change Chief: Give Up Meat to Save Planet

Tuesday, October 27th, 2009


Another Goofy Liberal Loony Leftist—Give up meat to save the planet or we’ll all die.

Climate Change Chief Lord Stern: Give up Meat to Save the Planet Via UK Times Online


In April 2008 I wrote here that real Scientist’s report, “…there is no observational evidence in measured data going back 22,000 or even a million years that CO2 levels have driven or driving world temperatures or climate change.”

Related: Remember when Loony Al Gore said, “Destruction of Mayan Civilization caused by Global Warming.”

Danish Scientist says Global Warming is a Myth Via Right Pundits

California Lefties Want Ban On Flat Screen TV’s

Friday, October 16th, 2009

Flat Screen TV

Goofy California Environmentalists wish that everyone would get rid of their appliances, cars and any energy using products so that everyone may lead happier lives?

Of course it is impossible to fully ban anything once one possesses the knowledge in which to make something, it is a little hard for lefties to grasp this concept—Barry Obama is not going to convince the world to ban nuclear weapons but he may continue to weaken American Defenses.

I digress…

Liberal Loony Leftist in California are set to ban Flat Screen televisions more than 40″ wide claiming that they are bad for the environment. Can people be far behind? If it wasn’t for people, just think how clean and pristine the planet would be then?

More here Via Right

Related: Nevada Expecting Surge in Sales of Flat Screen TV’s
Via Rick Sincere News and Thoughts

Where Are The Effects of Global Warming?

Wednesday, October 14th, 2009

Temperature Map
Where O’Where has Global Warming gone?

Where are the missing hurricanes Al Gore?

October Cold Snap Sets 82 year old record Via CBS 2 Chicago

Hillary Clinton Apologizes For U.S. Responsibility For Global Warming In India

Monday, July 20th, 2009

INDIA-USA/CLINTONIndia Air PollutionIndia Water PollutionINDIA Polluted Water

Via CNS News

The Obama Administration continues to circle the globe apologizing for the United States—Hillary Clinton on Sunday, apologizes to India for United States responsibility for Global Warming saying, “We acknowledge…that we have made mistakes in the United States and we along with other develpoed countries have contributed most to the problem that we face with climate change.”

Photos of India’s poor air quality—India’s polluted waters.

India tells Clinton No Carbon Cuts from The Washington Times

Uganda Blames Climate Change On Angry Gods

Thursday, July 9th, 2009

Do not anger the gods

This is too much, ROFLOL

Uganda blames climate change,  drought and diseases on angry gods.

More here from All

Al Gore: Global Warming Like Fighting Nazi’s

Wednesday, July 8th, 2009

Al Gore

Speaking at the Times/Smith School World Forum on Enterprise and the Environment at Keble College in Oxford, England former VP Al Gore, compared fighting global warming to fighting Nazi fascism during the second world war.

More here from The Sundries Shack