(Daily Mail) ISIS Vows to Invade Rome and…
Throw Off Gay’s from ‘The Leaning Tower of PIZZA’
H/T: Chicks on the Right
(Daily Mail) ISIS Vows to Invade Rome and…
Throw Off Gay’s from ‘The Leaning Tower of PIZZA’
H/T: Chicks on the Right
Posted in Fascism, Islam, Terrorism | No Comments »
(Weekly Standard) Obama in Prague: “Words Must Mean Something.”
Image: OneUSMarineRet@Twitter
Posted in Barack Obama, Fascism, Islam, Israel, National Security, Obama Administration, Terrorism | No Comments »
Obama Throws Up ISIS Symbol Used to Show Muslim Solidarity
Image: Counter Jihad Coalition@Facebook & Diana O’Hara@Twitter
Flashback: Remember when Oklahoma City Beheader Alton Nolen flashed the same ISIS Symbol as Obama and posted pictures on his Facebook page of other ISIS Jihadists flashing the same ISIS symbol in 2014
ISIS Jihadists Flashing Same Symbol as Obama –Image: Edward@Twitter
Posted in Barack Obama, Islam, National Security, Terrorism | No Comments »
Dr. Mark Christian Global Faith@Twitter
What Obama May Learn from Dr. Mark Christian?
Related: Global Faith Institute
Posted in Barack Obama, Christianity, Islam, Muslim Brotherhood, National Security, Terrorism | No Comments »
Russian Rebels Hoist Flag in Newly Captured Ukrainian Town of Debaltseve -Image: KURV Radio
(WSJ) Ukraine has withdrawn troops from the embattled strategic railway hub of Debaltseve early Wednesday, after pro-Russian Rebels overran the town in violation of the ‘so called ceasefire’ that was to have begun on Sunday.
The Russian Rebel forces say they have taken hundred of Ukrainian Soldiers as prisoners. Ukrainian soldiers reportedly were describing desperate conditions as fighting raged–One said they hadn’t been able to get food or water because of the rebel shelling.
The Obama Administration has been silent on these latest reports. Why should this matter to Americans and our allies?
On March 09, 2014 I wrote here that in 1994, then President Bill Clinton together with British Prime Minister John Major and Russian President Boris Yelstin, executed ‘The Budapest Memorandum’ promising to protect the sovereignty of Ukrainian territorial borders from an invading army as part of the denuclearization of the former Soviet Union.
Why should anyone have confidence in any agreements past, present or future made with the United States when we have a history of reneging on them when it is either politically inconvenient or when we have an appeaser-in-chief for president like Obama, who has withdrawn American GI’s from Iraq and Afghanistan, claiming less than a year ago that, “the Iraq war is over…We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq,” only to declare war on ISIS in Iraq less than 1 yr later?
When we have a president who undermines our allies such as Israel and Taiwan, while chummy with Islamic Fascists such as the Muslim Brotherhood, Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani and China regime Marxist Xi Jinping, claiming recently to “welcome China’s peaceful rise,” all the while declaring “the world is less violent than it has ever been.”
Obama seems to live in a world of an alternate reality, based more on how he perceives the world should operate than on how it really is.
Posted in Barack Obama, China, Fascism, Human Rights, Iran, Islam, Israel, Muslim Brotherhood, National Security, Obama Administration, Taiwan, Terrorism | No Comments »
(HotAir) Obama’s Goofs Around Making BuzzFeed Video on the Same Day American Kayla Mueller was Confirmed Dead at Hands of ISIS
Image Courtesy: Mediaite@Twitter
Posted in Barack Obama, Islam, Loony Liberal Lefties, National Security, Obama Administration, Terrorism | No Comments »
Obama Compares ISIS to Christians at Natl Prayer Breakfast
Cartoon Image: Markeece Young@Twitter
(ANSAmed) Twenty one Egyptian Christians kidnapped by ISIS Jihadists in Libya around New Years Day are feared dead, after Twitter accounts linked to the ‘Islamic State’ (ISIS) have announced they have been slaughtered.
There has been no official confirmation by the Egyptian government but Egyptian media believe the news to be reliable, as two pictures were being shown from the same Twitter account, which appears to evidence, ‘the Islamic State carrying out the executions of Coptic (Christian) prisoners in the Province of Tripoli.
According to Shoebat.com ISIS Jihadists took 21 Christians to the beach and beheaded all of them, subsequently releasing a statement in its magazine that Muslims everywhere must kill Coptic Christians wherever they are found.
The 21 Coptic Christians were reportedly abducted in the Libyan City of Sirte in two separate instances. According to FOX News seven of the Christians were kidnapped on the 31 December and the other fourteen were abducted on the 03 January, according to Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Badr Abdel Atty.
On the 03 January, I wrote here that according to the LA Times Christians have specifically been singled out as targets of ISIS, they include a Coptic couple and their daughters who were murdered in December, when an unidentified gunman burst into their home in City of Serte, about 220 miles southwest of Libya Tripoli.
Posted in Barack Obama, Breaking News, Christianity, Human Rights, Islam, Obama Administration, Terrorism | No Comments »
ISIS Threatens 21st Century Holocaust Against Jews
Image: Fractalhedge
(CNN) Coincidence??? Obama omits “Jews” as religious minority group that ISIS targets in ‘Limited/Cut-n-Run’ War Resolution sent to Congress this week.
This of course comes on the heels of Obama’s interview with Vox.com claiming the ISIS Jihadist that attacked a Jewish market in Paris in January, was just one of those “violent vicious zealots who behead people or randomly shoot a bunch of folks in a deli in Paris.”
Flashback: Remember in October, when the Obama Administration ‘urged restraint and calm’ of the Israel government following the cold-blooded Islamic Jihadist vehicular terrorist attack in Jerusalem, which claimed the life of 3 month old American Chaya Braun, riding in her stroller.
Posted in Antisemitism, Barack Obama, Human Rights, Islam, Israel, National Security, Obama Administration, Terrorism | No Comments »
Flashback: Remember During the SOTU Obama Claimed ‘Climate Change’ Greater Threat Than ISIS –Image: Seth@Twitter
(NY Daily News) Today Obama formally sent to Congress a draft war resolution against ISIS declaring ahead of time to the enemy, that no ground forces would be used and that if they can hold out for 3 years, the United States will Cut-n-Run.
Mr. President: Are you Clueless? Do you actually have a domestic and foreign policy agenda or are you just making it all up as you go?
Inquiring minds want to know.
Posted in Barack Obama, Global Warming, Islam, National Security, Obama Administration, Terrorism | No Comments »
(VOX) Obama Calls ISIS Jihadist “Violent Vicious Zealot” that Attacked
a Paris Jewish Market a “Random” Act of Violence
Cartoon: Tom T@Twitter
Posted in Barack Obama, Fascism, Islam, Obama Administration, Terrorism | No Comments »
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