President Obama embracing viral anti-Jewish Helen Thomas long time Columnist for Hearst Publications, says that the Jews, “should get the hell out of Palestine…”
“Palestinian” today typically applies to Arabs from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and those who fled what became Israel in 1948 and their descendants. Often it also covers the Palestinian majority in Jordan and sometimes even Israeli Arabs.
Although a distinct Palestine nationalism is taken for granted internationally today, the notion of a Palestinian people separate and distinct from neighboring Arabs is relatively recent. Indeed Zahir Muhsein (1936-1979) past member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee, told the Dutch newspaper Trau on the 31 March, 1977
“The Palestinian people does not exist…The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means of continuing a struggle against the State of Israel…”
Why does Hearst Publications condone such anti-Semitic bigotry from any of their so called “objective” journalists?
More here from Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America
Related: Thomas Under Fire For Israel Remarks Via Politico
Ari Fleischer: Hearst Should Fire Helen Thomas Via NewsBusters