Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

ISIS Stones 15 Yr Old Syrian Boy to Death for Being Gay

Tuesday, May 24th, 2016

ISIS StoningHow They Celebrate Diversity in the Islamic Caliphate

(ARA News) Islamic Fascist Thugs stoned to death a teenage boy in Syria for being Gay, activists and eyewitnesses reported on Monday — Jamal Nassir al-Oujan age 15, was arrested by ISIS police in Syria’s eastern  Deir en-Zor on Sunday, the Sharia Court accused him of Sodomy and decided to stone him to death.

“Al-Oujan was brutally stoned to death by ISIS militants in Jaradiq Square in the Maydin City on Monday afternoon,” an eyewitness told ARA News.

“Also some civilians were forced to participate in stoning the victim, the brutal scene has shocked all residents of Maydin,” added the eyewitness.

Speaking to ARA News. Ahmed Ramadan a media activist said, “The radical group (ISIS) has violated all human rights by carrying out brutal atrocities against civilians, punishing people on baseless charges only to show off its power over unarmed peaceful civilians.”

On Monday, I wrote here that ISIS Jihadists in Iraq set fire to a home and burned a 12 year old Christian girl alive for failing to pay a tax — the young girl offered forgiveness to  her murders before she succumb to her injuries.

H/T: Weasel Zippers

“Forgive Them” 12 Year Old Christian Girl Forgives Islamic Jihadists Who Burned her Alive Because of a Tax

Monday, May 23rd, 2016

ForgivenessThe 12 Year Old Christian Girl Asked her Mother to Forgive the ISIS Murderous Thugs Moments Before she Died –Daily Express

(Independent) A 12 year old Christian girl who suffered severe burns after ISIS Jihadists set fire in the bathroom were the girl was showering in.

The girls mother described how ISIS Thugs had set fire to the family home in Iraq Mosul, after they failed to pay the ‘Jaziya’ (religious tax) imposed on all non-Muslims immediately.

Human Rights activist Jacqueline Issac said, “The ISIS foreign fighters were at the door and they told her ‘you have two choices, you are to leave now or you are to pay the Jaziya.”

The girls mother said, “I will pay, give me a few seconds my daughter is in the shower.”

The ISIS Jihadists reportedly said, “You don’t have a few seconds,” they set fire to the house with a torch from the bathroom where the 12 year old girl was showering in. Flames engulfed the house, according to Daily Express both the mother and daughter were able to escape the inferno but not before the 12 year old girl suffered 4th degree burns.

Issac said, the Mother rushed her daughter to the hospital — the last thing her daughter said was “Forgive them,” as she died in her mother’s arms.

Flashback: Remember when Hillary Clinton said that one is to show “respect for ones enemies, trying to understand…empathize with their perspective and point of view.”

Last week a leading Cleric in Baghdad said the country’s Christian population could disappear within 5 years because of the ISIS threat.

Fr. Martin Hermis Dawood said that he used to advise members of his congregation who were contemplating fleeing the country to stay strong but since the emergence of ISIS two years ago he know encourages them to leave immediately.

Iraqi Christian leaders estimate the total number of Chaldean Catholics, Syrian Orthodox and members of the eastern Assyrian Church has declined from 1.3 million twenty years ago to fewer than 400,000 today – in the past two years, ISIS has displaced more than 200,000 Christians from the northern region of Nineveh the Daily Telegraph reports.

Fr. Dawood said, “We are in the middle, we have seen it. When newspapers published cartoons about the (false) prophet Mohammed, it was in Europe but gangs tried to assault Christians here. — We know very well that not every Muslim here is a terrorist but there is a culture rising not only here in Iraq but the Middle East. There’s a struggle happening in the whole world and we will be burned in this fire in the future.”

Hamas/PA Abbas: All of Israel is Occupation – Denies Israel’s Right to Exist

Saturday, May 21st, 2016

(PMW) As Israel Celebrates 68 Years of Democracy – Hamas/Palestinian Authority President Abbas Continues to Deny Israel’s Right to Exist

Flashback: In 2008 Hamas Co-Founder Mahmoud Zahhar told The Economist that he certainly would not now “accept the reality” of Israel as some of his colleagues have hinted. It may instead become “an eternal issue” he said, looking ahead to a distant future when “like the European Union” the Arab nation will form one state–joining up with other Muslim nations such as Turkey adding, “We (Palestinians) were never an independent state in history. We were part of an Arab state and an Islamic State.”

Related: The West Ignores PA Leaders’ Autocratic Tendencies -CAMERA

How Strong is the Arab Claim to Palestine -Front Page (2004)

Antisemitism: Islamic Fascist Iran TV Report on the International Holocaust Cartoon Contest in Tehran

Saturday, May 21st, 2016

(MEMRI) On the 15 May, Iran ‘Al-Alam’ TV broadcast a report on the opening day of the 3rd Intl Holocaust Cartoon contest in Tehran. The exhibition features caricatures of Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu comparing him to Hitler and to ISIS Jihadists

The organizer Shojai Tabtabai said the exhibition was “a response to the publication of cartoons by French ‘Charlie Hedbo’ magazine, which affronted the (false) prophet Mohamed…”

(Video) Muslim Students Disrupt Pro-Israel Event at Univ of California Irvine

Friday, May 20th, 2016

Campus ReformCollege Republican Student Holding ‘Blue Lives Matter’ Poster — Muslim Students Protesters Didn’t Have any Interest in Opening Up any Dialogue and Shouted Over Every Attempt to Initiate Conversation about their Grievances

(Campus Reform) An event held by a Jewish student group at the Univ of California Irvine (UC Irvine) was disrupted Wednesday by a crowd of Muslim students chanting antisemitic and anti-police slogans.

Ariana Rowlands President of the College Republicans club at UC Irvine told ‘Campus Reform’ that her group had just wrapped up its meeting on Wednesday and were gathered outside the building preparing to hang posters to advertise an upcoming appearance of Milo Yiannopoulos a Breitbart News columnist, when they heard a commotion nearby.

Wandering over to investigate the ‘College Republicans’ member encountered a large group of students holding signs and screaming in unison to protest a movie screening being held by ‘Students Supporting Israel’ – Shawn Steel a Republican Natl Committee member who was on  the UC Irvine campus to address the ‘College Republicans’ meeting posted a video on Facebook capturing a portion of the demonstration.

“Intifada, Intifada long live the Intifada,” the protesters shout at the beginning of the video following that up with a call and a response chant of “displacing people since 48 there’s nothing here to celebrate.”

They repeated their venomous chant several times before progressing to a more simple message of: “F–k the Police.”

Kevin Brum, Vice President of ‘Students Supporting Israel’ (SSI) told ‘Campus Reform’ that the demonstrators were members of the ‘Muslim Students Union’ and ‘Students for Justice in Palestine Groups’ who were apparently incensed that two former Israel Defense Forces (IDF) soldiers were planning to meet with attendees of the screening.

Police RespondingAccording to a post at SSI Facebook page police had to escort the attendees out of their planned event for their own safety when the intolerant Muslim’s violated the SSI students constitutionally protected rights to peacefully assemble, watch a film and hear from former IDF soldiers were disrupted, when the Muslim students became “aggressive, blocking exits and not allowing people to leave (the venue) as well as forcing people to run and hide in rooms, fearing for their lives.”

“They were shouting Intifada, Intifada long live the Intifada – All White people need to die and they chased a female student into another building,” SSI further reported.

In March 2011 Jihad Watch reported that the ‘Muslim Students Union’ at UC Irvine, a ‘Muslim Students Association’ affiliate which the NY Police identified the organization as an ‘incubator’ for Islamic radicalism, had been suspended by the school after members repeatedly heckled Israeli Ambassador to the U.S. Michael Oren during a speech in 2010

More here on Muslim Students Association

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Cardinal Robert Sarah Warns of ‘Demonic’ Threat Facing America

Friday, May 20th, 2016

Resist the DevilPleasures are Not Joys – When We Seek Them Out They Can Become Idols
The Tidings News Archdiocese of Los Angeles

(Catholic Online) Speaking in Washington, DC at the ‘National Catholic Prayer Breakfast’ on Tuesday, Cardinal Robert Sarah of West Africa Guinea, enjoined Christians to resist “ideological colonization” and the removal of God from society, in order to help the Church resist threats to the family and religious freedom around the world.

Cardinal Sarah emphasized that individualism and a desire to create a ‘utopian paradise’ without God has had profound impact on societies. “Rapid social and economic development in the past half century has not been accompanied by an equally fervent spiritual progress, as we witness what Pope Francis calls ‘globalized indifference’ ” he critiqued.

This indifference to persons can be seen in “our closing our eyes and hearts to the poor and vulnerable and in a very despicable  way, in how we discard the unborn and the elderly,” said Cardinal Sarah.

The greatest challenges however Cardinal Sarah said are the challenges facing the family. Quoting Pope Francis, he reminded those in attendance that proposing less than what the Church teaches on marriage proposes less than what Christ offers the human person.

“This is why the Holy Father openly and vigorously defends Church teaching on contraception, abortion — reproductive technologies, the education of children and much more.” These and other injuries to the family, Cardinal Sarah elaborated, can turn the family from a place of flourishing  and love into “a place where human beings can be humanly and spiritually wounded.”

Protecting the family is also linked to the preservation of religious freedom, Cardinal Sarah said as he urged Americans to protect their history of religious freedom. While many Christians across the world are suffering from violence due to persecution from governments or Jihadist groups such as the Islamic State, “violence against Christians is not just physical, it is also political, ideological and cultural,” Cardinal Sarah added.

“This form of religious persecution is equally damaging, yet more hidden. It does not destroy physically but spiritually.” The violence of cultural and ideological pressure seeks to separate the Christian from his/her conscience and blend them into society. — The Church’s teachings on marriage, sexuality and the family are under extreme pressure, Cardinal Sarah said.

In the face of such threats to the free exercise of religion and conscience, Cardinal Sarah called on Catholics to be prophetic, faithful and prayerful. – A prophetic approach requires careful discernment of how “in your lives” you homes, your workplaces – how in your nation, God is being eroded, eclipsed and liquidated, Cardinal Sarah added. Faithfulness requires Christians to be courageous in speaking the truth and prayer he said, is essential to discerning God’s will and to avoid discouragement.

Full Text here of Cardinal Robert Sarah Address at National Catholic Prayer Breakfast

Islamic Jihadists Celebrate Loss of Egypt Air 804 — White House Contradicts Intelligence Denies Act of Terrorism

Thursday, May 19th, 2016

Jihadist CelebratingIslamic Jihadists Tweets and Retweets Celebrating Loss of Egypt Air 804
Threatens More Similar Terrorism Involving Aircraft

White HouseObama Administration Denies Intelligence, Claims It Doesn’t “Yet Know Definitively”
What Caused Crash of Egypt Air — Riiight…

ISIS Accuses 7 Yr Old Boy of Insulting the Caliphate, Arrests and Executes Him

Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

QuranThe Religion of Peace Pronunciamento -Image Courtesy: Blacks For Trump

(ARA News) ISIS Thugs executed a 7 yr old boy in Syria’s Northeastern City of Raqqa, eyewitnesses reported last week — speaking to ARA News, Human Rights activist “S.Y.” said the ISIS Jihadists arrested and executed the 7 yr old child on charges of ‘insulting divinity.’

“Islamic State’s police arrested Muaz Hassan earlier this week in the City of Raqqa after they heard him ‘cursing divinity’ while playing in the street with his friends,” the source quoted an ISIS Member of Islamic Court as saying. The act was considered an insult to the Caliphate regardless of the age of the boy.”

An ISIS member of the Sharia Court read a statement before conducting the execution, explaining the reasons for the child’s execution, eyewitnesses told ARA News.

The ISIS Sharia Court sentenced the child to death on charges of ‘infidelity’ in a move contrary to every legitimate principle which says children are not held accountable for their acts, according to Human Rights activists.

Hisba Police shot the 7 yr old child dead last Thursday in the Naeem Square in front of hundreds of people including the child’s parents collapsing after their child’s execution, according to eyewitnesses.

In related news, Iraqi News reports today, that ISIS genocidal monsters burned a family of five (three of which were children) to death on charges of ‘Leaving the Land of the Caliphate’ Southwest of Kirkuk — the source said in a statement, “Today ISIS burned a family of five people including three children in central al-Riyad vicinity,” (40 Km S.W. of Kirkuk) pointing out that, “ISIS members poured white oil material on the family members and burned them in public.”

Related: ISIS Thugs Hurl Gay Man Off Building in Front of Children -Daily Mail

Stories of ISIS Victims Emerging and They’re Unbelievably Brutal -CNA

ISIS Reveals Its New Sickening form of Execution -Daily Mail

H/T: Catholic Online

Obama Calls Trump’s Plan for Border Wall Ridiculous — U.S. Taxpayers Pay for Tunisia & Egypt Fortified Security Fence

Wednesday, May 4th, 2016

Tusnia Border Fence(Defense News) If Donald Trump’s Plan to Construct a Border Wall is So ‘Wacky and Ridiculous’ Why Did Obama OK American Taxpayers Dollars to Pay for Tunisia and Egypt Fortified Security Fence Constructed in 2015 ?

H/T: Lana Wong

Obama Legacy — Foreign Policy Doldrums

Sunday, May 1st, 2016

Obama Chaos(CNN) Iraq Green Zone & Parliament Stormed by Protesters Following Shiite Cleric’s Speech — Video Flashback: Remember When Obama said: ‘We’re Leaving Behind a Sovereign, Stable and Self Reliant Iraq’