Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Khamenei Says Obama Administration is Lying About Nuclear Deal

Thursday, April 9th, 2015

Iran Supreme Leader...Iran’s Supreme Leader Grand Islamic Wizard Ayatollah Khamenei
White House is Lying about the Framework of a Nuclear Deal

Iran Supreme Leader Ayatollah KhameneiAyatollah Khamenei Tweets Iran Has Not Agreed to IAEA Monitoring

Related: Iran Says They’ll Use Fastest Centrifuges Day Deal Takes Effect

H/T: Legal Insurrection

Obama Finally Admits Nuclear Deal with Islamic Fascist Iran Assures They’ll Obtain the Bomb

Tuesday, April 7th, 2015

Hezbollah(FOX News) Obama Concedes Islamic Fascist Iran’s Breakout Time
for Nuclear Weapons is 0 to 13 Yrs —
Hezbollah Approves of Obama’s
Framework of a Nuke Deal
–Image Courtesy: Anne Bayefsky

Islamic Fascist Iran Won’t Pledge to Release Americans Held Captive as a Sign of Good Will

Monday, April 6th, 2015

American Hostage in IranFree Amir Hekmati born in Flagstaff, AZ a USMC Veteran was detained
arrested in Iran in August 2011 while visiting his grandmother, falsely
accused of being a spy he was sentenced to death and is being held in the notorious Evin Prison –Image Courtesy:
Montel Williams

(Washington Examiner) As President Obama touted the framework of a nuclear deal that would lift sanctions on Islamic Fascist Iran in return for reducing its number of nuclear facilities, left unmentioned are three American Citizens being held captive by the regime.

WaPo ReporterWashington Post reporter Jason Rezaian and his wife Yegi
(Free were detained arrested in Iran in July 2014 Jason now has been held by the Islamic Fascist regime longer than any previous Western journalist. No charges have been filed and Jason and he has not been allowed to consult with an attorney.

SaeedImprisoned since 2012 for his faith in Christ, American Pastor, father and husband Saeed Abedini (Be Heard was in Iran visiting family and to finalize the board members of an orphanage he was constructing. Abedini has been denied medical care for infections resulting from beatings he’s suffered because of his Christian faith. Image Courtesy: ACLJ

“Now that Iran has sat at the table next to the United States working diligently to come to an agreement for a nuclear program, we ask Iran if they still consider the United States a hostile country and if they do not, perhaps its time they open up the prison gates and allow the Red Cross to visit Amir Hekmati without guard and report on the status of his well being,” his family said in a statement last week.

On the 22 March, I wrote here that the Iranian regime’s Grand Islamic Leader Wizard Ayatollah Khamenei rejected Obama’s and Secy of State John Kerry’s claims that Tehran will be pressured into giving into demands of the United States and other Western nations and led a ‘Death to America’ chant during his address in northeast Iran.

More here from the NY Times

Related: Has Obama Forgot American Robert Levinson held in Iran?

What Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei Says About Obama’s Framework of a Nuclear Deal

Saturday, April 4th, 2015

KhameneiThis is What Iran’s Grand Islamic Wizard Ayatollah Khamenei Says of Obama/Kerry’s ‘Framework of a Nuclear Deal’ with the Fascist Regime

H/T: Weasel Zippers

ISIS Plagued by Deadly Flesh Eating Disease — Remember the Plagues God Sent to Pharaoh

Friday, April 3rd, 2015

ISIS Flesh Eating BacteriaISIS Suffering From Flesh Eating Bacteria Couldn’t Happen to a
Better Group of Non Compos Mentis Genocidal Thugs

(Express UK) The Islamic State (ISIS) is currently in the throes of an epidemic and a number of members of ISIS have reportedly been infected.

While there are organizations that have begun work to combat the deadly disease (unsure why? I digress) which is highly virulent in the ISIS stronghold, research has been suspended after ISIS shut down facilities and the Muslim imbeciles arrested researchers trying to combat the flesh eating bacteria that can be deadly.

ISIS May Want to Recall the Plagues God Sent to Pharaoh
Exodus 7 through 12

By the middle of 2014 some 500 ISIS Jihadists had been infected, now more than 2,500 cases have been recorded in NE Syria Raqqa.

This comes after after the World Health Organization reported that Syria’s health system has collapsed, resulting in the rapid spread of the disease, through a country already plagued by violence.

H/T: Tammy Bruce

‘Religion of Peace’ Jihadists Massacre Nigerians With Chainsaws & Burned Others to Death

Wednesday, April 1st, 2015

Boko Haram( Boko Haram Massacred 25 People Using Chainsaws
and Burned Others to Death –Image: Cjmurk@Twitter

Boko Haram ChainsawsMuslims Beheadings with Chainsaws in Nigeria

H/T: Lana Wong

United Nations Human Rights Chief Claims ISIS Accepting of Ethnic Diversity

Tuesday, March 31st, 2015

ISIS Cultural Diversity(NY Times) UN ‘Human Rights’ Chief Claims This ISIS Jihadist
is Accepting of Ethnic Diversity –Image: Fara Sherazi@Twitter
Kurdish ChildrenKurdish Children in Fear of ISIS Facing Genocide, Rape & Slavery
Image: Robe Von Rebok@Twitter

ISIS Destroying ArtifactsThese So Called Tolerant ‘Ethnically Diverse’ ISIS Jihadists
Destroying Ancient Statues in Iraq –RT News

ISIS Destroying ArtifactsISIS Jihadists Destroying Priceless Artifacts in Iraq
Image: Archwizard@Twitter

Obama Administration Shows Off Their Latest Strategy to Defeat ISIS

Friday, March 27th, 2015

Obama's Latest Air Campaign Against ISIS(WSJ) Obama Administration Shows Off Its Propaganda Campaign to
Defeat ISIS — Pentagon Last Week Dropped 60,000 of These on Jihadists

Cornell Univ Dean Joseph Scaffido Welcomes ISIS on Campus in Undercover Video

Wednesday, March 25th, 2015

Cornell Dean(NY Post Video) Cornell Univ Dean of Students Joesph Scaffido is Either the Dumbest Ivy League Big Wig Ever or PC to a Fault  —Project Veritas

Another Obama Foreign Policy Failure… Now the White House Wants a Nuke Deal With Iran

Monday, March 23rd, 2015

Obama YemenFlashback Video: Remember in September when Obama Called Yemen’s
War on Terror a Success Story
and the Taxpayers Gave Them
Wasted $800 Million Since 2011 –Image Courtesy:
Shannon Knutsen

Obama Iran NukesNow Obama has His Sights on a Nuke Deal With Islamic Fascist Iran
What Could Possibly Go Wrong With That?