Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Simon Wiesenthal Center Calls on Obama to Denounce Iran’s ‘Quds Day’ Rally Featuring Death to Israel & America Chants

Saturday, July 11th, 2015

Israel and American Flags Burned IranU.S. and Israel Flags Burned at ‘Quds Day Rally’ in Islamic Fascist Iran
While Obama Administration Continues to Negotiate Nuclear Deal
Image: Sobhan Hassanvand@Twitter

Israel and US Flags BurnedIsrael and U.S. Flags Burned at ‘Quds Day’ Rally –Image: Afshin Ellian

Quds Day DemonstrationsMore ‘Quds Day’ Demonstrations –Image: GolnazEsfandiari

(Algemeiner) The ‘Simon Wiesenthal Center’ called on President Obama yesterday to denounce marches in Iran marking the countries aggressively anti-Jewish international ‘Quds Day’ demonstrations where chants of ‘Death to America’ and ‘Death to Israel’ could be heard.

Rabbi Abraham Cooper associate Dean of the ‘Simon Wiesenthal Center’ said that despite Obama Administrations continued negotiations with Iran, the United States remained one of the country’s core enemies, together with Israel.

“The burning in effigies of President Obama and Israeli (Prime Minister Benjamin) Netanyahu, along with the burning of U.S. and Israeli flags sends a crystal clear signal to the world, that whatever the outcome of the nuclear talks the U.S. and Israel remain the Ayatollah’s top enemies,” Rabbi Cooper charged.

  • Obama’s and Hillary Clinton’s silent acquiescence is deafening.

Related: No Presidential Hopefuls RSVP’d ‘Stop Iran Now’ Rally in NYC

Watch How Berkeley Students React to ISIS Flag and How They React to Israel Flag

Friday, July 10th, 2015

Berkley ISIS(Video) Berkeley Student React to ISIS Flag

Berkley IsraelBerkeley Student React to Israel Flag

Berkeley IsraelAnother Berkeley Student Reacts to Israel Flag

H/T: ARNews 1936@Twitter

Obama’s Latest ISIS Strategy: Defeat Them By Better Ideas & Harnessing Power of Our Values

Monday, July 6th, 2015

Obama ISIS Strategy(ABC News) Obama’s Latest Strategy to Defeat ISIS is to Harness the ‘Power of Our Values’ — Tell That to the 74 Children Executed by ISIS for Crimes Such as Refusing to Fast During Ramadan –Image: Lori Hendry

Iranian Resistance: Iranian Regime is Enemy of Muslims — Continues to Pursue the Nuclear Bomb

Sunday, July 5th, 2015

Iran LashingsIslamic Fascist Iran Flogging at Least 900 People for Not Fasting During Ramadan — Qazvin Criminal Prosecutor: Punishing Those Who Do Not Fast is to Please Khamenei –Image: NCRI/Mojahedin

(WaPo) President Obama at the United Nation in September, 2013 said: “The world is more stable than it was five years ago…We are encouraged that President Rouhani received from the Iranian people a mandate to pursue a more moderate course–Iran’s commitment to go down a different path will be good for the region and for the world and will help the Iranian people meet their extraordinary potential in commerce and culture, in science and education.”


On Friday the Natl Council of Resistance of Iran (NCRI) reported that Maryam Rajavi President-Elect of the ‘Iranian Resistance’ asserted in Paris, at the ‘Conference on Democratic and Tolerant Islam Against Fundamentalism, Religious Dictatorship’ said that the Muslim world has a common enemy in the fundamentalists ruling Iran emphasizing:

“An end is conceivable to the bloodletting and the fire set ablaze by extremists under the name of Islam. To do so you should have the full-fledged solidarity with the ‘Iranian Resistance’ and people and to stand up to the Iranian regime and its accomplices such as Bashar Assad and the forces in Iraq, Yemen, Lebanon and Syria who follow and carry out the policies of the Velayat-e Faqih (Guardianship of the Islamic Jurists)

So as long as this regime is in power, the people of Iran and other nations in the Middle-East will not experience freedom and democracy. A regime that continues to persist on acquiring the nuclear bomb, despite opposition of the Iranian people and the international community is a global threat.”

While stressing the separation of religion and state as a Muslim Woman, Maryam Rajavi declared the ‘Iranian Resistance’ rejects compulsory religion and compulsion is religion; Despotism and tyranny under the name of Islam, the medieval Sharia Laws and the excommunication of opponents; all forms of coercion, oppression and exploitation; religious discrimination; sectarian wars and sowing discord among Shiites and Sunnis, together with the sinister products of the fundamentalist Velayat-e Faqih — While defending Women’s equality.

In closing Maryam Rajavi said, “Recognition of this resistance and its struggle to overthrow the Iranian regime is not only the will of the Iranian people but the need of the region for peace and tranquility and an imperative step to defeat the ominous phenomenon of fundamentalism.”

Why is it that Obama has chosen to ignore the voices of the ‘Iranian Resistance’ together with the people they represent and instead continues to negotiate with the Iranian Fascists regime that have not only been responsible for the deaths of American Troops in Iraq and Afghanistan but continue to illegally imprison Americans: Amir Hekmati, Washington Post Reporter Jason Rezaian and Pastor Saeed Abedini, while continuing to commit human rights atrocities against its own people?

ISIS Threatens to Kill Christians in Israel Jerusalem If They Don’t Leave by End of Ramadan

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

ISIS Threatens Christians Jerusalem(Arutz Sheva) ISIS announcement calling for genocide against Christians
in Muslim-Arab neighborhoods starting with Shuafat (Eastern Jerusalem) together with attacks against the ‘Church of Nativity’ during Ramadan
Image Courtesy: Haaretz

Riiight… Maybe in Obamaland where Fairy’s and Unicorns exist.

H/T: Brigitte Gabriel

Why War On Islamic Terrorism Matters To You — Chilling Map Shows Where FBI Predicts ISIS Lone Wolf Attacks

Tuesday, June 30th, 2015

Chilling Map(Daily Mail) FBI Establishes 56 Command Centers to Monitor 4th July
Islamic Terror Threat –Image Courtesy: Cal Freedom Mom@Twitter

Related: FBI Setting Up Command Centers to Monitor Terrorist Threats

Obama Says Muslims are Just Misunderstood — ISIS Destroys Roman Era Ruins in Syria Palmyra

Wednesday, June 24th, 2015

ISIS Palmyra Romans...(Business Insider) ISIS Planted Mines & Bombs Amid Roman Era Ruins
in Syria Palmyra –Image: Archaeology@Twitter

Syria PalmryaISIS Jihadists Destroy Polytheistic Shrine in Syria Palmyra
Daily Star Lebanon

Syria Palmyria...

  • Flashback: Remember in 2009 when Obama said: ‘So Let There Be No Doubt, Islam is Part of America–Islam has a Proud Tradition of Tolerance’ and a Year Ago when Obama claimed ‘The World is Less Violent Than It Has Ever Been’
  • Remember in December when Hillary Clinton said that We Must ‘Empathize’ with America’s Enemies of our Civilization and Way of Life.

On the 03 June I wrote here that ISIS has threatened destroy the 1,650 year old St. Matthew’s Monastery in Iraq — In July, 2014 I wrote here and posted photos of ISIS desecration of Prophet Jonah’s Tomb in Iraq.

150 ISIS Sex Slaves Commit Suicide — Fed to Dogs

Friday, June 19th, 2015

ISIS GenocideISIS Genocide –Image: Ammar Salim/Geriwo@Twitter

(AINA) At least 150 Yazidi Women and girls killed themselves after they were forced to become Islamic sex slaves, according to one Woman working with some of the survivors that managed to escape.

In one of the most comprehensive accounts of the effects of the Islamic State (ISIS) brutality, details have emerged of the ordeals faced by hundreds of Yazidi Women, very often after their male relatives were butchered by ISIS

On the 03 November, I linked back to a disgusting chilling video here that emerged of ISIS Savages negotiating a price of Yazidi slave girls.

Irifan Mahdi, who has been trying to help the Yazidi survivors rehabilitate into some semblance of normalcy, spoke of the horrors in an interview with the Sputnik News, Arabic website.

Mahdi spoke of Jilan Barjess-Naif age 17, “a beautiful green-eyed girl with rare blonde hair who slashed her own wrists in a public bath-house near Iraq Mosul which is under ISIS control. — Naif was separated from the less attractive young Women and ‘singled out for special rape treatment’ before being put up for sale in a sex market.

After Naif committed suicide, ISIS savages threw her body from the bath-house into the nearest garbage dumpster. — Jilan Naif’s sister committed suicide a few days after being captured and transferred along with other young Women to A-Raqqa the ISIS caliphate capitol in order to be sold into the slave market.

  • Where oh where is the moral outrage of Hillary Clinton, President & Mrs Obama, other Liberals and Feminists in the U.S. of the atrocities being committed against Women by ISIS? — I digress.

Jilan Naif’s pregnant mother, also captured by the ISIS Savages, gave birth to her infant in a cave–she was only freed recently and sent home “as a mad Woman” after the suicides of her daughters.

As if all of this was not enough, ISIS Jihadists executed 6 of Jilian’s siblings, together with her father–20 other members of her family whereabouts remain unknown.

Irifan Mahdi said that she knows of at least 150 Yazidi Women who committed suicide and believes the actual figure is much higher.

“They preferred to die than to live in brutal sexual slavery and violence by ISIS members,” Mahdi said.

“The bodies of some who committed suicide were thrown to the dogs,” said Yazidi Nurse Amal Hasou, who works in an IDP (Internally Displaced People) camp. Hasou said ISIS members even told the young Women that if one commits suicide, her body would be thrown into the garbage and severed as a meal for dogs.

Most of the young Women who committed suicide either cut their wrists or used their hijabs they had been forced to wear to hang themselves. — Others threw themselves to their deaths from vehicles used to transport them.

The Loss of Shame! Obama Exploits Charleston Tragedy For Political Purposes

Friday, June 19th, 2015

Obama CharlestonObama Thursday Exploited Charleston Massacre for Political Purposes: “At some point we as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of violence doesn’t happen in other advanced countries.”

Huh??? — Evil Exists Worldwide

  • This Week in China: A cancer patient pours gasoline over a physician and sets him on fire at No. 1 Hospital Guangxi Medical Univ in Nanning — This was the 12th violent attack against physicians in China during the last 20 days. —China Daily

Obama’s Watch: ISIS Has Enough Nuclear Material to Build Dirty Bomb, Australian Intelligence Warns

Friday, June 12th, 2015

ISIS Dirty BombISIS Goes Nuclear: Islamic State Seized 88 Pounds of Uranium
from Mosul Univ in 2014 –Gateway Pundit

(RT News) The Islamic State (ISIS) has seized enough nuclear material mostly stolen from from government facilities to build and detonate a large dirty bomb according to Australian intelligence reports.

What’s Obama’s planned strategy now to degrade and destroy ISIS that he called JV just a year ago and how the world is less violent than it has ever been???

  • Riiight…Do you feel safer now?

Flashback: Remember in December, when wannabe the next commander-in-chief Hillary Clinton said that ‘we must empathize with America’s enemies’ of our civilization and way of life.