Archive for the ‘IRS’ Category

National Townhall on IRS Intimidation, Are You Next? Tonight at 7:00 PM EDT

Wednesday, May 29th, 2013

Tea Party PatriotsNatl Townhall on IRS Intimidation Are You Next? Tonight 7:00 PM (EDT)

Webcast Live –Tea Party Patriots

Everyone Knew…Except President Obama?

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

Everyone Knew Except Obama --I Am The Tea PartyEveryone Knew about the IRS Scandal Except President Obama?

Related: Everyone at White House Knew Except Obama –Human Events

H/T:  I Am The Tea Party

Congress Launches Four Investigations Into The IRS Scandal

Tuesday, May 28th, 2013

Lois Lerner --Independent Women's ForumIRS Official Lois Lerner –Cartoon: Independent Women’s Forum

(Daily Caller) Capitol Hill aides spent their Memorial Day weekend scanning hundreds of pages of documents related to the IRS Scandal in order to prepare Members of Congress for what will be inevitably a month of investigations into government wrongdoing at the IRS involving at least 5 different offices including, Cincinnati Service Center; Baltimore, MD; Chicago; El Monte and Laguna Niguel, California which improperly targeted Conservative and Jewish organizations whose activities contradicted the Obama Administration’s public policies.

The IRS shenanigans chronicled in the damning report by the Treasury Dept’s Inspector General uncovered serious irregularities at the IRS including but not limited to contradictory statements made by Lois Lerner the IRS’s Director of Tax Exempt Organizations (now on paid administrative leave) which have emerged.

Former Clinton White House Counsel Lanny Davis speaking on national radio’s Andrea Tantaros Show last week said, if the IRS investigations show that the Obama Administration was involved or had prior knowledge of the growing IRS-Tea Party Scandal, which has robbed Democrats of the so called “trust edge” they held over Republicans, it could jeopardize the Democrat majority in the Senate in 2014 and even the hopes of Democrats like that of Hillary Clinton, should she run for President again in 2016

Rest here from the Washington Examiner

Jay Leno’s Thought of the Day: President Obama…

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Jay Leno --The Young ConsJay Leno’s Thought of the Day: Pres Obama..–Image: The Young Cons

Pugnacious IRS Official Lois Lerner Refuses to Resign, Placed on Paid Administrative Leave

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

IRS Official Asserts 5th Amendment

(Hot Air) Pugnacious IRS official Lois Lerner who claims she did nothing wrong or illegal by targeting Conservatives that applied for tax exempt status at a Congressional hearing on Wednesday before asserting her 5th Amendment rights against self-incrimination, was placed on paid administrative leave (vacation time) today after refusing to resign.

Related: Lois Lerner’s Spouse Close Ties to “Team Obama”  Daily Caller

Obama Perpetually Naive & Detached, Pleads Inefficacy On Scandals

Thursday, May 23rd, 2013

Obama Naive Clueless‘Obama Pleads Inefficacy on Scandals’

“With misconduct all around (him) Obama’s attempt to be above the fray and out of the loop may insulate him from specific charges of wrongdoing but it will not insulate him from the growing sense that many in his administration are out of control and abusing power.”

Full post here by Chris Stewart/FOX News

Obama Administration Transparency? IRS Official Lois Lerner, Asserts 5th Against Self Incrimination

Wednesday, May 22nd, 2013

Obama Transparency

(Weekly Standard) IRS official Lois Lerner said at a Congressional hearing this morning, ‘I have not done anything wrong, I have not broken any laws…I have not provided false information to this or any other Congressional committee…’ subsequently invoking her 5th Amendment right against self incrimination adding, I will not answer any of the questions or testify today.

Whatever happened to the Obama Administration’s announcement in April, 2010 that “this is the most transparent administration in the history of our country.”


Related: Obama Administration Officials Stonewalls Congress –WaPo

Rep Gowdy: Lerner Waived her 5th Amendment Rights Gave Statement

IRS Fails to Comply With Congressional Demand for All Documents

Obama’s Scandals Take Calamitous Turn, IRS Official to Assert 5th Against Self-Incrimination

Tuesday, May 21st, 2013

Obama Nixonian

(Real Clear Politics/CNBC) This is possibly the worst possible outcome from the Obama Administration’s point of view, as the scandals unfold involving the Internal Revenue Service and Dept of Justice.

While the Inspector General said that he didn’t see evidence of criminality, IRS Official Lois Lerner says that she will assert her 5th Amendment privilege against self incrimination at Wednesday’s House Oversight Hearing.

Related: DoJ Seized Records of FOX News James Rosen’s Parents

DoJ Seized Records of 5 FOX News Phone Numbers

CBS News Sharyl Attkisson Computers Compromised

Nationwide Tea Party Protest the Corruption of the Internal Revenue Service, Tuesday, 21 May

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Will You Protest The IRSAudit This! Tea Party Groups to Protest the Corruption of the IRS Nationwide Tuesday, 21 May –Michelle Malkin

Locate a Protest Near You –Tea Party Patriots

H/T: 1389 Blog

Anonymous IRS Cincinnati Service Center Official: Everything Comes From The Top

Monday, May 20th, 2013


(Washington Examiner) A story in the Washington Post late last week about the Internal Revenue Service, Cincinnati Service Disservice Center, which is tapped to do most of the auditing of 501(c)(4) applications of not for profit groups and organizations, clearly contradicted earlier reports that the IRS targeting of Conservative, Jewish and religious groups was the result of rogue agents.

The Washington Post story quoted an anonymous staffer in Cincinnati who said they only operate by directives from headquarters.

On Friday, outgoing IRS Commissioner Steven Miller testified before the House Ways & Means Committee and claimed that targeting of Conservative groups is ‘absolutely not illegal.’