Archive for the ‘Health Care Costs’ Category

Hillary Cheers ObamaCare as Affordable — There is Nothing Affordable about the Affordable Care Act

Monday, April 25th, 2016

Affordable Healthcare(WaPo) Hillary Clinton takes to Twitter cheering ObamaCare as Affordable Huh??? – Obama promised the ACA would lower premiums by $2500 for a typical family per year however even Obama’s former Medicare Chief Marilyn Tavenner who ran ObamaCare has forecast ACA premiums will rise faster next year.

As they do, young healthy people will be forced out of the ObamaCare exchanges and the only people that will be able to afford ObamaCare will be high risk patients who qualify for federal subsidies (government handouts) and without enough young healthy people  in the exchanges to pay for the less healthy and sick ones, taxpayers will be stuck with more-and-more of the costs over time – a situation that is unsustainable in the long run.

Related: ObamaCare Costs Rising as More Enroll in Medicaid -Washington Post

Premiums Expected to Continue Climbing Under ObamaCare -Daily Caller

(Video) Health Insurances Premiums are About to Rise For Those Who Pay Them

Friday, April 22nd, 2016

Health Ins Premiums(Catholic Online) Insurance companies are telling Obama and the American people, they must raise premiums, others are pulling out of the ObamaCare Exchanges” just this week we’ve learned that United Healthcare, the biggest health insurer in the U.S. is pulling out of most of the so called marketplaces in 2017 — this is more proof that ObamaCare, rammed down our throats by the Democrats that controlled Congress during the first two years of Obama’s presidency, haphazardly designed a system destined to fail.

Gone are the day’s of Obama’s grandiose promises that ObamaCare would drive down healthcare costs by $2500 a year — where oh where are those promised savings? I digress.

Insurance companies are complaining they cannot generate profits while treating patients–businesses often change what markets will bear and because health care is related to survival, people will pay premium costs. However without meaningful competition, regulation and government collusion, prices naturally rise to a premium cost that prices out those at the bottom and may bankrupt the middle.

Compelling the middle-class to make installments in their pending bankruptcies — Many Americans have realized there is nothing “Affordable” about the Democrat passage of the so called ‘Affordable Care Act’ – On the 10 November, I wrote here that ObamaCare deductibles were rising faster faster than premiums or wages and that a majority of the co-ops were failing and at significant cost to the taxpayers.

Hopefully the rallying call this year during the presidential race will be to repeal and replace this monstrosity called ObamaCare with health insurance which Americans can purchase across state lines (as they do life and car insurance today) which will drive competition, lowering insurance premiums and the sky-high deductibles which have resulted when government meddles in the marketplace.

Related: Former Medicare Chief Warns that ObamaCare Premium Increases are Coming

Cancer Patients Snagged In ObamaCare Tangled Web

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Hillary Clinton: Remember When Obama Promised that ObamaCare Would Drive Down Healthcare Costs by $2500 a Year
Where are Those Promised Savings?

(AP) Walt Whitlow a self-employed remodeling contractor from Texas was receiving treatments for cancer when he received an unwelcome surprise–his ObamaCare subsidy got slashed which now meant that his ObamaCare premium quadrupled and his deductible went from $900 to $4,600

Hundreds of thousands of people are losing their ObamaCare subsidies and/or even their healthcare coverage, when they get tangled in a web of paperwork problems about income, citizenship and taxes.

Don’t you just love more-and-more government bureaucracy — Hillary Clinton and Socialist Bernie Sanders want to expand government for all. Good Grief…

Some people are dealing with serious illnesses like cancer. Ana Grando was scheduled for breast reconstruction surgery when she was notified that her ObamaCare coverage would be cancelled because of questions about her legal immigration status. — Legal Aids was able to get that matter cleared up but Grando’s ObamaCare financial subsidy was suspended.

Lynn Herrin became irritated when she received a bill from the IRS for $700 after they determined she received to large of an ObamaCare subsidy — One of about 2 Million Americans who received bills from the IRS of an average of $860 to repay ObamaCare subsidies.

Since Herrin was already having difficulty finding a doctor that would even accept ObamaCare she cancelled the health insurance plan. Subsequent to her diagnoses of oral and neck cancer, her medical costs depleted the families life savings of about $70,000 for cancer treatments.

The Fed’s have confirmed ObamaCare has terminated some 470,000 people that had enrolled in the ACA last year because of unresolved issues involving documentation, immigration status and citizenship.

When there are documentation issues the Fed’s claim, consumers have about 3 months to straighten out the snafu. (When has anyone been able to straighten out anything with federal bureaucrats in three months?)

Walt Whitlow, the Texas cancer patient said that he was blindsided. Whitlow requested that contact him by mail, he only found out that his ObamaCare subsidy was slashed when his doctor’s office called his family. Not only was he now on the hook for the full unsubsidized premium costs but now he was facing far higher co-pays and a $4600 deductible too.

“It kind of blew my mind,” said Whitlow, he said that he submitted bank statements to prove his income but apparently that was not sufficient.

Grando a legal immigrant from Brazil, lives with her daughter in North Carolina and under ObamaCare legal immigrants are entitled to obtain healthcare coverage but the paperwork battle first over her immigration status and then over her income was “a huge stress” she said. The family spent ‘hours’ on the phone with bureaucrats from as Grando was preparing for her breast reconstruction surgery.

Isn’t government managed healthcare just peachy?

More here from Latino Fox

Related: Cost Changes Led ACA Enrollment Fall Far Short of Estimates

Americans Can’t Afford ObamaCare 165M Hrs of Paperwork or $45B

Bernie Sanders Democratic Socialism Means Coercion

Thursday, January 28th, 2016

Bernie Sanders Socialism@Bernie Sanders “The Problem with Socialism is That Eventually
You Run Out of Other Peoples Money.” -Margaret Thatcher

(Washington Times) Do you know what Socialism is? Hillary Clinton struggled to find an answer when recently asked. — Socialism is a system which the government owns or controls the means of production and allocates resources and rewards.

Sen. Bernie Sanders proudly proclaims himself a ‘democratic socialist’ and many in the Democratic Party seem to have no problem with it and in fact, are embracing him and his ideas. Listening to all of this, one gets the feeling that for a significant portion of the population, history began in the year 2000 — Where have been the great Socialist success stories? Much of the worlds population greatly suffered under various forms of socialism in the 20th century. Not one of the various socialist models proved to be a success.

There was the Communist variety of Socialism in the former Soviet Union, Eastern Europe, China and Cambodia, which resulted in tens of millions of deaths from starvation and the gulags. There was the Nationalist Socialist (Nazi) model in Germany and Italy, which like the Communist version, resulted in tens of millions of deaths. Somewhat more benign but still coercive versions of Socialism were prevalent in India, many places in Africa and South America, all resulted in economic stagnation–because productive effort was separated from reward. The two most Socialist countries today are North Korea and Cuba–both very poor and repressive. The average Cuban government worker has a monthly wage which is less than what the average American worker makes in an hour.

It is true that every country has some Socialist enterprises at the federal, state or local levels. For instance, the U.S. government owns Amtrak and the City of Flint, Michigan owns its water department. Arguably, both would do much better in private hands. France has many more government owned enterprises than neighboring Switzerland. Even France is still basically a capitalistic free-market economy but with far less freedom and prosperity than Switzerland.

Why does Socialism always fail and why will Bernie Sanders’ schemes and to a lesser extent Hillary’s ObamaCare version also fail? Under a capitalist free-market system, the business person seeks to produce goods and services that the consumer wants at the lowest possible cost-which includes having the smallest and most productive work force possible–in order to maximize profits. Under the Socialist model, the political leaders decide what the consumers should have (which is often very different from what they want or need) Productivity and innovation are given short shift, needless workers are hired and few are fired. In almost all cases, costs soon overrun revenues and the losses are made up by even higher taxes or more debt–eventually causing an economic collapse. As economic stagnation increases, the citizens become more restless and either throw off the yoke of government through ballot box, as was done in 1979 in the United Kingdom with the election of Margaret Thatcher, or the protesters are imprisoned until often a bloody revolt occurs.

Now back to Bernie Sanders who has proposed “Medicare for all” as one of his many schemes. Professor Gerald Friedman of the University of Massachusetts, Dept of Economics has examined the Sanders plan (and has no political ax to grind) he estimates it would cost $40.9 Trillion between 2017-2026 Hospitals and doctors would be forced to take huge cuts, driving many out of the medical profession, reducing innovation and standards in health care. Patients would be forced to wait in long queues. It would be like the present failed Veterans Administration health system for all.

Back in 2002 Joshua Muravchik wrote a classic book on the history of Socialism. Heaven on Earth: The Rise and Fall of Socialism (available at Perhaps it is time for the political class, including the commentators, to go back and read it and realize again that the next time the Socialists will not get it right because the model is fatally flawed.

What is most disturbing is the idea that America–and its unique success as a nation, was built around individual liberty and opportunity, not collective coercion. All too many no longer understand what the American Founders were trying to and largely did achieve.

The young people who support Bernie Sanders and even Hillary Clinton, seem to be generally ignorant of why America worked. Many do not want the government to restrict unfettered abortions or their right to smoke pot but seem to be oblivious that Socialism and big government makes everyone into an economic slave. Many workers in the Soviet Union as is true of North Korea and Cuba today, could not even choose their own profession, or what town or apartment block they lived in. Such restrictions are the logical and necessary outcomes of Socialism, unless it is thrown off before it reaches that stage.

Those in the news media who have an opportunity to quiz the presidential candidates, would do the citizens a great favor if they could discern what the candidates really know about the Constitution and the arguments made in the Federalist Papers.

Related: CATO Matthew Feeney–Bernie Sanders Democratic Socialism

Bernie Sanders Plan to Bankrupt the Country -Latinos Ready to Vote

H/T: CATO Institute

ObamaCare Implosion: Deductibles Rising Faster Than Premiums & Wages – Majority of Co-Ops Fail

Tuesday, November 10th, 2015

ObamaCare Deductibles(Kaiser) Since 2010 Deductibles for All Workers Have Risen Almost 3X
as Fast as Premiums and About 7X as Fast as Wages & Inflation

Since 2010 both the share of workers deductibles and the size of those deductibles have increased sharply. These two trends result in a 67% increase in deductibles since 2010 much faster than the rise in single premiums (24%) and about seven times the rise in workers wages (10%) and general inflation (9%)

“With deductibles rising so much faster than premiums and wages, its no surprise that consumers have not felt the slowdown in health spending,” Kaiser Family Foundation President/CEO Drew Altman said.

In related ObamaCare news, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday, that a majority of ObamaCare insurance co-ops (12 of 23) have now failed and their $1.24 Billion of taxpayer loans have all but vaporized. As more fail, nearly a million Americans may lose insurance coverage as the contagion from their failures spreads.

More here from Washington Free Beacon

Covered California 2016 Rate Hike 4% If You’re Lucky, Some Will Realize a 30% Increase

Tuesday, July 28th, 2015

Covered California...Covered California Still Having Computer Issues
Says Mrs. Mochulsky and EscapadeMusic@Twitter

(IBD) ObamaCare/Covered California trumpeted the news on Monday that premiums are set to rise 4% in 2016 slightly less than last years 4.2% increase.

While avoiding the double-digit premium hikes that have been proposed in many other states, many consumers may not be so celebratory when they find out what is happening to their deductibles which are already sky high.

Particularly hardest hit are people seeking the lowest cost ‘bronze-level’ coverage. In 2016 these plans will carry a deductible of $6,000 (an increase of $1,000 from 2015) and a separate drug deductible of $500 — After the deductible is met bronze coverage will cap R/X costs at $500 mo the combined $6,500 deductible will then be 30% higher than in 2015

Covered California Executive Director Peter Lee said in a conference call that in 2016 a visit with a Specialist (with a $90 co-pay) will be allowed as part of three partly covered physician visits, left unsaid is that low income individuals facing a $6,500 deductible could easily be swamped with debt after getting limited benefits before the deductible is met. — This is perhaps ObamaCare/Covered California Achilles’ heel given that enrollment has badly lagged expectations.

Related: Covered California Rates Jump 7% in Northern California

John ‘Spanky’ Roberts Gift to Libs by George Bush, Do You Want Another Bush in The White House?

Thursday, June 25th, 2015

John Spanky RobertsChief Justice John ‘Spanky’ Roberts a Gift to Liberals
Who Keeps on Giving –Image: PolitiCat


Covered California Premiums Rise to Historic Levels

Tuesday, May 5th, 2015

Covered California...Almost Everyone on Yelp Has Given ‘Covered California’ Lowest Rating
Image: Barney Franken

(CHCF) The average monthly health insurance premium in California was $1467 for a family and $560 for single coverage–these figure include the employer contribution.

Covered California premiums which include employer contributions were 11% higher than the national average and 5% higher for a family –historically California Health Ins premiums have been lower than the national average.

Flashback: Remember when Obama Claimed that Health Insurance Premiums for a Family Would be $2,500 Lower by the End of his First Term — How’s that Govt mandated health care working out for you?

Related: Red Ink Could Kill Covered California –OC Register

One-Third Drop Covered California –Newsmax

Covered California is in Trouble with Massive Deficit & Low Enrollment

Happy 5th Birthday ObamaCare: More Than Half of Americans Don’t Like You

Monday, March 23rd, 2015

Real Clear Politics ObamaCareAccording to the Latest Real Clear Politics Average of Obama’s Signature Legislative Achievement 52.5% Americans Oppose ObamaCare

(The Daily Signal) Unfortunately for IHOP Franchiser Scott Womack who owned 12 restaurants in Ohio and Indiana with plans to expand his franchise to add 14 new locations in Ohio before ObamaCare was signed into law. Womack estimated that the Affordable Unaffordable Care Act would cost him $7,000 per full-time employee to provide health care coverage leaving him with few options:

Cut costs, eliminate staff, reduce hours or convert workers to part-time status.

Facing the prospect of ObamaCare’s  employer mandate taking effect on 01 January, 2015 Womack was forced to sell his IHOP franchise.

What are other Americans saying about ObamaCare:

  • Kristina Ribali@Twitter: “5 years after ObamaCare and my deductible went from $1,200 a year to $6,000 a year per person. Family from $6,000 to $12,000”
  • Gavin Preston, MD @Twitter: “All of my Doctor friends, except for one, have told me if they had to accept ‘Covered California’ (The ACA exchange) payments, out of business.”
  • Covered California@Facebook:  Elena Furlan Ross writes: “Covered California is a SCAM!! I paid $416 monthly premium, I went to the doctor, paid my copay and the doctor sent me a bill for $1225 because COVERED CALIFORNIA denied the claim! Do not buy Covered California, Do not waste your money, you will receive no health coverage.”
  • Nabeel Amin@Twitter: “Left with no coverage in an urgent situation courtesy @CoveredCA and @BlueShieldCA with no recourse or responsibility.”
  • Nabeel Amin@Twitter: “…@CoveredCA 5 hours of non-stop calls and all they can say is we don’t know why your account was terminated.”

Related: Ask Emily: ObamaCare Adds More Pain to Taxes –OC Register

Covered California Sends 120K Corrected Tax Forms Thousands Still Wait

Insurance Choices Dwindle in Rural California as Blue Shield Pulls Back

CBO: ObamaCare Will Result in 10 Million Losing Employer Based Health Ins Plans

Thursday, January 29th, 2015

CBO Warning....

(IBD) Congressional Budge Office (CBO) says in a new report ObamaCare will  cause 10 Million to lose their employer based health plans within the next 6 yrs–the latest findings also thoroughly debunks the myth that ObamaCare proponents made when trying to sell the law–about how those with employer based coverage, have nothing to worry about.

CBO IBDObamaCare Architect ‘Stupid Americans’ Jonathan Gruber  for example claimed that the ACA was specifically designed “to leave those who are happy with their employer sponsored insurance alone.”

Likewise, the Obama Administration insisted that “respected independent analysts have concluded that the number of Americans who get their health insurance at work will not change in any significant way.”

Of course, who can forget Obama’s ‘Big Whopper’ that he repeated over-and-over that Americans who liked their health insurance plans (like their doctors) can keep them.