Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Today Christians Honor Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz and Companions, Martyrs for Jesus Christ – Please Pray For Us!

Sunday, July 7th, 2024

Blessed Emanuel Ruiz and Companions

Blessed Emmanuel Ruiz & Companions
Image: Tinh Than

(Franciscan Media) Born in Spain Santander in 1804 not much is known of the early life of Emmanuel Ruiz but details of his heroic death in defense of Christianity have been passed down through generations.

Born of humble parents, Emmanuel became a Franciscan Priest and served as a missionary in Syria Damascus–this was at the same time that anti-Christian riots shook the country and thousands were martyred.

Among these were Fr. Emmanuel Ruiz, Superior of the ‘Franciscan Convent’ together with seven other Friars and three Laymen–When a menacing crowd of Islamists came looking for the men, they refused to renounce their Christian faith and become Muslim (sounds familiar, I digress) as a result, the men were subjected to horrible torture before their martyrdom in 1860

Fr. Emmanuel Ruiz, his Brother Franciscans and three Maronite Laymen were Beatified in 1926 by Pope Pius XI

Today Christians Honor Blessed Raymond Lull, Missionary To Muslims, Please Pray For Us!

Wednesday, June 26th, 2024

Blessed Raymond LullBecause of Catholics Like Raymond Lull (1235-1315) –

(Franciscan Media) Born in Spain Palma Majorca, Raymond earned a position in the King’s Court there–One day a Homily inspired him to dedicate his life to working for the conversions of Muslims in North Africa to Christianity.

Raymond became a ‘Secular Franciscan’ founded a college in Majorca in 1276 where Missionaries could learn Arabic and its culture, he traveled extensively through Tunis to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ with Muslims–Raymond wrote more than 300 works in Latin, Arabic and Catalan on Theology, Logic and Philosophy, he was also fond of writing both fiction and poetry.

As the years passed, Brother Raymond retired in solitude spending 9 years in a Hermitage and during this time, he continued his writings in which he earned the title: Enlightened Doctor.

At the age of 79, Raymond went to North Africa continuing his ministry as a Missionary to the Muslims, there an angry crowd of Islamists stoned him (but did not kill him) in Algeria Bougie — Genoese Merchants took Raymond back to Spain Mallorca where he subsequently died.

Raymond Lull was Beatified in 1750 by Pope Benedict XIV

More here by Samuel M. Zwemer, FRGS

Today Christians Celebrate Feast of Pope Saint Pius V, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, April 30th, 2024

Pope Saint Pius V

Pope Saint Pius V (1504-1572)
Image: Luisa Piccarreta

(EWTN) Born Michael Ghislieri in Italy Alessandria in 1504 into an impoverished family despite their distinguished past, Michael the future Pope Saint Pius V was instructed by members of the Dominican Order, choosing to join them at the age of 14 after a decade of study in theology and philosophy, he was Ordained a Priest becoming known for his solemn penances. his long hours of prayer, fasting and the Holiness of his speech.

Fr. Michael Ghislieri was elected Bishop of Sutri in 1556 and one year later Cardinal, he became known in this capacity as an able yet unflinching man who rigorously fought heresy and corruption wherever he found it. In 1566 he was elected Pope and took the name Pius V.

A defender of Catholic doctrine and Christian civilization during the tumultuous 16th century, this Dominican Pope is remembered for implementing steps to stop the spread of militant Islam, bringing together both Spanish and Italian Naval forces including those of the Papal states. Seriously outnumbered, Pope Pius V requested that each Sailor and all of Europe pray the Holy Rosary and receive Communion. During this same time, Pope Pius V Ordered a 40 hour devotion in Rome during which time the battle took place–The Christian ‘Holy League’ vastly outnumbered, won a dramatic and decisive battle against the Muslims, destroying their entire fleet in 1571

Pope Pius V was charged with the task of implementing sweeping reforms according to Franciscan Media which included: Ordering the founding of seminaries for the proper training of Priests; Publishing a new Missal together with a new Breviary; a new Catechism and established the new ‘Confraternity of Christian Doctrine’ classes for the young. Pope Pius V likewise zealously enforced legislation against abuses in the Church and patiently served the sick and poor by overseeing the construction of hospitals, providing food for the hungry and giving money customarily used for Papal banquets to poor converts–Pius V decision to continue wearing the white Dominican habit led to the custom of the Pope wearing a white cassock which continues to this day.

In striving to reform both Church and State, Pope Pius V encountered vehement opposition from England’s Queen Elizabeth and the Roman Emperor Maximilian II

Pope Pius V in 1572 was working toward a new and broader alliance of Western Christian powers against expansionist Islamic Jihad, unfortunately for civilization he didn’t live long enough to see this through, becoming ill and died on the 01 May uttering:

“O Lord, increase my sufferings and my patience.” 

Pope Pius V was Beatified by Pope Clement X in 1672 and was Canonized by Pope Clement XI in 1712 — Since that time only two other Pope’s Saint Pius X in 1954 and John Paul II in 2014 have been declared a Saint.

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of Pope Saint Pius V, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Commemorate St. Casilda of Toledo, Please Pray For Us!

Tuesday, April 9th, 2024

St CasildaSaint Casilda of Toledo
Image: Annie Konstin, Saint Peter & Paul School,
San Francisco@Flickr

(Franciscan Media) Born to Islamic parents in Spain Toledo in the 10th century, Casilda was raised Muslim but showed special kindness to Christian prisoners, carrying bread to them according to Zurbaran hidden in her clothes.

On one occasion the soldiers questioned what she was carrying under her skirt and as she proceeded to show them the bread it miraculously turned into a bouquet of roses.

As a young Woman, Casilda became ill but had no confidence that any Arab doctor could help her to regain her health and so she made a pilgrimage to the Shrine of San Vicenzo, like so many people before her, seeking the healing waters of the shrine which relieved Casilda of her illness.

In response, Casilda became a Christian, living the rest of her life in solitude, prayer and penance not far from the healing spring.

More here from Catholic Online

Today Christians Celebrate the Feast of St. John of God, Patron Saint of the Dying & Hospitals – Please Pray For Us!

Friday, March 8th, 2024

St John of God

Saint John of God (1495-1550)
Image Courtesy:

(EWTN) Few people in this world who have made any name for themselves in any sphere, began life under such adverse conditions.

John was born in Portugal Montemayor-el-Novo to middle class parents, tragically at the age of 8 he was abducted according to and later was abandoned to homelessness in a remote part of Spain Oropesa, there he had no one and had no place to live and subsequently worked as a shepherd boy on the neighboring countryside until the age of twenty two before he realized a change in circumstances.

It was during an age of wars and conquests and even the country villagers , when the day’s work was over, could talk of little else but the new countries being discovered, the great battles being fought and the wonderful deeds being done by the heroes of the day. 

For John, this was the life he wanted for himself and for the next 18 yrs, he lived and fought with the Emperor’s armyfirst against the French, then the Turks, according to Catholic News Agency all the while during this time, his morals began to decline for a greedy, brutal way of life.

John’s conscience was from time-to-time troubled, particularly by the memories of his early youth before he was taken away from his parents and despite falling into a lifestyle of violence and plundering, he had a certain weakness for those who were poor or in extreme distress and would give to them charity–it wasn’t until the age of 42 before John’s life and sinfulness began to take its toll.

Subsequently John returned to Spain and picked up nearly right where he had left off some 20 yrs earlier, working again as a Shepherd.

This time however John was committed to living out the faith in God that he regained from his youth. John traveled to North Africa seeking to help Christians  there who had been enslaved by Muslims.

Eventually however he returned to Spain and settled for a time selling Christian books and other things, always encouraging his customers to live their faith sincerely to God–Saint John of God reputation as the ‘Patron Saint of Booksellers’ derives from this period.

In time, John felt compelled to give himself entirely to the service of the poor, sick and vulnerable that he opened his home to them–allowing it to become a combined hospital, homeless-shelter and half-way house run entirely by John himself. When not bandaging up the wounded or breaking up fights, John would go out seeking charity.

The Bishop of Granada approved of John’s work and gave him the name, ‘John of God’ subsequently a group of volunteers came to accompany him in his work, many who had earlier come to him when they were in need themselves.

Others resented John’s work and assaulted his reputation by reminding others of his past sins but John, unfazed in his humility would acknowledge the truth in what was being said as a testament to God’s grace in his life.

John continued serving the poor and the sick for the next 15 years before meeting his death through an act of charity–he jumped into a freezing river to save a drowning man, he subsequently returned home shivering (likely suffering from hypothermia) and laid down in one of his hospital beds–John’s health steadily declined. The Bishop of Granada was called and he came to deliver last rites.

As the Bishop prepared him for death, ‘John of God’  expressed a number of anxieties:

  • “The first is that I have received so many graces from God and have not recognized them and have repaid them with so little of my own.”
  • “The second is, after I am dead, I fear lest the poor woman I have rescued and the poor sinners I have reclaimed, may be treated badly.”
  • “The third is those who have trusted me with money and who have not been fully repaid, nay suffer loss on my account.”

The Bishop however assured John that he had nothing to fear–John then asked to be alone and summoned his last strength to rise from his bed to knell before a crucifix. 

John of God, passed away while in prayer with his face pressed against the figure of Jesus Christ–John of God was Canonized on the 16 October 1690 in Rome by Pope Alexander VIII

More here from Franciscan Media

Related: For Today’s Most Holy Scripture Readings for the Memorial of St. John of God, Visit: -USCCB

Today Christians Commemorate St. Ernest of Mecca, Martyr for Jesus Christ

Thursday, November 7th, 2019

St ErnestSt Ernest of Mecca  -Image Courtesy: St. Paul Street Evangelization

(Catholic Online) Born in Germany, Ernest was a Benedictine Monk then Abbot of the Benedictine Abbey of Germany Zwiefalten during the 12th century.

Ernest would go and minister in Arabia and Persia (present day Islamic Fascist Iran) during the the Second Crusade fought between Christians and the Moors (Muslims) 1145 to 1149 where he was captured and tortured to death in Mecca.

More here from SQPN

Related: Today’s Alternative Feast Day: Saint Didacus

(Audio) CNN Wolf Blitzer Wonders Whether Barcelona ISIS Attack Was a “Copycat” of Charlottesville?

Thursday, August 17th, 2017

Over the past 3 Years there have been at least 14 Jihadist Attacks Using Vehicles – the most deadliest attack was in France, Nice on 14 July, 2016 which killed 84 on Bastille Day

VIA: Washington Free Beacon

Isn’t Fascism Just Lovely

Tuesday, August 15th, 2017

Liberal North Carolina Mob Destroy 93 Yr Old Confederate Monument
Outside Durham County Courthouse on Monday  -Images Courtesy:

ISIS Jihadists Destroy Ancient Statutes in Iraq  -Images Courtesy: RT News

Sheik Omar Raghba Destroys Statue of the Blessed Virgin Mary -Images Courtesy: MEMRI

Related: Marxist Woman Arrested for Toppling Confederate Statue on Monday -NY Post

(Watch) California Imam Calls For All Muslims To “Fight the Jews”

Saturday, July 29th, 2017

VIA: Washington Times

(Watch) Women’s March Organizer Linda Sarsour Defends Sharia Law Calls on Muslims to ‘Wage Jihad’ Against Trump

Tuesday, July 11th, 2017

VIA: Conservative Review