While Obama Takes Another Vacation… Image: Paula Cummings
(Washington Examiner) There is one word Obama uses a lot in his arguments for tightly limiting military action in Iraq–the word is: Lid
- “Our military is so effective that we can keep a ‘lid’ on problems wherever we are.” Riiiight…
U.S. Ambassador to Libya Chris Stevens, Glenn Doherty, Sean Smith and Tyrone Woods Wouldn’t Agree With Obama’s “Lid” Theory–I Digress…
- “Our military is so capable, that if we put everything we have into it we can keep a ‘lid’ on a problem for a time but for a society to function long term, the people themselves have to make decisions about how they are going to live together.” Obama said in a NY Times interview published this weekend.
- “We’re not going to allow ourselves to be dragged back into a situation in which, while we’re there, we’re keeping a ‘lid’ on things,” Obama said in a 13 June statement.
While Obama vacationing in Martha’s Vineyard remains aloof and disengaged from the real work of being President during his 28th golf outing this year and 185th of his presidency Beitbart is reporting today, that ISIS buried 500 Yazidis alive and has taken hundreds of girls as slaves or trophies in Northern Iraq.
Likewise ISIS has just Tweeted that it has now taken over Jalawla from the Kurds on its march to Baghdad.
In July, Israel’s Homeland Security reported of the estimated 10,000 foreign fighters that have already joined the Islamic Jihadists in Syria and Iraq, 3000 hold European or Western passports–100 hold U.S. passports. What has Obama done before going on vacation again, to protect the United States from these Jihadists with U.S. passports returning to the states and engaging in acts of terrorism?
ISIS Makes Another 9/11 Style Threat
Image: Assad Alquds008@Twitter
How many more Americans have to die before Obama stops making speeches, attending Democratic fundraisers, golfing and does the job he was elected to do as Commander-in-Chief, taking the fight to the enemies of the United States before they attack us again?