Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

U.S. ISIS Recruiter “Isa Ibn” From Houston, Texas Appeals to Ferguson Thugs

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014

ISIS Tweet

U.S. ISIS Recruiter Isa Ibn Appeals to Ferguson Thugs Via Twitter

Related: ISIS Tell Ferguson Thugs to Convert to Islam They’ll Come Help

H/T: Lynn DP@Twitter

ISIS Blows Up Ancient Church and Nunnery in Iraq Mosul to Cheers of ‘Allahu Akbar’ by Muslims

Tuesday, November 25th, 2014

ISIS Blow Up Ancient Church

(Rudaw) ISIS blew-up the St George’s Church and a Nunnery Monday in Iraq Mosul–a local resident reported that cries of “Allahu Akbar” (god is great) rose from many mosques in the city while Jihadists destroyed the ancient Church.

Since its takeover of Mosul in June, ISIS has destroyed a number of Churches, Shiite Mosques and other ancient sites–on the 25 July, I wrote here that ISIS blew-up ‘Prophet Jonah’s Tomb’ in Iraq.

Flashback: Remember in December 2011 when Obama claimed, ‘The Iraq war is over–We’re leaving behind a sovereign, stable and self reliant Iraq.’


Related: ISIS Declares Christianity Its No 1 Enemy –WND

Professors Blame ISIS on ‘Islamophobia’ and ‘Grievances’  -Blazingcatfur

H/T: Gateway Pundit

Following Ferguson Grand Jury Decision, Far Left, Antisemitic Marxist Answer Couldn’t Pass Up the Opportunity to Demonstrate

Monday, November 24th, 2014

Answer CoalitionAnswer is a Radical Anti-Israel, Pro-Islamic Jihad
Marxist Front Organization –Photo:
NY Times@Twitter

While Americans Were Focused on Obama Granting Amnesty to Illegals, U.S. Releases 5 More Gitmo Detainees

Friday, November 21st, 2014


(FOX News)  The Obama Administration announced on Thursday that it has released 5 more Gitmo detainees after it was determined that they no longer posed a risk of returning to the battlefield.

Not so if recent history is a good teacher.

According to Reuters the recidivism rate of former Gitmo detainees is 27.9%  citing a summary report from the Office of the Director of Natl Intelligence which said it confirmed or suspected that nearly a third of the terrorists returned to the battlefield

Related: Dozens of Ex-Gitmo Prisoners Joining ISIS –Newsmax

Four Killed in Jerusalem Synagogue Terrorist Attack–Hamas Spokesman Calls it an ‘Heroic Act’

Tuesday, November 18th, 2014

Hamas Cartoon(IDF) This is the Cartoon that Hamas Spokesman Mushir al-Masri
Posted on Twitter After the Calling the
Attack on a Jerusalem Synagogue
Tuesday that Left 4 Dead
an ‘Heroic Act.’

Related: 4 Killed, 6 Injured in Jerusalem Synagogue Terrorist Attack

New Palestinian (Authority) Video Game Advocates Violence

New ISIS Video Posted Claims to Have Beheaded American Peter Kassig

Sunday, November 16th, 2014

ISIS Kassig Family(CNN) New Despicable ISIS Video Claims Jihadists Have Beheaded
American Peter Kassig — Family Releases Statement

  • Flashback: CBS Video Remember in August When Obama Claimed that Airstrikes are Weakening ISIS

North Carolina Mom Shocked After Finding This Islamic Propaganda School Assignment

Friday, November 14th, 2014

Islam in Schools

(The Blaze) A Mother in Union County North Carolina told WJZY TV  that her son, a freshman at Porter Ridge High School brought home a worksheet containing this Islamic propaganda.

Where is the ACLU’s outrage and their demands that religion has no place in the public classroom? I digress.

This boys homework reads like the rhetoric spewed by the Islamic State (ISIS) note that he got the answers correct.

“Our schools have been infiltrated by the enemy writes Pam Geller and no one–no teachers, principals, other public school administrators have the spine to fight back. They just lay down like lemmings, they did nothing to fight for our freedom so its no skin off their back to throw it away just as long as they’re comfortable, bloated pay and healthcare benefits are not jeopardized.”

Islam...This Is All That I Need to Know About Islam –Image: Ayat@Twitter

Remember When It Was American Foreign Policy Not to “Manage the Problem” Of Evil

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

Remember When...Flashback: Remember in September When Obama said, It Was his Policy
to “Manage the Problem” With ISIS Jihadist Terrorist Thugs

Feisty Floridian@Twitter

Are They Out of Their Minds? Washington National Cathedral to Host ‘Muslim Friday Services’

Thursday, November 13th, 2014

Islam-v-ChristianityIslam -v- Christianity –Image: Tafkhekh@Twitter

(WaPo) For the first time ever, the Washington Natl Cathedral will host Muslim Prayer Services (Jumu’ah) on Friday consecrated by the Islamic Jihad Muslim Brotherhood to their false prophet Allah.

In addition this event will occur inside a national shrine to Christian faith and religious tolerance the ‘Center for Security Policy’ reports on the 100th anniversary of an edict by the last Ottoman emperor to launch a genocidal jihad against Armenian and other followers of Jesus Christ.

Flashback: Remember Obama’s 2009 Ramadan Message: “These Rituals Remind Us of the Principles That We Hold in Common…”

Sunday, November 9th, 2014

Obama 2009 Ramadan Message(Video) Obama 2009 Ramadan Message: “…Islam’s Role in Advancing Justice, Progress, Tolerance and the Dignity of All Human Beings”

This Is Islam....The ‘Religion of Peace’ –Image: The Muslim Family@Twitter

This Is IslamThis is Obama’s ‘Religion of Peace’ –Image: Israfil Yilmaz@Twitter