Archive for the ‘IRS’ Category

Obama Cartoon of the Day

Monday, May 20th, 2013

Obama Cartoon of the DayAccurate –Cartoon Courtesy: Constantine Soriao

Acting IRS Commissioner Steven Miller: Targeting of Conservative Groups ‘Absolutely Not Illegal’

Friday, May 17th, 2013

IRS Commissioner Miller TestifiesActing IRS Commissioner Steven Miller –Image: Buzz Feed/Twitter

(WeeklyStandard) IRS Acting Commissioner Steven Miller testifying today at a House Ways & Means Committee Hearing claimed that targeting Conservative groups ‘absolutely was not illegal.’

It definitely wasn’t very reassuring to learn today, that Miller who is taking early retirement from his post at the IRS, was responsible for promoting Sarah Hall Ingram to head the ObamaCare enforcement division.

More here from

Related: IRS Asked Iowa Anti-Abortion Group–Content of Prayers

IRS Stalled Conservatives, Gave Speedy OK to Obama Foundation

IRS to Enforce Implementation of ObamaCare, What Could Possibly Go Wrong With That?

Friday, May 17th, 2013

IRS to Enforce ObamaCare --Chicks On The RightIRS to Enforce ObamaCare  –Chicks On The Right

(Heritage Foundation) The recent admission by the IRS that its employees subjected Conservative groups and Jewish organizations whose activities contradicted the Obama Administration’s public policies, raises troubling questions about the agency’s ability to manage ObamaCare in a competent and impartial manner.

At a time when doubts are growing about the IRS’s politically biased behavior, ObamaCare regulators grants the agency massive new authority to implement its complex and bureaucratic regime.

Rest here from The Heritage Foundation

Related: Half of Small Businesses Believe ObamaCare is Bad for Them

IRS Official In-Charge of Targeting Tea Party and Jewish Groups Received $100,000+ Bonuses

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Tea Party

(Washington Examiner)  Sarah Hall Ingram the IRS Commissioner in charge of the Tax Exempt Division in 2010 when it began targeting Conservatives, Tea Party groups and Jewish organizations, received more than $100,000 in bonuses between 2009-2012

More recently, Ingram was promoted to head the new ObamaCare Enforcement Office and will oversee  the vast expansion if the IRS’s regulatory authority and staffing as ABC News reported earlier today.

IRS Official in Charge During Targeting of Conservative & Jewish Groups, Now Runs ObamaCare Enforcement Office

Thursday, May 16th, 2013

Vindication --Scarlett SageVindicated –Image: Scarlett Sage

(ABC News) The IRS official that was in charge during its targeting of The Tea Party, Conservatives & Jewish groups now is running the IRS office responsible for ObamaCare enforcement.

What could go wrong with that?

ABC News Bombshell: White House West Wing OKs IRS Targets Conservative & Jewish Groups

Wednesday, May 15th, 2013

Nixon Denies...Image Barracuda BrigadeNixon Denied Role in Cover-Up –Image: Barracuda Brigade

(KABC 790AM Los Angeles/BizPac Review) While appearing on KABC morning show “McIntyre in the Morning” on Tuesday, ABC News analyst Trey Hardin dropped a bombshell when he said that the IRS scandal emanated from the the West Wing of the White House, which authorized targeting of Conservative and Jewish groups.

Ironically, the Senate Watergate hearings began 40 years ago this week.

More here from Gateway Pundit

Related: Director IRS Tax Exempt Determination Office Obama Donor

Senate Dems Block Sen Rand Paul’s Resolution Condemning IRS

IRS Also Targeted Jewish Groups and Disclosed Confidential Documents to Progressive ProPublica

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013

IRS Obama GestapoIRS Obama’s Gestapo –Image Courtesy: Gateway Pundit

(Politico) The same Internal Revenue Service that singled out Conservative and Tea Party groups for extra scrutiny of their applications for tax exempt status, also has targeted Jewish groups as far back as 2010 in order to determine whether the organizations activities contradicted the Obama Administration’s public policies.

The Progressive/Socialist leaning journalistic group Pro Publica also has now acknowledged, that the IRS that targeted and harassed Conservative groups, unlawfully disclosed to them, nine confidential applications whose tax-exempt status were pending.

More here from Breitbart

Earlier Problems Now Discovered at the IRS; Obama Parties in NYC With the Rich & Famous

Tuesday, May 14th, 2013


(Wall Street Journal) President Obama said yesterday that those responsible for any improper scrutiny  of Conservative groups tax status would be held “fully accountable” hours before it emerged that the current and former heads of the Internal Revenue Service (which Obama claims is a “Independent” agency) that work at the pleasure of the president were informed one year ago that Tea Party groups had been targeted.

The IRS said in a statement that acting Commissioner Steven Miller was first told by agency staff on 03 May, 2012 that some specific groups applications for tax exempt status were improperly selected for extra scrutiny based on their names–but two GOP lawmakers said that ‘Mr Miller who was named  to the top IRS post in November failed to disclose the problems in subsequent letters to them’ even as they and other  Congressional Republicans had raised questions about IRS scrutiny of Tea Party groups applications for tax exempt status.

According to the Washington Examiner the targeting of Conservatives by the IRS actually started earlier than reported and was more extensive than the IRS acknowledged last week, these included groups that had in their names:

  • Tea Party;
  • Patriots;
  • 9/12;
  • We The People;
  • Take Back The Country;
  • Political action type organizations involved in limiting expanding government, educating on the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights;
  • Groups which included issues such as Govt spending, debt and taxes;
  • Educating via advocacy/lobbying to “make America a better place to live;
  • Criticizing how the Govt is being run.

How sinister its become to dare question the operation of government by politically elected authority?

What did Obama know and when did he know it?

Are we to actually believe that he and his Treasury Secy Timmy Geithner (who has since resigned and left office on the 25 January, 2013) was kept out of the loop of the illegal actions of the IRS and didn’t keep his boss President Obama informed of such activity?

In 1974 then President Richard Nixon had the decency to resign from office after he was charged with “Using the powers of the office of the President of the United States–in violation of his constitutional oath…repeatedly engaged in conduct violating the constitutional rights of citizens…”

1. He (Richard Nixon)  acted personally and through subordinates and agents, endeavored to obtain from the Internal Revenue Service, in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens, confidential information contained in income tax returns for purposes not authorized by law and to cause in violation of the constitutional rights of citizens income tax audits or other income tax investigations to be initiated or conducted in a discriminatory manner.

President Obama “claimed” yesterday he first learned about the alleged abuses Friday, adding that he wanted to reserve judgment of the matter until after a release of the report by the Treasury Dept Inspector General.

Huh? The IRS has already acknowledged the unlawful acts which President Obama’s subordinates and agents engaged and apologized for.

Three major scandals have erupted during the past week, Benghazi, the IRS and the Unlawfully Seizure of telephone records of AP Editors & Reporters by Obama’s Dept of Justice.

How seriously is President Obama taking these major scandals or his duties that he was reelected to do?

On Monday, Campaigner-in-Chief Obama, traveled to NYC to party and attend three political fund raisers for Democrats ahead of next years elections.

This sounds eerily familiar to the campaign event in Las Vegas that President Obama took the day following the Islamic Jihad terrorists attack on the American Consulate in Benghazi, which resulted in the deaths of  U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other American foreign service officers.

Related: Bette Midler Praises the IRS for Targeting Conservative Groups

IRS Chief to Receive Western Univ Law School President’s Medallion

IRS Scandal Carries Echoes of Watergate–40 Yrs Later to the Week

White House Press Secy Jay Carney Blames Bush for IRS Targeting of Conservative Groups

Friday, May 10th, 2013

Jay CarneyWhite House Press Secy Jay Carney Still Blaming Bush –Hope-n’Change

(Weekly Standard) White House Press Secy Jay Carney in response to a question about the IRS targeting Conservative groups last year ahead of the election—blames Bush.

Related: Congress to Investigate IRS Over Conservative Groups Audits

Rep Virginia Foxx: on ‘Countdown to Tax Day’ Federal Tax Code Four Times Larger than Bible

Friday, April 12th, 2013

Obama's Watch Taxes & RegulationsObama’s Watch: Taxpayers Shackled –Cartoon: A.F. Branco

(CNS News) Rep Virginia Foxx (R-NC) speaking today a “Countdown  to Tax Day” press conference organized by Americans For Tax Reform said, ” I want to point out that the (federal) tax code is four times more than our bible…”

The Internal Revenue Service tax code is 3.8 Million words long–there are about 774,746 words in the bible.