Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

ISIS Jihadists Kidnap 13 Christian Men in Libya

Saturday, January 3rd, 2015

Christians Kidnapped by ISISChristians Kidnapped by ISIS Jihadists Last Year
Image: Aus Coptic Movement@Twitter

(UPI) At least 13 Coptic Christians were abducted from their homes by ISIS Jihadists in Libya.

According to the BBC 15 armed men in masks stormed a residential complex early Saturday, going room-to-room, forcing residents to show identification before separating Muslims and Christians, one witness said, the Jihadists handcuffed and took into custody 13 Coptic Christians, all reportedly men.

“They had a list of full names of Christians in the building. While checking IDs, Muslims were left aside as the Christians were grabbed,” Hanna Aziz told the Associated Press.

Flashback: Remember in June when Obama claimed “The world is less violent than it has ever been.” — Riiight…

Christians have specifically been singled out as targets, they include a Coptic couple and their daughters who were murdered in December, when an unidentified gunman burst into their home in the City of Sirte, about 220 miles southwest of Libya, Tripoli.

More here from the Los Angeles Times

ISIS Jihadists Selling Priceless Christian Artifacts, Blows Up Catholic Church in Iraq on Christmas Day

Monday, December 29th, 2014

ISIS Destroy Religious ArtifactsA Woman Walks Inside a Damaged Church in Syria Maaloula
Images: U.S. Dept of State@Twitter

Woman PrayingA Woman Prays Inside a Damaged Church in Syria, Maaloula

(RUDAW) ISIS Jihadists blew up a Catholic Church in the al-Arabi district of Iraq, Mosul said Rev Behnam Raad: “Members of the extremist organization (ISIS) cleared the Church of Virgin Mary of its contents north of Mosul and blew it up after a few hours.”

Local sources told RUDAW News, that ISIS sealed off the Church and planted the bombs last Thursday–Christmas Day.

Earlier this month, I wrote here that ISIS reportedly are turning some Churches into prisons, stripping them of their priceless artifacts and sexually brutalizing Woman.

On the 10 August, I wrote here that Father Nawar, a Catholic Priest from Iraq, Nineveh (once considered the Christian capitol of the country until the Kurdish military was forced to withdraw and it fell to ISIS Thugs) told Catholic News Agency “Today the story of Christianity is finished in Iraq People can’t stay because there is death everywhere.”

Related: ISIS Threatens Iraq’s Priceless Cultural Heritage –CNN

In Iraq, Christmas Traditions Found Only in Memory –NY Times


Pause & Remembering Andrea Rosenthal and the Victims of Pan Am 103 That Died 26 Yrs Ago Today

Sunday, December 21st, 2014

Pan Am 103‘Why Did This Happen?’ –Image Courtesy: Giorning@Twitter

Pan Am 103 Memorial Services26th Annual Pan Am 103 Memorial Services Today
at Arlington Natl Cemetery –Image Courtesy: VPAF103@Twitter

Pan Am 103 VictimMark@Twitter Remembers/Never Forgetting his Childhood Friend Elizabeth Sophie Ivell “Eli” Who Saved for Two Yrs for her Holiday in NYC

Remember — By Beulah McKee

Do many of you remember Pan Am 103? The plane bombed from the sky over Lockerbie? It happened December 21st, 1988 with all those aboard unaware of their fate.

As the ‘Maid of the Sea’ pushed back from the gate, it was behind schedule, the take-off was late but Terrorists had determined this to be a doomed flight. All those aboard would die that night.

As the plane took to the sky, headed out to sea, it had to pass over Lockerbie. Already flying at 31,000 feet and so, the explosion was unheard of those down below.

As parts of the plane fell to the ground, they came to land on a once quiet town. My son was one of the passengers that had been inside, whose bodies would come to rest on their countryside.

Though the oceans of tears those of us cried, over the years have mostly all dried. They have left us with memories that will ever remain, to come to mind again and again.

So–do many of you remember Pan Am 103? The plane that was bombed from the sky over Lockerbie? It happened long ago on December 21st, 1988 and yet, it’s a date that no one must ever forget.

We cannot, we must not ever forget.

Taken from ‘VPAF 103’ Poetry 19 Oct, 2007

Related: Lockerbie Couldn’t Silence Daughter’s Piano –Post Gazette

Boko Haram Islamic Rapist Thugs Suspected of Kidnapping 172 Nigerian Women & Children

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

Boko Haram(Reuters) ‘Islamic Rapists Are at It Again’ in Nigeria
Image Courtesy:
Anne Bayefsky@Twitter

H/T: Catholic Online

ISIS Publishes Penal Code Says Blasphemy, Adultery, Sodomy, LGBT Punishable by Death

Thursday, December 18th, 2014

ISIS Penal CodeISIS Publishes Its Penal Code –Image: Prophet’s Khilafah@Twitter

ISIS ProhibitionISIS Prohibition: Carrying Out Lashing on 3 Men for Drinking Alcohol
Image: Anbaari/Islamic State

 (WFB) Islamic State (ISIS) has published its own penal code which harshly penalizes actions such as sodomy, blasphemy, apostasy and theft with punishments including execution, crucifixion, lashing and the severing of limbs among other penalties.

ISIS issued the document this week that was titled “Clarification the Huded” as a ‘warning and a reminder to people living under its rule’ that any behavior not in accordance with strict Islamic ‘Sharia Law’ will be cruelly punished.

Following are the Crimes Appearing in the ISIS Document Along
with their Respective Punishments:

  • Blasphemy Against Allah: Death
  • Blasphemy Against the Prophet Mohamed: Death
  • Blasphemy Against Islam: Death
  • Adultery: Stoning until death in case the adulterer was married and 100 lashes and exile if he or she was unmarried
  • Sodomy/LGBT: Death for the person committing the act as well as for the one receiving it.
  • Theft: Cutting off the hand.
  • Drinking Alcohol: 80 Lashes
  • Slandering: 80 Lashes
  • Spying for the Unbelievers: Death
  • Apostasy: Death

Full article here from MEMRI

Congratulations President Obama! Calling ISIS the ‘JV Team’ Named Top Lie of the Year

Wednesday, December 17th, 2014

Congratulations Obama(WFB) Obama Calling ISIS the ‘JV Team’ Named Top Lie of the Year
Image Courtesy:
Ministry of Truth

Pakistan Mourns 141 Killed by Taliban Jihadists — Remember When Obama Claimed ‘The World Is Less Violent Than It Has Ever Been’

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

Pakistan MotherPakistan Mother Grieves: “My Son Was in Uniform in the Morning, He is in a Casket Now.” –Image Courtesy: CBC Toronto@Twitter

(AP) Pakistan is in mourning as the nation prepares for mass funerals of 141 people, mostly children murdered in a Taliban attack in a military run school in the City of Peshawar on Monday.

Students were gunned down and some of the female teachers were burned alive which the Taliban has claimed responsibility for.

  • Flashback: Remember in June when Obama claimed “The world is less violent than it has ever been.”

Obama Administration Orchestrated a Plan to Topple the Israel Government

Tuesday, December 16th, 2014

Obama Administration IsraelObama Administration -v- Israel –Cartoon: Branco/Legal Insurrection

Its been rather obvious for quite some time that the Obama Administration is not a friend to Israel–from its earliest days and their pro-Islamic/anti-Israel alliances to more recently, the White House announcement of a “major” break with Israel and its intentions to begin voting with the Islamic enemies of American ally-Israel at the United Nations unless the Israel government acquiesces to Obama’s wishes.

In May, 2010 it was first reported in ‘The Philadelphia Bulletin’ and Israel Behind the News’ but got little coverage elsewhere, of the Obama Administration’s “psychological warfare campaign” meant to topple Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his Conservative Likuid party.

Now were learning this early report was even more accurate than many may have otherwise wanted to believe and that the Obama Administration’s latest reach into what has always been ken of agencies like the CIA: regime change Steve Berman of Red State reports–only this isn’t to topple Communism in Central American or the Islamic Fascist government of Iran, its to overthrow an American ally, Israel P.M. Benjamin Netanyahu, our best friend in the Middle East.

Aaron Klein wrote in the Jerusalem Post:

“The White House has singled out Netanyahu as standing in the way of Obama’s utopian vision for a new Middle East and Persian Gulf. What better way to bypass this obstacle than aiding in Netanyahu’s removal from office.”

Recently, Netanyahu’s fragile coalition government finally fractured with both Finance Minister Yair Lapid and Justice Minister Tzipi Livni dismissed and Netanyahu dissolving the Knesset with new elections to be scheduled. This will be Netanyahu’s greatest internal challenge Klein comments, that it was in no small part brought about by the Obama Administration meddling in Israeli politics.

Related: (Video) Valerie Jarrett & Obama Plan to Oust Bibi Netanyahu

Obama & the U.N. Timetable for Israel’s Destruction –Front Page

Rabbi Shumuley: Obama’s Secret Appeasement of Iran –NY Observer

“Tu Ne Cede Malis, Sed Contra Audentior Ito” –Publius Vergilius Maro

Monday, December 15th, 2014

911...Enough Said –Image Courtesy: The Liberty Eagle@Facebook

Sen. Dianne Feinstein Claims: Torture Report is About Us, Not (Our) Enemies…

Sunday, December 14th, 2014

ISIS BeheadingLoony Liberal Lefties are Such Idiots –Image: Bob Lowe@Twitter

  • (SF Gate) Sen Feinstein: Torture Report is About Us Not Our Enemies and We Must Enact Reform”  Riiight….

9-11“Hey Liberals: The Only Torture I Care About is the Terrorist Acts Done to Americans on 9/11 and ISIS Beheadings” –Dr. John@Twitter

Pre 911(RBPundit)
“Exactly Liberals, So Its Time to STFU.” —Vegas Golf Dude@Twitter