Archive for the ‘Islam’ Category

Iran’s Grand Islamic Wizard Khamenei Tweets: Only Cure for Israel is Annihilation

Sunday, November 9th, 2014

Khamenei TweetOnly Cure for Israel is Annihilation –Khamenei@Twitter

(FOX News) On Thursday, the Wall Street Journal reported that Obama wrote a ‘secret letter’ to Iran’s Supreme Leader Khamenei, stressing ‘their’ shared interest in confronting the Islamic State (ISIS) and tying cooperation on that front to a deal over Iran’s nuclear program.

Obama’s recent letter to Khamenei, was at least the 4th time Obama had written Iran’s Grand Islamic Wizard since taking office in 2009–pledging to engage with this fascist Iranian regime.

“Something is rotten in the State of Denmark.” –Shakespeare

Related: Obama Plans Major Break With Israel at U.N. –Breitbart

Obama Administration Propaganda: We’re Listening to ISIS…Air Strikes are Demoralizing Them

Friday, November 7th, 2014

ISIS SlavaryISIS Savages Force/Traffic Women Into Slavery

 (U.S. Dept of State) U.S. General:  “We are listening to ISIS communications–know the air strikes are demoralizing them.”


ISIS jihadist...ISIS Jihadist has a Child Kicking a Mutilated Head
Leith Abou Fadel@Twitter

Related: ISIS Beheads Female Kurdish Soldier–Post Photos Online

Alabama Voters OK Constitutional Amendment Banning Sharia Law, CAIR is Outraged

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

Islam --The Kitchen CabinetObama & Loony Liberal Lefty Double Standard

(Mad World News) When voters in Alabama on Tuesday went to the polls on of the Amendments on the ballot was whether or not to  forever ban foreign laws from being recognized in state courts.

Alabama Statewide InitiativeBy an overwhelming majority of 72% to 28%  voters passed the Constitutional Amendment banning Sharia Law from being recognized in Alabama, predictably CAIR subsequently claimed the amendment is racist.

Obama Notifies Israel of Major Break and Plans to Begin Voting With Israel’s (and Our) Enemies at the U.N.

Thursday, November 6th, 2014

Obama Israel

(Western Journalism) Several Israel Cabinet Ministers are reporting that Obama has notified PM Benjamin Netanyahu, according to Breitbart of a “major break” with Israel.

According to reports, the United States will begin voting with the (Islamic) enemies of Israel at the United Nations unless Obama’s wishes for Israel are heeded.

Surprise, Surprise…Why?

U.S. Solicitor General Donald Verrilli, who is rumored to be in the running to replace Atty General Eric Holder, on Monday at the Supreme Court according to Washington Free Beacon compared Israel’s right to Jerusalem would be the same as Russia’s claim over the Ukrainian territory of Crimea, arguing that Jerusalem is not officially part of Israel.


What are the Facts About the History of Jerusalem That the Obama Administration Would Rather You Forget:

Backgrounder: History of Jerusalem –CAMERA

Disgusting, Chilling Video: ISIS Savages Negotiating Price of Yazidi Slave Girls

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

ISIS Jihadist Slavery(IB Times Video) ISIS Jihadists Negotiating Price for Yazidi Slave Girls

Related: ISIS Boasts of Kindergarten Terror Squad –Pamela Geller

U.S. Proxies Surrender in Syria –National Review

Despicable: Mahmoud Abbas Glorifies the Attempted Assassination of Rabbi Yehuda Glick

Monday, November 3rd, 2014

PAL Watch...(PMW) Mahmoud Abbas Glorifies the Attempted Murder of Rabbi Glick

Flashback: Remember on the 08 July, when President Obama in an editorial published by Haaretz offered ‘strong praise’ for Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas but not Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

More here from FOX News

H/T: CiF Watch@Twitter

ISIS Announces: “Everyone Who Insults Allah Will Be Executed and Beheaded”

Sunday, November 2nd, 2014

Religion of Peace

(RIA Novosti) ISIS Jihadists have announced that everyone (who) insults their fake prophet Allah, will be executed and beheaded, according to Syrian Observatory for Human Rights

“Do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul, rather fear Him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.” Matthew 10:28 NRSVCE

“Yes we do have confidence and we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.” 2 Corinthians 5:8 NRSVCE

H/T: Jihad Watch

Obama Administration: To Defeat ISIS We Must Highlight “Our Profound Respect” For Islam’s Proud Traditions

Saturday, November 1st, 2014

ISIS BeheadingTo You Islamic Apologists: Do You Want This on a Street Corner Near You? Images Courtesy: Conflict News@Twitter

ISIS Beheading...

(CNS News) Obama Administration’s Special Envoy for the Coalition to Combat ISIS (Islamic State) Gen John Allen met with Kuwait’s Emir Sabah Al Ahmed in Kuwait City this week and said:

“As we speak to expose the Daesh true nature, we must also tell a positive story, one that highlights our respect–our profound respect for Islam’s proud traditions, its rich history and celebration of scholarship and family and community.”


Woman Stoned to Death25 Yr Old Farzana Parveen Stoned to Death by Her Family
for Marrying the Man She Loved

Related: Kerry: Islamic Jihad ‘Exploits a Legitimate and Beautiful Religion

Just in Time For Halloween, Sharia Approved Costumes for 2014

Friday, October 31st, 2014

Latest Islamic Approved Halloween CostumesLatest Islamic Approved Halloween Styles –Image: Marine76@Twitter

Obama Orders Marines Out of Afghanistan — Say Hello To ISIS

Tuesday, October 28th, 2014

USMC Leave AfghanistanObama Orders U.S. Marines Out of Afghanistan –Image: Reuters/WSJ

ISIS Graffiti KabulISIS Graffiti on Kabul University Wall — Its Says: ‘Long Live Daesh’
(Islamic State) –Image:
Ehsanullah Amiri@Twitter

Afghanistan Say Hello to ISISAfghanistan Say Hello to ISIS Brought to You By Obama
Image: App Same