Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

ISIS Jihadist Tweets “Tomorrow NY Will Burn”; Obama Spokesman Calls ‘Islam a Peaceful Religion’

Tuesday, January 13th, 2015

ISIS NYCenghaitham1989@Twitter – ISIS Jihadist: Tomorrow new York will burn

  • (Twitchy) ISIS Jihadist Sympathizer Tweets Specific Bomb and Gun Threats

Josh Earnest(MRC TV Video) White House Press Secy Josh Earnest Condemns ‘Terrible Act of Violence’ in Paris — Calls Islam a ‘Peaceful Religion’

More here from CNS News

ISIS Hacks U.S. CENTCOM Twitter — Flashback: Remember When Hillary Clinton Said, ‘America Must Empathize With Our Enemies’

Monday, January 12th, 2015

US Central Command...

(VOA) ISIS Jihadist Hack U.S. Central Command Twitter Account
ITV News

Flashback: Remember in December when Democrat presidential front-runner Hillary Clinton claimed that America must ’empathize’ with our enemies.

Obama a No Show of World Leaders at “Paris National Unity Rally” Against Islamic Fascism

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

Obama a No Show(Reuters) Where Oh Where is Obama Among World Leaders
at Paris Natl Unity Rally? –Image Courtesy:
Legal Insurrection@Twitter

ISIS Video Released of Paris Jihadist Thug Who Murdered Four People in Jewish Market

Sunday, January 11th, 2015

ISIS Jihad(The Telegraph) A video has been released of Amedy Coulibaly, the Islamic Jihadist that murdered 4 in a Paris Jewish Market, attempts to justify the murders, pledging allegiance to ISIS

Entitled ‘Soldier of the Caliphate’ the video shows Coulibaly referred to as ‘Abou Bassir AbdAllah al-Ilfrqip’ preparing for his Jihadist attack by doing push-ups in what looks like a prison courtyard, surrounded by a cache of weapons.

At one stage appearing in body armor, Coulibaly speaks in the past-tense, which suggests the video was produced subsequent to his murder of a female police officer on Thursday but before his attack on the Jewish market on Friday–in the background, a radio can be heard announcing the news of the Islamic Jihadist terrorist massacre on Free Speech at Charlie Hebdo on Wednesday.

Obama has yet to call the Jihadist attacks in Paris last week ‘Islamic Fascism’ but instead only has naively voiced continued support for France saying:

“I want the people of France to know the United States stands with you today, stands with you tomorrow–We stand for freedom, hope and the dignity of all human beings and that’s what the city of Paris represents to the world. That spirit will endure forever, long after the scourge of terrorism is banished from this world.”

UK Islamic Jihad Apologist Imam Anjem Choudary: Free Speech For Me, Not For Thee

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Anjem Choudary TweetsAnjem Choudary@Twitter ” Tweets from a Free, Democratic and Secular Country, Wanting Good Things for Himself, Just Not for You”
Lolo Gray@Twitter

  • Imam Choudary Defends France Terrorist Attack in USA Today “People Know the Consequences — Why Did France Allow the Tabloid to Provoke Muslims?”

UK Islamic Jihad Apologist Imam Anjem Choudary Defends Massacre at Charlie Hebdo

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Anjem Choudary TwitterUK Islamic Jihad Apologists Tweets on Paris Massacre

Anjem ChoudaryVia: Exlab@Twitter: ‘Anjem, You Looked So Much Happier and Fun
Back in Your Youthful Days
— Before Becoming a Mooslim

Dear ISIS: Je Suis Charlie

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Dear ISISDear ISIS: Je Suis Charlie –Image Courtesy: BeachZoOmer@Twitter

Take This ISIS Thug...Take This ISIS Muslim Oink Oink… –Image: Von Schenk@Twitter

Islamic Jihadists Massacre 12 at Offices of Paris ‘Charlie Hebdo’ Satirical Newspaper

Wednesday, January 7th, 2015

Obama-on-Islam(White BHO: “So Let There Be No Doubt, Islam is Part of America–Islam has a Proud Tradition of Tolerance”

(FOX News) Islamic Jihadists dressed in black, storm the Paris offices of a ‘Charlie Hebdo’ a satirical newspaper known for lampooning the false prophet Mohammed, massacring 12 and injuring as many as 15 others before escaping–as many as three Jihadists were being sought following the 11:30 AM terrorist attack.

Charlie Hebdo publisher of marauding Muslim cartoons recently Tweeted a cartoon of ISIS Terrorist Thug Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Two policemen, several journalists, including the cartoonist behind the weekly publication’s satirical images were among the dead.

“We’ve avenged the honor of the Prophet,” the Islamic Jihad Fascists shouted according to witnesses.

Related: Paris Policeman Shot in Head –Harrowing Video –Sky News

Anti-Islam Parties are Now on March Across Europe –The Telegraph

U.S. Troops Come Under Fire in Iraq, Baghdad Gets Hundreds of New MRAPs

Tuesday, January 6th, 2015

Leaving IraqU.S. Taxpayers Spent Billions Training and Equipping Iraqi Soldiers
Just to Have Our Military Hardware Fall Into the Enemies Hands

(Defense News)  The 320 American Troops at Al Asad air base in western Iraq have taken “regular” mortar fire from Islamic Jihadists for several weeks, Col. Steve Warren told reporters on Monday, while Warren insists that the attacks have been “wholly ineffective” and that no U.S. personnel have been impacted in any way–this was the first time the Pentagon acknowledged the 2,100 American Troops Obama sent back to Iraq have been in danger since deploying last year.

In addition to the Marines from a ‘Special Purpose Marine Air-Ground Task Force’ training units with Iraq’s 7th Army Division at Al Asad, there’s 170 American Troops from the Army’s 1st Infantry Division training another four Iraqi Army battalions near Taji, northwest of Baghdad–Both sites were major U.S. bases during the U.S. – Iraq war from 2003 until 2011 when Obama declared…

Obama Iraq War OverObama: We Have Met Our Responsibility…Iraq is in a Position
to Shape Its Own Future

Flashback: Remember in December, 2011 when Obama claimed: “We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.”

The Besmaya Combat Training Center was transferred to the Iraqi Army subsequent to Obama’s withdrawal in 2011 and was intended for use as a training site for Iraq Army purchased U.S. M1A1 Abrams tanks.

Col Warren added that the U.S. is currently establishing two other sites to train a total of 9 Iraqi and 3 Kurdish battalions in Irbil, south of Baghdad.

While the last of the 3,100 U.S. Troops Obama has recommitted to Iraq for training and advising the Iraqi Army are arriving, new equipment is flowing into the country–Over the past two week, 250 U.S. made ‘Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) vehicles have been sent to Iraq: 225 to the Iraqi Security Forces and 25 to the government in Kurdistan, according to Central Command.

The cost to taxpayers of refurbishing the vehicles was $9,832,500–In December, the U.S. State Dept announced that Baghdad has requested 175 more M1A1 Abrams tanks and other vehicles at a cost of $2.4 Billion, together with 1,000 Humvees at a price tag of $579 Million.

The Pentagon continues to insist that American Troops will not participate in combat (though they have a right to self-defense) in Iraq against the genocidal ISIS Jihadists that are slaughtering Christians, beheading Americans and committing other wartime atrocities.

Related: ISIS: Come to Caliphate for the Beheadings–Stay for the Sunsets

H/T: Weasel Zippers

Yemeni Man Tortures and Murders his 10 Year Old Daughter in Honor Killing

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

Honor KillingsWorldwide Trends in Honor Killings –Image: CasoJi::Designs@Twitter

(Gulf News) A Yemeni father tortured and murdered his 10 yr old daughter for allegedly committing adultery–pictured on Yemeni social media, the photo is very graphic.

Shepherds in a rugged area in the northern province of Yemeni lbb, found the dead 10 year old.

Colonel Mohammad Qassem Al-Hadi, the Director of Dhamar’s Criminal Investigation Dept said that the girls father admitted that he brutally tortured and shot his young daughter four times with a rifle.

“We found a video clip in his mobile phone asking his daughter to confess her mistake. The girl was bleeding and crying,” Al-Hadi said.

The official told Gulf News that the father used different methods of torture including putting an iron to her skin, to force his daughter into admitting having sex with a man.

During the investigation, the man admitted that he threw his daughter off a cliff in the Samara Mountains in lbb province after severely beating her.

Related: The Dallas Honor Killings Revisited –Michelle Malkin