Idiot! Ms. Farkas Should Have Consulted With an Attorney
Before Speaking to MSNBC
Related: Former FBI Asst Dir: Farkas Exposed Conspiracy Cabal on Trump Surveillance -LifeZette
Related: Former FBI Asst Dir: Farkas Exposed Conspiracy Cabal on Trump Surveillance -LifeZette
Kiss of Death for Democrats After Losing Two Elections,
Hillary is Threatening a Comeback?
H/T: Chris #MAGA@Twitter
(Daily Caller) Draining the Swamp: Heads are Finally Beginning to Roll
Clinton Foundation to Layoff Dozens of Staffers
H/T: Drudge
Flashback: Hypocrite Hillary – Cartoon: Lisa
Democrats & the MSM Want You To Believe It Was a Conspiracy -Thanks Vigilant Veteran
VIA: The Washington Times
Related: Andrew Napolitano: Did the Russians Hack Hillary Clinton? – Washington Times
Post Election Rally Continues — Images Courtesy: FOXBusiness
Fear Mongering: Hillary Clinton Enthusiast & Dallas Mavericks Owner Mark Cuban Predicted Markets Would Tank @5:43 if Donald Trump Won the Election