Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

(Videos) During Palestinian Festival for Children, Hamas TV Performs Attacks Against Israeli’s — Official Palestinian TV Preacher: “Allah, Kill Them to the Last…Punish the Wicked Jews”

Friday, April 29th, 2016

Religion of Peace Teaching Children to Hate
Gaza Children Put on Play About Stabbing & Killing Israeli’s


Obama Claims ISIS on the Run — ISIS Jihadists Overwhelm Rebel Forces Supported by U.S. Airstikes

Friday, April 15th, 2016

Obama ISISNot So Fast President Obama – They’ve Regrouped… 

Breaking News: After Obama’s Pep-Talk this Week, ISIS Overwhelms Rebel Forces –Terror

(AMN) ISIS has established full control over Tall Sha’ir in Northern Aleppo despite rebel commanders inside the town preparing for the attack, their rebel army was just overwhelmed by ISIS Jihadists charging from three flanks, forcing the rebels to cut-n-run.

Heavy clashes are still ongoing in Northern Aleppo with the death toll already in the hundreds on both sides — in related news, ISIS Jihadists have set fire to nearby refugee camps set up by NGOs.

Despite U.S. led airstrikes to prevent ISIS advances, ISIS were able to raise their flag in the town center of Tall Sha’ir — So much for Obama’s latest game changing strategy.

Obama Administration Announces $139 Million in Humanitarian Relief For Yemen – Remember in 2014 When They Called Yemen’s War on Terror a Success Story

Friday, April 8th, 2016

US YemenJohn Kerry: How’s Nearly $1 Billion in American Taxpayers Dollars Since 2011 Helped Yemen?

(Rueters) Al-Qaeda now runs its own mini-state in Yemen, flush with funds from raiding banks and levying taxes on goods & fuel arriving into port — How pray tell is the U.S. going to provide humanitarian assistance to those in need without some or much of it being seized by Islamic Jihadists?

Related:  America’s Contradictory Yemen Policies -CATO

Crazy Bernie Sanders Claims ‘Climate Change’ is Our Greatest Threat – Ignores Chilling ISIS Warnings Against U.S. & Europe

Thursday, April 7th, 2016

Bernie SandersCrazy Bernie Sanders Ignores Chilling ISIS Warnings of More Attacks Targeting U.S. & Europe

(Washington Times) The Islamic State (ISIS) have taken to social media to warn the West that the 22 March terrorist attacks in Brussels are just the beginning of waves of attacks that will strike more targets in Europe and the United States.

The messages were produced by ISIS media company Al-Wafa, which published a series of deadly predictions that indicate the Islamic savages based in Syria has scores of attacks in the pipeline.

“America You Are Next” is the headline in one column. — In another video released by ISIS Al-Furat media features a French speaking Islamic Jihadist equipped with a suicide belt warning “the worst is yet to come.”

The video begins with the televised address of King Philippe of Belgium talking about the March terrorist attack at the Brussels airport and a Metro train station, it transitions to shady scenes of an airport with an English-language boarding call to Gate A03 — the only English in the French and Arabic video, that was the gate number used for one at the Berlin airport by Air Berlin.

The latest video titled an ‘Eye for an Eye’ transitions to a press conference with Belgian prosecutor Frederic Van Leeuw, then three masked camouflaged Jihadists, the one in the middle displays a suicide belt, the camera zooms in on the trigger.

The speaker justifies the terrorist attacks in Europe by claiming that citizens of countries involved in the coalition against the Islamic State are responsible for their governments’ – the Jihadists vow that ISIS can strike whenever, whomever they wish and a recurrent in the rash of ISIS videos since Brussels vow–the worst is yet to come.

More here from PJ Media

Mass Graves Containing Bodies of Beheaded Women & Children Found After ISIS Was Driven Out of Ancient City of Syria Palmyra

Saturday, April 2nd, 2016

PalmyraRoman Ancient City of Syria Palmyra Left in Ruins by ISIS -Images Courtesy: The Independent

Palmyra After ISISISIS Left the Ancient Roman City of Palmyra in Ruins After Bombing It Last Year

palmyra-graffitiGraffiti Spray Painted by ISIS Reads: “We Remain”
Seen at the Temple of Bel in the Historic Roman City of Palmyra

(The Independent) A mass grave containing the bodies of Women and children has been uncovered in the ancient Roman city of Syria Palmyra, a former ISIS stronghold.

Syrian state media has reported the grim discovery of at least 40 bodies, some beheaded, other showing signs of brutal torture as troops loyal to Bashar al-Assad, continued their work after driving ISIS  Jihadists out.

The news reports has linked the discovery to a massacre documented in May 2015 when ISIS fascists were reported to have slaughtered more than 400 mostly Women and children in Palmyra just two days after capturing the ancient Roman city.

On the 24 June, 2015 I published before and after pictures here of Palmyra after ISIS destroyed the city by planting mines and bombs amid the the ancient Roman ruins. Unexploded mines and bombs litter the area–more than 3000 mines have so far been dismantled with the help of Russian bomb specialists.

“They booby-trapped everything trees, doors and animals,” said a Syrian officer.

In related news, the Daily Mirror Online reports British Prime Minister David Cameron fears that ISIS could launch a terrorist attack as they’ve done recently in Paris and Belgium but instead use radioactive ‘dirty bombs’ and drop them from drones, unleashing panic and death upon civilians.

In June, 2015 NY Daily News reported that ISIS Jihadists had looted radioactive chemicals from government labs during their rampage across Iraq and Syria, hoping to build a radioactive device according to Australian Intelligence officials — likewise in July 2014, Iraq’s U.N. Ambassador confirmed that ISIS had ransacked labs at a university in Mosul (after Obama ‘Cut-n-Run’, I digress) stealing uranium and more than 2000 sarin-nerve gas filled rockets.

(Video) Israel Navy Trains For ISIS Takeover of Israeli Ship

Thursday, March 31st, 2016

(IDF) With ISIS affiliated fighters in the Egyptian Sinai near Eilat, the Israeli Navy has exercised a scenario in which ISIS fighters takeover an Israeli ship – the exercise included Israel naval combat soldiers, missile ships and the Shayetet 13 Naval Commandos, who were responsible for the extraction of hostages aboard the hijacked ship.

The threat of ISIS in the Sinai has increased over the past year, this is evidenced by the recent downing of an Egyptian civilian aircraft in the Sinai Desert. In order to combat this threat, the Israeli Navy’s response must be rapid and in complete coordination with the police and Megan David Adom in Eilat in the event of an incident.

IDF...Major exercises of this sort take place a few times a year, each exercise prepares the navy for operations in a different maritime theater. Previously they have trained for operations in Israel’s north, preparing for the threat of Hezbollah as well as off the cost of Gaza.

Out Of Touch! As The World Burns, Obama Yucks It Up With a Communist Dictator and Tangos With a Playboy Model

Thursday, March 24th, 2016

Obama Out of TouchThe Woman Obama Did the Tango With in Argentina Did a 2006 Photo-Spread in Playboy

(Daily Caller) Moro Godoy grabbed headlines when she Tangoed with an ‘Out of Touch’ Obama in Communist Argentina on Wednesday, the 43 yr old dancer’s performance wasn’t the first time she stepped into the international spotlight — back in 2006 she did a nude photo spread for Playboy.

“What the hell is wrong with President Obama,” Piers Morgan said. Why does he not seem to have a clue how to behave when major atrocities happen around the world? The ISIS terror attacks on Brussels were Belgium’s 9/11,” the Daily Mail reported. Obama in his capacity as President of the United States is supposed to be the ‘Leader of the Free World’ and therefore defacto leader of NATO – That alone should have demanded he immediately abandon his jolly in (Communist) Cuba, where he is (was) cosying up to a dictatorship and return to Washington to lead the global response with a powerful statement from the Oval Office — but Obama had other ideas.

Obama CastroObama Yucks It Up With Raul Castro Who Ordered Shoot Down of the ‘Brothers to the Rescue’
Planes in 1996
-Image Courtesy: Nerdy Wonka

Where oh where is the American leadership in the War on ISIS? What kind of message does it send to be yukking it up with Raul (Castro) asks the National Review as Belgian authorities are picking up body parts off the floor of the Brussels airport?

Creating an Islamic Jihadist: Terror Doesn’t Come Out of Thin Air Its the Product of Institutionalized Incitement

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

Creating a Terrorist...Creating a Terrorist — Israel Defense Force

How does a teenager decide to skip school one day put a knife in his or her backpack to stab an Israeli? How does one decide not to show up for work because they want to ram their car into Israeli’s waiting at a bus stop?

  • Flashback: On the 26 October, 2014 I wrote here 3 month old American Chaya Braun was murdered as a result of an Islamic Jihadist vehicular terrorist attack at a light rail station.

Where does this drive to kill come from? The factors are clear and they are as follows:

Children’s Toys: Receives a Stuffed Toy With a Rock in Hand

Creating a TerroristIsraeli Customs Seized 4,000 ‘Rock Throwing Dolls’ Intended for the Palestinian Authority
to be Distributed Among Palestinian Children

Watches Public Television

Can you imagine Elmo talking to a child and encouraging the child to stab another human being?

Many grow up watching their favorite shows on public television networks. It is a core component to many children–Sesame Street encourages children to be nice to one another and to be good friends. Other programming is silly, humorous and harmless but many Palestinian children grow up watching more than Sesame Street or Kai-Lin.

Instead many Palestinian youth are watching ‘Palestinian Authority’ sponsored television with cartoons depicting Jews as monsters. They also watch shows similar to Sesame Street, with dressed up bunnies that praise and encourage children to sacrifice their lives to kill Jews.

Palestinian TVPalestinian Children’s Television

Stabbing For KidsStabbing For Kid’s: Palestinian Child on Facebook Gives Demo – Stab, Stab, Stab…

Play Video Games

Goal of many Palestinian video games is to stab Jews or commit other violent acts against Jews and other Israelis.

Go To School

Palestinian Children are Taught that Jews are Murderers and Taught the Way to Martyrdom.

There are many schools in Gaza, Judea and Samaria that are named in honor of suicide bombers and terrorists. For example, there are three schools under the Palestinian Authority named after the infamous suicide bomber Dalal Mughrabi who killed 38 civilians – 12 of them children.

  • The Dalal Mughrabi High School for Girls – Gaza
  • The Dalal Mughrabi High School for Girls – Hebron
  • The Dalal Mughrabi Elementary School for Girls – Hebron

The curriculum in some schools is also problematic — In 2006 the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Higher Education introduced the new 12th Grade schoolbooks written by Palestinian educators who were appointed by the Fathah leadership. — Palestinian Media Watch reviewed these books and found they made no attempts to educate for peace or coexistence with Israel, instead Israel’s right to exist is adamantly denied and the Palestinian war against Israel is presented as an eternal religious battle for Islam.

In 2014 the Palestinian Authority Ministry of Culture Taught Children Not to Recognize Israel

Go To Prayer

Go To PrayerPalestinians also attend prayer services and the Imam stands on stage preaching, the audience listens as their community leaders laud the efforts of Palestinians who have executed attacks against Israelis. They promote violence and encourage listeners to go out and stab Jews. They are not only praising Allah, they are also perpetuating violent incitement and are ingraining a hateful, violent and even a murderous mentality. 

Go On Facebook

See posts celebrating terrorists who killed Jews. Facebook has been utilized as a tool to perpetuate incitement and users in Palestinian communities see statuses applauding murder. They see instructional videos of terrorists with a knife showing viewers, step-by-step, how to stab and kill a Jew.

Go Out at Night & Weekends Celebrating Death in Parades — Praising the Terrorists – Riot

Go Out and RiotPalestinians of all ages spend part of their Friday rioting, there are riots weekly. Rioters use rocks, sling shots, firebombs, burning tires and anything they can to attack Israelis, soldiers and civilian roads. Beyond the riots, there are parades and celebrations — they celebrate when a Jew is killed or when a Palestinian terrorist is killed. The Palestinian Authority often organizes or facilitates funerals for terrorists to praise them, even celebrating them for killing or attempting to kill Jews.

Go To Stab

PA Instructional Video...Palestinian Incitement to Murder

PA Instructional Video

Downtown Los Angeles U.S. Bank Building Lights Up in Belgian Flag Colors

Wednesday, March 23rd, 2016

Downtown LA Bldg(NBC LA) The U.S. Bank Tower in Downtown Los Angeles Was Lit Up in Belgian Flag Colors
After the ‘Religion of Peace’ Struck Again Murdering 34 and Injuring 200+ on Tuesday

(Video) Hillary Clinton: Climate Change Is Our Biggest Threat — ISIS Claims Responsibility For Deadly Brussels Terrorist Attack

Tuesday, March 22nd, 2016

(ABC News) ISIS Claims Responsibility for Brussels Terrorist Attack, 34 Confirmed Dead,
At Least Three Americans Critically Injured