During Sunday second presidential debate Hillary Clinton spoke (according to the transcript from Time.com) about permitting more Syrian Muslim migrant refugees into the United States:
VIA: Reuters
During Sunday second presidential debate Hillary Clinton spoke (according to the transcript from Time.com) about permitting more Syrian Muslim migrant refugees into the United States:
VIA: Reuters
@Wikileaks Hillary Wants the U.S. to be More Like the European Union (EU) — Britain Recently Voted to Exit the EU to Regain its Sovereignty and Control of Its Borders — We Learn the Truth About Hillary’s Position on TPP
- “A Nation Without Borders is Not a Nation.” -Donald Trump
In a letter to Clarence Gamble in 1939 Sanger wrote about getting Black Ministers to help with her efforts to “exterminate the Negro population.”
H/T: Dr Lynn J. Anderson
‘Blessed Are Those Who Hear the Word of God and Observe It’ Luke 11:28
Image Courtesy: Sister Athens
Hillary Clinton, et al Why Doesn’t Forgiveness, Mercy & Redemption
Not Apply to Donald Trump?
- What Does the Holy Scriptures Teach About Forgiveness?
For if you forgive others their trespasses your heavenly Father will also forgive you but if you do not forgive others, neither will your Father forgive your trespasses. Matthew 6:14-15
Christian Persecution: Virginia Democrat Gov Tim Kaine, Forced the Resignation of Six Virginia State Police Chaplains Because They Prayed Publicly in Jesus’ Name
- Flashback: On the 31 July, I wrote here that Washington, D.C. Catholic Priest Fr. Thomas Petri Tweeted a message for Catholic Hypocrite & Pro-Abortionist Sen Tim Kaine: “Do us both a favor. Don’t show up in my Communion line. I take Cannon 915 seriously. It’s be embarrassing for you and for me.”
Related: 7000+ Petition Gov Kaine to Restore VA State Police Chaplain’s -WND
What The Holy Scriptures Teach About a Tree, Its Fruit & Self Deception –Matthew 7:13-23
Nearly $20 Trillion in Debt Now ‘Hillary Will Say Anything to Get Elected’ Proposes Free College Tuition – How Does Hillary Plan to Pay for This New Entitlement Without Exploding the Federal Budget Deficit?