Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Saudi’s Host U.N. Human Rights Summit While Blogger Imprisoned For Insulting Islam to Be Flogged

Wednesday, June 10th, 2015

Saudi Arabia

(The Independent) Saudi Arabia hypocrites host UN backed Human Rights summit while Blogger Raif Badawi imprisoned and sentenced to 10 years according to Amnesty Intl will receive 1000 lashes for insulting Islam.

In 2014 Badawi was found guilty by a Saudi court for insulting ‘Islamic values’ by promoting liberal thought and ‘going beyond the realm of obedience’ in 2012 by suggesting the kingdom should become more democratic.

Flashback: On the 02 June, the Natl Review reported that the ‘Clinton Foundation’ accepted millions of dollars in donations from the Saudi kingdom together with lavish gifts to Hillary Clinton from the late King Abdullah while she was Secy of State.

More here from CBC News Montreal

Related: Saudi Court Upholds 1,000 Lash Penalty for Blogging –Newsmax

Outrageous! ISIS Takes Children to Beheading of Libyan Soldier for ‘Educational Purposes’

Tuesday, June 9th, 2015

ISIS Public Beheading(RT News) ISIS Beheads Libyan Soldier in Front of Children for ‘
Educational Purposes’ –Image Courtesy: Libya Al Hurra@Twitter

On the 30 April, I wrote here about the 16th century Dominican Pope, which Obama could learn a thing or two from (if he’d be a student of history and willing to learn from it, I digress) Saint Pius V, implemented steps to stop the spread of militant Islam, bringing together both Spanish and Italian Naval forces, winning a dramatic and decisive battle against the Muslim barbarians of his day.

Flashback: Remember a year ago when Obama said ‘the world is less violent than it has ever been.’


H/T: Barracuda Brigade

Hamas/PA Propaganda: Websurfer Exposes Staged Photo of IDF Soldier Pointing Weapon at Palestinian Youth

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Staged Photo IDF(Algemeiner) This Photo Circulating Now Online Purports to Show
IDF Soldier Aiming his Rifle at Palestinian Youth — Proven Staged

Shared Photo...The Two Actors Pose for a Selfie after Staging
Hamas/PA Propaganda Photo Alleging IDF Brutality

H/T: Adam Milstein

Slate Blogger Amanda Marcotte on MSNBC: It Was Silly to Kill Feeble Old Osama bin-Laden

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Slate Blogger(BizPac Review) Loony Liberal Lefty Slate Blogger Amanda Marcotte on MSNBC: “Killing Osama bin-Laden and finding out that he was kind of a feeble old man living in a bunker made it seem a little silly.”

H/T: Tammy Bruce

NewsFlash: Obama Says U.S. Still Doesn’t Have Complete Strategy to Defeat ISIS

Monday, June 8th, 2015

Obama ISIS Strategy(Weekly Standard) Obama Admits: “We Don’t Yet Have a Complete
Strategy” to Defeat ISIS — Maybe if He’d Spend Less Time on the Golf
Course and Raising Campaign Cash in California…

Dumbing Down America! ISIS Committing Genocide and Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner is Trending

Friday, June 5th, 2015

ISIS Genocide(RUDAW) ISIS Committed 5 Million Human Rights Abuses in 5 Months — “Dumbing Down America: Genocide is Taking Place
and Caitlyn (Bruce) Jenner is Trending” —Amy Mek@Twitter

Image Courtesy: Khalaf Yezidi@Twitter

ISIS Threatens 1,650 Year Old St. Matthew’s Monastery in Iraq Filled With Christians

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

ISIS Threatens Monastery(Pravmir) St. Matthew’s Monastery founded in 363 AD survived the Ottoman and Persian Empires, the Mongol invaders and Kurdish conquests–it has served as a refuge for persecuted Christians for centuries but today, is being threatened by ISIS Jihad Thugs.

When ISIS stormed the City of Mosul (just 20 miles away) the Monastery’s thick stone walls became a safe haven to Christians and other religious refugees that sought refuge there.

“We can see the battles and the airstrikes from here–especially at night. The sky lights up at night but we of course are not scared, God protects us.” said Fr. Yousif Ibrahim, one of the three Monks that live at St. Matthew’s Monastery.

Before Iraq fell into chaos, St. Matthew’s Monastery was home to thousands of Nuns, Priests and students–the ancient Chapel there traces its founding back to the time of Jesus Christ–some of its earliest founders may have personally known Jesus.

St. Matthew’s Monastery houses one of the most ancient Christian libraries in the region. On the 01 February, I wrote here that when ISIS Thugs invaded and ransacked the Central Library in Iraq Mosul a month before, they were on a mission to destroy a familiar enemy–other peoples ideas which included: Children’s stories, Poetry, Philosophy, volumes on Sports, Health, Culture and Science, only leaving behind Islamic texts.

ISIS has previously vowed to destroy all Christian historical sites in areas that fall under its control. Last July, ISIS Jihadists destroyed the ‘Prophet Jonah’ tomb, they have smashed ancient Iraq artifacts and have also desecrated Churches both in Iraq and Syria.

St. Matthew’s Monastery (another view of the Monastery) is built like a fortress into the side of a mountain (Mt. Al-Faf) last Summer, Kurdish Soldiers were able to push back ISIS to about 4 miles away but today, the ancient Monastery is in danger of falling to ISIS again.

  • Flashback: Remember in 2009 when in Egypt when President Obama claimed “Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance” and a year ago when Obama claimed “the world is less violent than it has ever been.”
  • Remember in December when Hillary Clinton claimed that America must ’empathize’ with its enemies.

President Obama and Hillary Clinton are either intentional liars or delusional and actually believe what they say, living in their own world of butterflies and daisies.

Related: President Obama’s Foreign Policy Mess –FOX News

ISIS Bans Pigeon Breeding Claims Flying Birds Offend Islam

Wednesday, June 3rd, 2015

ISIS Pigeons(Daily Mail) ISIS Bans Pigeon Breeding Claims the Sight of Uncovered
Pigeons Flying Overhead is Offensive to God –Image: Jerusalem Post

Obama’s Dept of Justice Spends $585,719 Studying “Far Right” Social Media Use

Monday, June 1st, 2015

DHS...DoJ Believes Conservatives are Dangerous But Islamists Not So Much
Image Courtesy: Leah@Twitter

(WFB) The Dept of Justice (DoJ) believes its a good expenditure of taxpayers money to award a $585,719 grant to Michigan State Univ to study the social media habits of the ‘far right’ aimed at combating violent extremism.

Former Atty General Eric Holder praised the DoJ Natl Institute of Justice (NIJ) study earlier this year saying:

“There is currently limited knowledge of the role of technology and computer mediated communications (CMC) such as Facebook and Twitter in the dissemination of messages that promote extremist agendas and radicalize individuals to violence,” according to the NIJ grant –“The proposed study will address this gap through a series of qualitative and quantitative analysis of posts of various forms of CMC used by members of both the far right and Islamic extremist movements. 

Holder highlighted this study/assessment February in remarks at the White House Summit on Countering Violent Extremism as an example of the methods the DoJ is using to combat terrorist threats. Holder said the study will “help us develop more effective techniques and partnerships for countering messaging.

“Beyond these new methods, we are also hopeful that we can use some of the lessons and insights gleaned from existing law enforcement strategies that have already proved successful in other contexts and adapt them for use against the threat of violent extremism…that may be a lure for disaffected young people.”

Huh???  Like Obama’s Shovel Ready Jobs Strategy to defeat ISIS which State Dept spokesperson Marie Harf touted earlier this year. — I digress.

Flashback: Remember in September 2013 when House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, (D-CA) said during Washington’s battle to cut the growth in out of control federal spending, “The cupboard is bare, there is no more cuts to make. I think its really important for people to understand that.”


After 90 Executions So Far This Year Saudi Arabia Seeks to Head UN Human Rights Council

Saturday, May 30th, 2015


(WaPo) In a country that allows executions for smuggling narcotics to sorcery, Saudi Arabia has executed at least 89 people (Amnesty Intl reports that Saudi Arabia has carried out its 90th execution so far this year, equally the number of people executed during all of 2014) If current trends keep up Saudi Executioners may have their busiest year in quite some time.

Is it just me or isn’t it rather peculiar that an Islamic country with a horrible human rights record and which is setting a grisly pace in executions so far this year, is seeking to head the United Nations Human Rights Council?

More here from The Independent

Related: Saudi’s Gave ‘Clinton Foundation’ Millions for Weapons –WFB

Human Rights Activist Challenges Hillary to Stop Taking Islamist Money