Archive for the ‘IRS’ Category

IRS: We Are Able To Read Your E-Mails Without Your Consent or a Warrant

Thursday, April 11th, 2013

Obamanomics ---The Scarlett Sage
(The Hill)
The Internal Revenue Service (IRS) is claiming that federal agents do not need a court order to read anyone’s emails, text messages including any and all other, reasonably expected private electronic communications.

During Obama’s Watch, the strong-arm of the federal government has determined that neither the 1st Amendment nor the 2nd Amendment now the 4th Amendment and the 5th Amendment applies to federal authority.

What can be more chilling to the survival of our Constitutional Republic than an erosion of our civil liberties?

Image Courtesy: The Scarlett Sage

Obama’s Watch: Should Bush Tax Cuts Expire, Tax Hikes Coming to All Americans January 1st

Saturday, December 22nd, 2012

Obama Watch Tax Hikes Coming Jan 01Obama’s Watch: Tax Hikes Coming to All Americans 01 January, 2013

(CNS News) Should the Bush Tax cuts expire on the 01 January, individuals of all demographics and income brackets will realize tax increases according to a report on the 11 June entitled, “How Will Taxmageddon Impact You” from the Heritage Foundation.

Flashback: Remember when President Obama claimed “No family making less than $250,000 a year will see any form of a tax increase–yade, yade, yade…” during his watch.

ObamaCare: IRS Release 159 Pages of New Federal Rules & Regulations on Confiscatory Taxes

Tuesday, December 4th, 2012

ObamaCare Road to Serfdom –Peoples Cube/Conservative Daily News

(Reuters) They’re here–the IRS released 159 pages of new federal rules which go into effect within a few weeks for investment incomes taxes  on capital gains and dividends, together with other new confiscatory taxes all courtesy of ObamaCare.

Related: ObamaCare Taxes Means ObamaCare Layoffs

Cheesecake Factory CEO Warns ObamaCare Will Be Very Costly

Democrats Class Warfare: How Does One Define Tax Fairness?

Saturday, November 24th, 2012

Fair Share: –Student News Daily

(CNBC) Democrat-Socialist/Progressives claim that the “Rich” do not pay their Fair Share without ever defining what “Fair Share” actually is?

What are the facts?

According to the IRS people who make $1 Million or more had an average tax rate of 20.4% in 2010. Tax filers who earned $50,000 to $100,00 had an average tax rate of 7.7% while those earning $30,000 to $50,000 had an average tax rate of 4.8%–those earning less than $30,000 had a negative effective rate meaning that they paid no federal income tax after deductions and credits.

Put another way, Millionaires pay a rate that is more than 4 times that of other taxpayers. How is it therefore that Millionaires do not pay their fair share? How does one define tax fairness?

Related:  If 5% Paid 40% of Taxes, What is Their Fair Share? –Washington Examiner

Govt Will Take Almost Half Your Paycheck in 2013 –Heritage Foundation

IRS Agents Demand California Car Wash Pay .04 Cents

Wednesday, March 17th, 2010

Democrats who didn’t pay their taxes go unnoticed by the IRS but the Owner of a California car wash is visited by IRS Agents demanding that he pay back taxes from 2006 of .04 cents plus interest and penalties.

More here from Sunlit Uplands

IRS & DOJ Unauthorized Release Of Tax Records

Thursday, August 27th, 2009

Invasion of Privacy

The IRS and Dept. of Justice released without authorization over 970,000 tax records, social security numbers and other sensitive information of citizens and businesses.

Who knows where those documents are today and how many scammers around the world are using this information to steal credit and banking information?

Do you really trust the government to preserve the confidentiality of your personal medical records should the Democrat-Socialists takeover health care?

IRS & Justice Department Releases Citizens Tax Returns to Alleged Criminal—Via PR Web