Archive for the ‘Helen Thomas’ Category

Anti-Israel, Anti-Jewish Helen Thomas To Receive Lifetime Achievement Award From CAIR

Tuesday, September 21st, 2010

Helen Thomas whose anti-Israel, anti-Jewish rant resulted in her resignation earlier this Summer, will be Honored by Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) receiving a Lifetime Achievement award for all of her hard work and dedication of anti-Semitic issues.

More here Helen Thomas & CAIR—A Logical Twosome from CAMERA

Helen Thomas Neo-Nazi Supporters Threaten Rabbi Nesenoff

Friday, June 11th, 2010

Anti-Semite Helen Thomas who told  Rabbi David Nesenoff outside the White House that Jews, “should get the hell out of Palestine” and return to Germany and Poland, definitely has her supporters.

MSM photographers taking pictures of the empty front row seat in the White House Briefing Room once occupied by anti-Jewish Helen Thomas before she resigned from Hearst Corporation this week.

Helen Thomas neo-Nazi supporters have inundated Rabbi Nesenoff, e-mailbox with some 25,000+ mails telling him among other things that “you better watch out” and “will do to you things that were done to other people in history.” The online threats were not only directed toward Rabbi Nesenoff but included threats against his family and against every Jewish person as a whole.

More here from Haaretz

Congressman Joe Sestak: CAIR Legitimate Organization

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

Pennsylvania Democrat Senate candidate Rep Joe Sestak said during a 2007 banquet hosted by his pals at CAIR that they are a “legitimate organization” and doing “good work” in fighting racial profiling.


Related Posts: Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) Exposed

CAIR Defends Anti-Semite Helen Thomas Via Jawa Report

CAIR Files Complaint With FCC Against Talk Show Host

CAIR’s Pro-Hamas Press Via Front Page Magazine

Anti-CAIR—In Defense of the Constitution

Helen Thomas: Jews should return to Auschwitz

Friday, June 4th, 2010

President Obama embracing viral anti-Jewish Helen Thomas long time Columnist for Hearst Publications, says that the Jews, “should get the hell out of Palestine…”

“Palestinian” today typically applies to Arabs from the West Bank, Gaza Strip and those who fled what became Israel in 1948 and their descendants. Often it also covers the Palestinian majority in Jordan and sometimes even Israeli Arabs.

Although a distinct Palestine nationalism is taken for granted internationally today, the notion of a Palestinian people separate and distinct from neighboring Arabs is relatively recent. Indeed Zahir Muhsein (1936-1979) past member of the Palestinian Liberation Organization Executive Committee, told the Dutch newspaper Trau on the 31 March, 1977

“The Palestinian people does not exist…The creation of a Palestinian state is only a means of continuing a struggle against the State of Israel…”

Why does Hearst Publications condone such anti-Semitic bigotry from any of their so called “objective” journalists?

More here from Committee for Accuracy in Middle East Reporting in America

Related: Thomas Under Fire For Israel Remarks Via Politico

Ari Fleischer: Hearst Should Fire Helen Thomas Via NewsBusters