Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Religion of Peace: ISIS Savages Stone Girls to Death Accused of Committing Adultery

Thursday, February 25th, 2016

ISIS Stone Girl to DeathPure Evil: ISIS Savages Stone Girl to Death for
Allegedly Committing Adultery -Image Courtesy: Israel News Flash

(ARA) Islamic savages on Tuesday stoned to death two girls aged 16 and 17 in Syria Deir ze Zor, where hundreds of people gathered to witness the atrocities.

The ISIS Sharia Court said in a statement that the two teenage girls were caught in a house ‘with two strangers’ adding that an investigation was conducted by Sharia morals officials before issuing the decision to carry out the death sentences. — The ‘two strangers’ the girls were with were sentenced to public flogging with 50 lashes each and set free.

Related: ISIS Threatens Facebook & Twitter CEOs -LA Times

Top Intel Officials: U.S. Faces Highest Threat Level Since 9/11 -WFB

U.S. Unable to Halt ISIS March Toward Libya Oil -Zero Hedge

Obama Spares ISIS Oil Facilities to Save the Earth -American Thinker

American Heroes Sacrificed Their Lives to Capture Jihadists Now Obama Wants to Bring Them Here – NIMBY!

Tuesday, February 23rd, 2016

Obama GITMOSo Islamic Jihadists Will Now Love Americans? — Gitmo Didn’t Imprison Muslim Terrorists Before they Murdered Nearly 3000 on 9/11

(Breitbart) During a recent radio interview, former Gitmo Commander Col Michael Bumgarner slammed Obama for throwing national security out the window, adding that “he has no reservations about what he is doing — national security means nothing to him.”

  • What parallel universe does Obama live?

1 Mo Ago John Kerry Praised Iran’s Altruism – Iran Pledged $600,000 Fatwa to Kill Salman Rushdie

Sunday, February 21st, 2016

John Kerry on IranSecy of State @John Kerry Praises Iran for Its Magnanimous Actions, Rejoining Civilized World Following Iran Deal and $150+ Billion Dollars Plus $1.7 Billion Ransom U.S. Paid Them to Return 5 American Hostages

Iran Fatwa
Islamic Fascist Iran Pledged $600,000 Fatwa to Kill Salman Rushdie

  • Obama Administration, John Kerry, Dem Presidential Candidates Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders and Media are Silent
    Where’s the Moral Outrage?

H/T: Hillel Neuer

An Inspiration Of Time With God For Today

Saturday, February 20th, 2016

Love and Mercy(Tidings News) Fr. Jacques Philippe: Pray For Islamic Jihadists Conversion One of Them Could Be a Future St. Paul  -Image: Mercy Lives

Love For Enemies

“You have heard that it was said, ‘You shall love your neighbor and hate your enemy’ but I say to you, Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, so that you may be the children of your Father in heaven. For He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good and sends rain on the righteous and unrighteous. For if you love those who love you what reward do you have? Do not even the tax collectors do the same? If you greet only your brothers and sisters, what more are you doing than others? — Be perfect therefore as your heavenly Father is perfect.” –Matthew 5:43-48

Related: For Today’s Bible Readings and More Visit: -USCCB

ISIS May Have Stolen Nuke Material for Dirty Bomb — Obama Draws Down in Fight Against ISIS

Friday, February 19th, 2016

Obama No Strategy(IBD) ISIS Feared They May Have Stolen Radioactive Materials
to Make a Dirty Bomb — Obama Withdraws B-1 Bombers from War Against ISIS in Iraq and Syria

Lt. Gen Charles Brown, Jr. has confirmed the fleet of B-1 Lancer bombers that have been used against ISIS targets in Iraq and Syria have been sent back to the United States from their deployment in the Middle East allegedly for ‘upgrades to their cockpits’ — a process that will keep the aircraft stateside for an undetermined amount of time.

Has Obama ever actually been committed to the fight against ISIS ? — On Thursday I wrote here that Secy of State John Kerry met with Hollywood Studio Execs, enlisting their advice on how to defeat ISIS.

More here B-1 Bombers Pulled From ISIS Fight –CNN

Obama Administration Latest Strategy to Defeat ISIS – John Kerry Enlists Hollywood Studio Execs

Thursday, February 18th, 2016

John Kerry ISISObama Administration’s Latest Strategy to Defeat ISIS
Secy of State @John Kerry Meets with Hollywood Executives

In November according to the Washington Examiner Obama attempting to reassure Americans, subsequent to the ISIS terrorist attack in Paris and new threats from ISIS to launch similar attacks in the U.S. Obama said:

“The most powerful tool we have to fight ISIL (ISIS) is to say that we’re not afraid, to not elevate them, to somehow buy into their fantasy that they’re doing something important.”

  • Do you feel safer now?

Meanwhile according Daily Mail ISIS animals stone to death 4 Women for committing adultery after being raped by Jihadists and on Tuesday, publicly beheaded a 15 yr old boy in Iraq Mosul for listening to Western music at the grocery store owned by his father.

More here from ARA News

Obama Says Nothing! Ohio Machete Wielding Islamic Jihadist Injured 4 in Jewish Restaurant

Monday, February 15th, 2016

Ohio Terrorism(Columbus Dispatch) Alert on Islamic Jihadist Machete Wielders Car Led Police to Call Fed Anti-Terrorism Agents -Image: Anne Bayefsky

Video Flashback: Remember When Obama Claimed to Have Contained ISIS One Day Before the Paris Attacks — Still Not Contained

Related: Ohio Restaurant Owner: Machete Attack Definitely Terrorism

Obama Claimed ISIS Contained: New ISIS Video Shows 4 Yr Old Blowing Up Car With Alleged Spies

Thursday, February 11th, 2016

ISIS Video(JPost Video) Despicable: New ISIS Video Shows
4 Yr Old Child Soldier Blowing Up Car With Four Alleged Spies

More here ISIS Makes 4 Yr Old Execute Prisoners -NY Post

Related: Director of Natl Intelligence Clapper:  ISIS Want’s to Attack U.S. This Year –Fox News Video

Obama’s New Iranian Pal Khamenei Reiterates U.S. & Obama Administration Its Enemy

Monday, February 8th, 2016

KhameneiObama: Islamic Fascist Iran’s Grand Wizard @Khamenei
Doesn’t Feel the Same About You as You Do About Him

Does Obama’s Iran Deal Make You Feel Safer Now?
Image: BHO@Facebook

Islamic Fascist Iran a Tourist Destination? Rouhani Says So — Don’t Leave Home Without Your Hejab

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2016

Iran PresidentIran a Tourist Destination? @HassanRouhani  Thinks So…
Unless You’re Woman Of Course

Iran's Newst Criminals(IranWire) Meet Iran’s Newest Criminals: These Six Female Fashion Models Were Arrested by Iran’s Morals Police for Not Wearing a Hajib
on Their Instagram Pages

H/T: HollyDagres@Twitter