Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Obama’s Drones Kill Suspected American Jihadists, Who Made him Judge, Jury & Executioner?

Thursday, April 23rd, 2015

Obama Drone Murder

Obama Drone Murderer
Image: Bob Powell

(AP)  President Obama expressed regret and condolences to family members for a January done strike which killed Warren Weinstein of Rockville, MD held by Al-Qaeda in Pakistan since 2011 and Italian aid worker Giovanni Lo Porto.

The two hostages together with American Citizens turned accused Islamic Jihadists Ahmed Farouq and Adam Gadhan of Orange County (California) were killed which White House Press Secy Josh Earnest said in a statement:

“We have concluded that Ahmed Farouq an American who was an Al-Qaeda leader…we have also concluded that Adam Gadahn an American who became a prominent member of Al-Qaeda was killed…”

I have just two question for Obama?

When did these two American citizens, accused Al-Qaeda members relinquish their 5th Amendment right of ‘Due Process’ and who made Barack Obama, their judge, jury and executioner?

On the 05 February, 2013 I wrote here that while I often times am a critic of and disagree with the ACLU, on the issue of the Obama Administration use of lethal force to take out allegedly undesirable American citizens living abroad, I do agree that it ‘underscores the recklessness of the governments central claim and the deficiencies in the government’s defense of it…are so vague and elastic that they will be easily manipulated.’

In March, 2012 former New Jersey Superior Ct Judge and now FOX News Senior Judicial analyst Andrew Napolitano wrote “Can the president kill an American simply because the person is dangerous and his arrest is impractical? Can the president be judge, jury and executioner of an American in a foreign country because he believes that would keep America safe?

We live in a time in which the government recognizes no limits on its power–It doesn’t recognize natural law–It doesn’t recognize federal law. It doesn’t recognize the Constitution…the POTUS…became jusge, jury and executioner for a very hated and probably guilty individual (Anwar al-Awlaki) but the 5th Amendment says that ‘no person shall be denied life, liberty or property’ much less an American, without due process of law…”

Related: Napolitano: ‘Obama Shredding the Constitution’  –Newsmax

Once Again the Obama Administration Doesn’t Say That ‘Christians’ Were Murdered by ISIS in Libya

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Ethiopian ChristiansLatest ISIS Video Shows Killing of Ethiopian Christians in Libya

(FOX News) On Sunday, the Obama Administration condemned the latest ISIS video showing mass executions of Ethiopian Christians saying:

“We express our condolences to the families of the victims and our support to the Ethiopian government and the people as they grieve for their fellow citizens,” said Natl Security Council spokesperson Bernadette Meehan. “That these terrorists killed these men solely because of their faith, lays bare the terrorists’ vicious senseless brutality.”

In February, Obama refused to say that 21 ‘Egyptian Christians’were beheaded by ISIS Thugs in Libya but had no difficulty ‘trashing Christianity’ at the Natl Prayer Breakfast.

Flashback: Remember in January when White House Press Secy Josh Earnest condemned ‘the terrible acts of violence in Paris’ (Charlie Hedbo Massacre and Jewish market) while calling Islam a ‘peaceful’ religion.

ISIS Calls on Muslims Everywhere to Kill Christians – New ISIS Video Shows Executions of Ethiopian Christians in Libya

Monday, April 20th, 2015

Obama ISIS is JV(Ynet) New ISIS Video Shows Execution of Ethiopian Christians
in Libya –Image: Atomiktiger

On the 09 April, I wrote here that ISIS continues on its path of destruction against Christians in Iraq and Syria; On the 13 February, I wrote here that ISIS Calls on Muslims Everywhere to Kill Christians

Is Obama and Hillary Clinton Doing Their Part by Acquiescence?

Netanyahu On Holocaust Remembrance Day: The Iran Nuclear Deal, Shows Lesson Was Not Learned

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Holocaust Remembrance DayTonight We Remember the 6 Million Jews who Perished During
the Holocaust –Image Courtesy:

 (JPost) Israel PM Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking at Yad Vashem commemorating the Holocaust said, “The day of victory over the Nazi’s was not only a day of relief and joy, it was a day mixed with terrible sorrow for our people and it was a day of soul-searching for leaders of all people.”

Netanyahu used the opportunity to remind those watching of the role of Democracies in stopping tyrannical regimes:

“Appeasing tyrannical regimes will only increase their aggression and is an approach that is liable to drag the world into larger wars…

Many in the world declare that the lessons learned are also valid today. They declare ‘Never Again’ but as long as these words are not heeded in practice they are meaningless…Just as the Nazi’s hoped to crush a civilization, so Iran strives to take over the region and from there spread onwards with the stated intention of destroying the Jewish state…While the civilized world sinks into a coma on a bed of illusions, Iran’s leaders encourage subversion and terrorism, they spread destruction and death. The world powers shut their eyes to the masses in Tehran calling Death to America — Death to Israel.”

Full article here Ynet News

Turkey Recalls Vatican Envoy After Pope Francis Calls Massacre of Armenians 100 Yrs Ago Genocide

Tuesday, April 14th, 2015

Armenian Genocide(CNS Video) Turkey Revisionist History: Maintains 1.5 Million Armenians
Were Killed in Civil War During WW I and Pope Francis’ Statement is ‘Islamophobia’ –Image Courtesy: Catholic Online

Hillary Clinton’s Lasting Legacy: “What Difference at This Point Does It Make?”

Sunday, April 12th, 2015

Hillary Clinton Benghazi(Weekly Standard Video) Flashback Hillary Clinton: “Was it Because of a Protest or Because of Guys Out for a Walk One Night Who Decided to Kill Some Americans? What Difference at This Point Does it Make?

Image Courtesy: Just Beachin@Twitter

ISIS Stones Gay Man in Syria, Where’s the Left and LGBT? Its Not Christians Committing Genocide

Friday, April 10th, 2015

ISIS Stones to Death Gay Man(IBT) ISIS Jihadists Stone to Death Man in Western Syria for Being Gay
Image Courtesy: On the Right@Twitter

H/T: Amy Mek

ISIS Executes 10 Physicians in Iraq After They Refused to Treat Wounded Jihadists

Friday, April 10th, 2015

ISIS Killing Doctors(Daily Mail) ISIS Executes 10 Physicians in Iraq Mosul After
They Refused to Treat Wounded Jihadists

Related: ISIS Demanding $30 Million Ransom to Free Christian Hostages

Islamic Fascist Iran (Obama Administration’s Peace Partner) Building Suicide ‘Kamikaze’ Drones

Friday, April 10th, 2015

Iran Drone(JPost) U.S. Army Report: Islamic Fascist Iran (Obama Administration
Peace Partner)
Building ‘Kamikaze’ Drones for Hamas & Hezbollah

Related: Iran Tests Kamikaze Drones in Military Exercises –IIT

H/T: Anne Bayefsky@Twitter

ISIS Continues Defacing Churches in Iraq & Syria as Assault on Christianity Accelerates

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

ISIS Virgin Mary(The Guardian)  ISIS Continues Assault on Christianity in Iraq & Syria
Image Courtesy: KurdNews12@Twitter

ISIS Before...ISIS Destroyed Image of Cross in Iraq Mosul Ahead of Easter
Images Courtesy: Steven Nabil@Twitter

ISIS AfterISIS Symbol of a Black Flag Where Cross Once Was

Christians SyriaChristians Returning to Syria to Ruins of Churches that ISIS Destroyed
Image: Franciscan Foundation of the Holy Land@Twitter

Christianity SyriaChristian Community in Syria Idlib, ISIS Replaced Holy Virgin Mary
with Black Islamic State Flag –Image Courtesy: Yromme@Twitter

  • Flashback: On the 25 July, I wrote and annexed images here of ISIS Jihadists destroying the ‘Prophet Jonah’s Tomb’ from the 14th Century in Iraq — Courtesy of Obama’s Disengagement Foreign Policy

Related: Cardinal Filoni’s Visit to Iraq’s Persecuted Christians Concludes