Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

New ISIS Recruitment Propaganda Guide Ends With Disturbing Message for the West

Thursday, May 28th, 2015

ISIS Guide(Center for Security Policy) Abu Rumaysah, a British Jihadist that fled the UK to join ISIS in Syria has released an e-book guide (pictured) targeting Western recruits and compares territories under the Islamic genocidal Jihadist Caliphate to a ‘plush holiday resort.’

When describing the food, Rumaysah writes: “If you thought you would be living on stale bread and septic water then erase that culinary fib from your mind. The great thing about food in the Caliphate is its freshness. You can be sure that the vegetables your crunch down on, basked gloriously in the sunshine before reaching your dinner plate and what about the olive groves? Yes there are plenty of them and the pickles are rich oils that spring them beat anything from your locals Tescos.”

Rumaysah boasts of education offered in the Caliphate: “There are no classes promoting homosexuality, evolution, music, drama, interfaith and the rest of the rubbish taught in non-Muslim schools. You(r) child’s delicate mind is well and truly protected in the Caliphate,” — Subsequently claiming, “Despite the strict curriculum, the Caliphate ‘screams diversity’ and has become a ‘magnet for talent…If you thought London or New York was cosmopolitan then wait until you step foot in the Islamic State because it screams diversity.”

There is however no mention to the sex-slave markets, beheading children, genocide for being Gay, dismemberment, stoning, together with other acts of violence and tyranny widely reported  in Iraq and Syria.

The guide ends with a chilling message for the West: “When we descend on the streets of London, Paris and Washington the taste will be far bitter because not only will we spill your blood but we will demolish your statues, erase your history and most painfully, convert your children who will then go on to champion our name and curse their forefathers.” 

H/T: Frank Gaffney

White House Press Secy Josh Earnest Rational for Iraq Ramadi Defeat: Their Lack of Diversity

Wednesday, May 27th, 2015

Josh EarnestObama Administration Press Clown Josh Earnest
Image: Tom T.@Twitter

(Keith Koffler) White House Press Secy Josh Earnest on Tuesday exculpated Obama’s Iraq strategy and instead blamed Iraqi leaders failure to integrate their armed forces for the dramatic loss of Ramadi to ISIS.

Josh Earnest said: What we have indicated all along is that it will require a multi-sectarian force to succeed against ISIL and the reason for that is Iraq is a very diverse country and they’re going to need every element of their diversity to counter this specific threat.


H/T: Weasel Zippers

Obama: Private Sector Doing Fine; Climate Change Natl Security Threat — 109 Million+ Americans Receiving Food Assistance

Thursday, May 21st, 2015

Obamanomics...(WFB) The taxpayers spent $100 Million providing food assistance last year to 109,930,000 Americans, up from 47,102,780 just 2.50 yrs ago or from 45,794,474 in 2011

  • Flashback: Remember when Obama claimed the private sector is doing fine.

On Wednesday, President Obama told Coast Guard Academy graduates “that climate change constitutes a serious threat to global security, an immediate risk to our national security…”

Riiight… If one is so naive and self-delusional to forget about ISIS committing genocide against Christians, the U.S. labor participation rate is an anemic 62.8% and the federal deficit is $18.234 Trillion+ up from $6.991 Trillion when Obama first took office.

Obama’s Iran Peace Partner Ayatollah Khamenei: We’ll Not Give Access to Nuclear Scientists

Wednesday, May 20th, 2015

Khamenei NukesIran’s Grand Islamic Wizard Ayatollah Khamenei: Nukes, What Nukes??? Cartoon: bijan@Twitter

(Reuters) Islamic Fascist Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei reiterated their position regarding IAEA monitoring of its nuclear program, if Obama, Secy of State John Kerry or others continue to have any lingering doubts of its position.

Ayatollah Khamenei said today: “We will never yield to pressure…we will not accept unreasonable demands, Iran will not give access to its (nuclear) scientists…We will not allow the privacy of our nuclear scientists or any other important issue to be violated.”

Why is it pray tell, that the Obama Administration is so desperate for a nuclear deal with the Iranian regime that they haven’t walked away from negotiating a bad nuclear deal? — Remember in April when Khamenei Tweeted, the White House is lying about the terms/framework of a nuclear deal to the American people.

Obama Legacy Building: ISIS Captures Iraq Ramadi as Security Forces Cut-n-Run

Monday, May 18th, 2015

Obama Legacy(NY Times) Another Key Iraqi City Falls to ISIS as Iraqi
Security Forces Cut-n-Run –Image Courtesy: Barackolypse

  • Remember in 2010 when VP Joe Biden claimed that the American people will see Iraq as an Obama Administration success story.

ISIS Says Abu al-Baghdadi Declares “Islam is the Religion of War” — No Argument From Me

Sunday, May 17th, 2015

Islam Intolerant Terrorist Religion(Vocativ) ISIS Says Baghdadi Declares: Islam is the Religion of War…

Islamic Jihad..Baghdadi Gets No Argument By Me… Image: Offended Tolerance@Twitter

Nuke ISISIf ISIS Wants to Live in the Stone Age — Send Them Back
I Yam What I Yam

ISIS Vows Revenge Against Obama for Taking Out Senior Leader, Think He’ll Now Call Them Islamic Jihadists?

Saturday, May 16th, 2015

ISIS Threatens Obama(Vocativ) ISIS Threaten Revenge Against Obama for the Killing of its
Sr. Leader Abu Sayyaf, Will Obama Call Them Islamic Jihadists Now?
Image: Pat

H/T: Young Conservatives

Obama’s Hope for ‘Good Neighborliness With Iran’ Scuttled as Iran Fires on Singapore Flagged Tanker

Friday, May 15th, 2015

Obama GCC(WSJ) In the second time in two weeks, Islamic Fascist Iran patrol boats fired on a commercial ship as it traveled in international waters through the Strait of Hormuz.

On Thursday, as Obama was attempting to assure Gulf State representatives meeting at Camp David that the United States has their back regarding security cooperation and his (naive and delusional) hopes that the region would achieve ‘the kind of peace and good neighborliness with Iran…’ a Singapore flagged commercial oil tanker was fired upon by Iranian naval vessels, raising new concerns about Iran’s attempts to exert more control of commerce in international waters of the Persian Gulf.

Three Iranian patrol boats opened fire on the 600 foot long ‘Alpine Eternity’ when the tanker’s crew refused to follow Iran’s Navy direction, then they chased the tanker after it issued a call for help.

Meanwhile today in Brussels, the Obama Administration will resume nuclear negotiations (that it should walk away from) with the fanatical Iranian regime, in an effort to reach a deal by next months deadline.

More here from The Straits Times

Related: Iran General Scoffs at Nuke Talks, Welcomes War with U.S.

Obama Pledges ‘Ironclad Commitment’ To Gulf States — Remember ‘The Budapest Memorandum’ Which Obama Reneged On

Thursday, May 14th, 2015

Obama Camp DavidObama Pledges to Boost Security Cooperation to Gulf Nations
Yade, Yade, Yade… –Image: TC Concierge@Twitter

(AP) Obama pledged America’s ‘ironclad commitment’ to anxious Arab States today to help protect their security pointedly mentioning the potential use of military force and offering strong assurances that a nuclear agreement with Islamic Fascist Iran wouldn’t leave them more vulnerable.

Obama promised that the U.S. would join with the ‘Gulf Cooperation Council’ (GCC) nations to ‘deter and confront an external threat to any GCC state’s territorial integrity.

Speaking at the close of the summit with Gulf State representatives that were in attendance at Camp David, Obama expressed hope that the region would achieve “the kind of peace and good neighborliness with Iran that I think so many of the countries here seek.”

A written annex accompanying the joint statement from the Gulf State representatives (as the leaders of Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman and Bahrain snubbed Obama and were no-shows at his conference and sent their representatives) laid out what Obama claims that he meant when he promised “our ironclad commitment to the security of our Gulf partners.”

  • Flashback: Remember that seemingly forgotten 1994 Budapest Memorandum that President Clinton executed with Ukraine together with British PM John Major and Russian President Boris Yelstin as part of the denuclearization of the former Soviet Union, promising to protect the sovereignty of the Ukrainian territorial borders from an invading army, which Obama has reneged on.

On the 09 March, 2014 I wrote here and again on the 29 July here that Obama was tested by the Russian’s (as Iran watched) whether or not the United States commitments to protect the territorial sovereignty of an allied nation actually was worth the paper it was printed on.

What if any real assurances do our ‘Gulf partners’ have that Obama will actually mean what he says when he’s pledged America’s integrity by assuring our ‘ironclad commitment’ to deter and confront an external threat to any GCC state’s territorial integrity?

Obama’s reneged on a previous ironclad commitments made by a former administration, why won’t he just renege on another?

Where’s the Moral Outrage by the MSM & Left? Women Working in Iraq Testify About Genocide of Christians by ISIS

Wednesday, May 13th, 2015

Iraq WomenIslamic Religious Police Install Posters Outlining the Laws of
Female Dress Code in Iraq Mosul –Image Courtesy: Amy Mek@Twitter

Christians Iraq(CNA) ‘Iraqi Christians Have Lost Everything Except Their Faith’
Sister Momeka, Dominican Sisters of St. Catherine of Siena Tells Congress


Obama’s foreign policy is based upon how he expects the world to operate than how it actually is.

Related: Women Working in Iraq Testify About Genocide of Christian

Loony Liberal Lefty CNN Guest: Radical Islam is a ‘Made-Up Idea’