Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Flashback: Remember When VP Joe Biden Claimed ‘We Face No Existential Threat’ From Terrorism

Friday, July 17th, 2015

Marines Killed ChattanoogaGod Bless Our Beloved American Heroes Murdered in the
Chattanooga Terrorist Attack on Thursday –Image Breitbart

Riiight… — How confident are you now with that Nuke deal the Obama Administration cut with Islamic Fascist Iran this week?

ISIS Thug Who Murdered 4 Marines in Chattanooga Ranted He’s a “National Security” Threat

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

Chattanooga GunmanISIS Jihadist Thug Calls Himself a ‘Natl Security’ Threat
Image: daa3sh1/

Chattanooga Gunman...ISIS Praises Chattanooga Jihadist Thug Calls Muhammad Yusuf Abdulazeez “Shahadah of Our Fervent Brother — Mujahid”
Abu Ramzi Ashami

ISIS Claims Responsibility for Chattanooga Terrorist Attack That Killed 4 Marines

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

ISIS TweetISIS Posted Tweet of Chattanooga Terrorist Threat Before Shootings Began — Identifies Jihadist that Killed Four Marines as 24 yr old #MuhammadYoussefAbdulazeez

Some People Actually Believe What This ISIS Apologist, Misogynist #AnjemChoudary Has To Say

Thursday, July 16th, 2015

Anjem ChoudaryThere Are Some “People Actually Believe This (Misogynist, ISIS Apologist @AnjemChoudary Spewing 7th Century Gibberish) Barbaric Ideology”

Obama on Islamic Fascist Iran: This Deal is Not Contingent on Iran Changing Its Behavior

Wednesday, July 15th, 2015

Obama Iran(WFB) Hoax n’ Chains Obama, lashed out at his critics including Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who have argued that his ‘Nuke Deal’ with Islamic Fascist Iran, does little to reign in the rouge regime’s ability to construct a bomb during his rambling press conference today.

Asked to respond to those who have criticized the Obama/Iran Nuke Deal as dangerous for the United States, Israel and the world, Obama defended the agreement and said: “I’m not concerned what others say about it.”

Obama conceded that he does not expect the agreement to help moderate Iran or dampen its support for terrorism across the world.

“This deal is not contingent on Iran changing its behavior,” Obama said, rationalizing that he hopes that it may lead to further dialogue with Iran on a range of regional issues, including the wars in Yemen and Syria.


We’re we not told by Obama less than a year ago how Yemen’s war on terror was a success story which the American taxpayers spent wasted some $800 Million on?

Wrong on Yemen, Syria, Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, ISIS (which Obama called a JV Team) China regime which Obama in February claimed that “we should welcome China’s peaceful rise” etc…What foreign policy decision can Obama point to and call a success? 

“It’s fine to celebrate success but its more important to heed the lessons of failure.” –Bill Gates

Its unfortunate that Obama hasn’t yet learned this invaluable lesson. One can only hope that Congress doesn’t make the same error in judgment.

ISIS Blows Up Orphaned Baby in Explosives Training Exercise

Monday, July 13th, 2015

ISIS Blows Up Orphaned Child(Daily Mail) ISIS Blows Up Booby-Trapped ORPHANED BABY in Explosives Training Exercise — How is Obama’s ‘Defeat Them by Better Ideas’ (Appeasement) Strategy Going to Defeat Islamic Fascist Genocide?  –Image: Monica Crowley@Twitter

H/T: Catholic Online

Iranian President Rouhani Claims Nuke Deal Demonstrates ‘Mutual Respect’ — While Leading Tehran ‘Down With USA’ Rally

Monday, July 13th, 2015

Iran Tweet(Politico) Iranian President Hassan Rouhani Tweeted, Deleted and Subsequently Retweeted: (If) ‘Iran Deal is the Victory of Diplomacy & Mutual Respect

Iran Down With USIs This Anyway to Demonstrate Mutual Respect ?
Islamic Fascist Iran President Rouhani Leads Tehran Rally in Which
‘Down With USA’ Placards are Displayed
and American & Israeli Flags are Burned –Image: Bibi Netanyahu

During Nuclear Talks With Iran in Vienna — In Tehran They Burn Flags & Yell ‘Death to America’

Monday, July 13th, 2015

Iran Down With America“U.S. and Israel Flag Burned in (Islamic Fascist) Iran, Crowd Yells
‘Death to America — Death to Israel’ Who’s in Front? President Rouhani”
Benjamin Netanyahu, PM of Israel@Twitter

Islamic Fascist Iran’s Leader Khamenei Says Iran Needs to Fight U.S. Regardless of an Agreement

Monday, July 13th, 2015

Obama Iran Nukes(WSJ) Iran’s Grand Islamic Wizard Ayatollah Khameni Calls U.S. ‘Embodiment of Arrogance’ and They’ll Need to Fight the U.S. Regardless of a Nuclear Agreement. –Image: Christie@Twitter

Related: Khamenei Stresses Iran’s Continued Struggle Against U.S. -FARS

ISIS Threatens NYC & Statute of Liberty — Remember When Hillary Said America Must ‘Empathize’ With Our Enemies

Sunday, July 12th, 2015

ISIS Beheads Statute of LibertyISIS Threatens NYC & Statute of Liberty
Image: Hanafi Muhaajir@Twitter