![Free Speech Ban](https://www.cristyli.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/10/Free-Speech-Ban.jpg)
National Public Radio (NPR) termination of Juan Williams subsequent to his Monday evening appearance on The O’Reilly Factor FOX News is nothing short of disgraceful, shameless and reprehensible.
NPR claims, “A functioning democracy depends on a free press…an informed citizenry.”
Riiight—just as long NPR contributors say what is politically correct.
“National Public Radio is a public institution that directly or indirectly exists because the taxpayers fund it and what do we get for this,” writes Sarah Palin “we get to witness Juan Williams being fired from NPR for merely speaking frankly about the very real threat this country faces from radical Islam.”
The Corporation for Public Broadcasting (CPB) in Fiscal Year 2008 received $393 Million Dollars in public money, during Fiscal Year 2009 NPR seen an increase in their appropriations, receiving $400 Million Dollars on the public trough. In Fiscal Year 2010 which ended on 30 September, CPB received $420 Million courtesy of the taxpayers and during the new Fiscal Year which began on 01 October, Congress appropriated $430 Million Dollars for CPB
While I have my share of disagreements with Juan Williams politically, for NPR, a quasi federally funded news agency to censor the free speech rights of one of their contributors is sacrilegious and outrageous, to a nation founded on principles of unalienable rights, independence and liberty.
“Without freedom of thought there can be no such thing as wisdom and no such thing as public liberty without freedom of speech.” —Benjamin Franklin, Silence Dogood—No 8, July 1722
Related: NPR Axes Juan Williams for Opinions on Muslims & Post 9/11 Travel–Michelle Malkin
NPR leaps to do the bidding of Hamas linked CAIR fires Juan Williams—Jihad Watch
NPR finally finds an Excuse to Fire Juan Williams –Guy Benson, Townhall.com