Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

ISIS Attempts to Sell the Headless Corpse of American James Foley for $1Million

Thursday, December 11th, 2014

James Foley(NY Post) Muslims are Mentally Ill: ISIS Beheads American Journalist
James Foley, Posts Graphic Video Online
& Now Attempts to Sell
his Headless Body for $1 Million

Anti-Islam Rallies Sweeping Through Germany, When Will They Come to the United States?

Wednesday, December 10th, 2014

Anti-Islam GermanyAnti-Islam Protests Sweeping Through Germany Hopefully the UK
and the U.S. Soon Will Follow –Images Courtesy:
David Jones@Twitter

Anti-Islam Rally GermanyAnti-Islam Protests in Germany

(Telegraph) Thousands of Germans have taken to the streets against what they say is the growing “Islamisation” of the country–The new protests that begun in Dresden in the former East-Germany, features no neo-Nazi slogans and have nothing to do with the traditional far-right instead, the demonstrations have adopted the old rallying call of the protests against the East-German Communist regime that brought down the Berlin Wall 25 years ago:

“Wir sind das volk” or “We are the People” they are saying they want to preserve Germany’s Judeo-Christian Western culture.

Thousands have defied sub-zero temperatures to join weekly marches each Monday in Dresden under the banner of ‘Patriotic Europeans Against the Islamisation of Europe.’

The protests were started by a local man Lutz Bachmann with no background in politics–When he called his first demonstration in October, only a few hundred turned out but the movement has snowballed and last week an estimated 7,500 showed up.

Democrats Are Hypocrites: Upon Release of CIA Interrogations Report

Tuesday, December 9th, 2014

Obama Administration CIA(IBD) White House Admits Outgoing Senate Democrat Majority Release
of CIA Report Makes Americans Less Safe –Image:
FOX & Friends

  • Flashback: Remember in 2012 When Obama Tweeted its his responsibility to keep Americans safe.

Riiight…Do You Feel Safer Now?

Obama Ended Iraq War


ISIS Thugs Behead 4 Christian Children in Iraq Who Refused to Deny Jesus and Convert to Islam

Monday, December 8th, 2014

ISIS GenocideISIS Jihadist’s Behead 4 Christian Children in Iraq for Refusing to
Deny Jesus and Convert to Islam –Image:

(Mirror Online)  ISIS Jihadist’s beheaded 4 Christian children in Iraq for refusing to convert to Islam.

Fr. Andrew White says the executions took place in a Christian enclave close to Baghdad which has recently been overrun by ISIS.

In November Obama claimed on CBS ‘Face the Nation’ CNN reports that the U.S. air campaign against ISIS is ‘very effective, degrading the militants and slowing their advance.’

Speaking to the Orthodox Christian Network Fr. White said: Islamic State turned up and said to the children, you say the words that you will follow Islam.

The children all under 15 yrs of age said, ‘No, we love Jesus…’

The ISIS Thugs subsequently chopped all their heads off. How do you respond to that? You just cry.

More here from

Related: Christian Children Sold as Sex Slaves by ISIS –Catholic Online

Fighting Racial Stereotypes By Reinforcing Them…

Saturday, December 6th, 2014

Racial StereotypesGood Point –Image Courtesy: The Patriot Federation@Facebook

Nation of Islam Leader(Daily Caller) Nation of Islam Ldr Louis Farrakhan Delivers Racist Speech
Image Courtesy:
Republican Christian@Twitter

H/T: John Sykes

ISIS Jihadist Thugs Have Turned Iraq Churches Into Prisons, Women Fear Torture & Sexual Abuse

Thursday, December 4th, 2014

ISIS PrisonAn Iraqi Christian Boy Steps Inside the Church of the Sacred Heart
in Telkaif Near Iraq Mosul –Reuters Image

(Agenzia Fides) Some Churches in Iraq Mosul have been transformed into places of detention by ISIS Jihadist Thugs, laying down laws in the Northern city of Iraq since June–in particular according to sources reported by the local news website in recent days, some detainees were blindfolded and handcuffed and transferred to the ancient ‘Chaldean Church of the Immaculate Conception.’

Local sources have told Agenzia Fides that St George Monastery has been seized and transformed into a female prison and there are those who fear that in the premises of the monastery, Women will be sexually assaulted by their Islamic captors.

Flashback: Remember in December 2011 when Obama claimed ‘The Iraq war is over–We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self-reliant Iraq.’

On Monday, the 24 November ISIS Jihadist Thugs used explosives and severely damaged the Convent of the ‘Chaldean Sisters of the Sacred Heart.’ On the 25 November, I wrote here that ISIS blew up St George’s Church and Nunnery in Iraq Mosul to cheers of “Allahu Akbar” by Muslims.

More here from Intl Business Times

Kentucky Sen Rand Paul Calls for Formal ‘Declaration of War’ Against ISIS

Wednesday, December 3rd, 2014

Nuke ISISHow to Quickly Defeat ISIS –Image: I Yam What I Yam@Twitter

(NY Daily News) Sen Rand Paul (R-KY) formally introduces SJ  Res 46 calling for a formal declaration of war against ISIS Jihadist that have beheaded Americans James Foley, Steven Sotloff, Peter Kassig and have threaten to behead any and “All Americans” according to their recent Twitter posts.

Related: ISIS Fanatic Returns Home Because ‘ISIS Made Me Clean Toilets’

St Louis Rams Players Propagate ‘Hands Up Don’t Shoot’ Myth in Support of Furguson Thug Mike Brown

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

St Louis Rams Players(Young Cons) St Louis Rams Players Tavon Austin, Stedman Bailey, Kenny Britt, Chris Givens and Jared Cook came out in the already debunked as a lie “hands up don’t shoot’ gesture in solidarity of Ferguson Thug Mike Brown, before Sunday’s game against Oakland Raiders.

Instead of promoting ways to help local businesses that were looted and burned in Ferguson, Missouri writes Deneen Borelli these players decided to propagate the myth by racial agitators, Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson and Nation of Islam Leader Louis Ferrakhan that Brown was shot while trying to surrender with his hands-up.

“The actions of these players could conceivably fuel more unrest in the Ferguson community and throughout the country–Sadly this on field stunt will pollute the minds of young fans about the truth of what really happened in Ferguson,” writes Borelli.

Pope Francis Urges Muslim Leaders to Condemn Violence in Name of Islam, Seeks More International Assistance for Refugees

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

ISIS Justifies War With....(MEMRI Video)  Islamic State (ISIS) Justifies Its War With Yazidis
Calling On Them to Convert to Islam Before Killing Them

(Vatican News) During Pope Francis apostolic trip to Turkey this past week, the Pontiff urged Muslim leaders worldwide to condemn violence in the name of Islam–Appealing for more international assistance for the thousands of refugees from nearby Iraq and Syria who have taken refugee in Turkey.

H/T: The Muslim Issue

Islamic Intolerance of Christianity: ‘Real Madrid’ Pro Football in Spain Forced to Remove Cross From Crest After UAE Sponsorship

Sunday, November 30th, 2014

Real Madrid

(Daily Mail) Real Madrid has been forced to remove the Christian Cross that was atop their official crest to appease its new sponsor the Natl Bank of Abu Dhabi in the UAE according to Marca Sporting News.

Related: Arab States Share ISIS Ideology Asserting Superiority of Islam

Nation of Islam Leader Louis Farrakhan Threatens Americans