Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Had Someone @FoxNews Posted a Similar @ColbertReport Racist Tweet, the Left Would Be Outraged

Friday, March 28th, 2014

Steven Colbert Tweet

While the NY Daily News and other media outlets seem willing to apologize on behalf of Steven Colbert for the racist @Colbert Report Tweet, which has been taken down (but Twitter lasts forever) in fact, Colbert never actually offered an apology at all but instead Tweeted:

@StephenAtHome: “I agree! Just saw @ColbertReport tweet. I share your rage. Who is that though? I’m @StephenAtHome.”

If one is willing to accept that Colbert actually had nothing to do with the racist Tweet from the show that bears his name and provides no oversight of staffers, has Colbert not created an atmosphere that inappropriate racist jokes and Tweets are supposed to be funny?

Had someone from @FOX News posted a similar racist Tweet, the Dinosaur Media political commentators and Liberal Lefty bloggers would be outraged, demanding the immediate termination of the individual but when its one of their own, its just satire and Colbert together with his staff, should all be just given a pass.

New York Democrat Senator Chuckie Schumer Fails 1st Grade Calendar Reading

Tuesday, March 25th, 2014

Chuckie Schumer

(WN) On Monday, New York Democrat Senator Chuckie Schumer posted a Tweet claiming the 24 March was actually the 31 March and the last day to sign-up for ObamaCare.

Chuck Schumer ObamaCare

Its unknown, what parallel universe Chuckie Schumer resides?

More here from Twitchy

Dumb-O-Crat Sheila Jackson Lee Thinks Constitution is 400 Yrs Old

Wednesday, March 12th, 2014

Sheila Jackson Lee

(Washington Free Beacon) Congressional Rep Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX) declared the Constitution to be 400 yrs old on the House floor today saying:

“Maybe I should offer a good thanks to the distinguished members of the majority, the Republicans, my chairman and others, for giving us an opportunity to have a deliberative constitutional discussion that reinforces the sanctity of this nation and how well it is that we have lasted some 400 years, operating under a constitution that clearly defines what is constitutional or not.”

In 2010 Rep Jackson Lee on the House floor claimed there are two Vietnam’s, a North Vietnam and South Vietnam.

It is unknown what parallel universe Rep Jackson Lee is from?

Citing Liberal Media Bias, Sharyl Attkisson Resigns from CBS

Tuesday, March 11th, 2014

Sharyl Attkisson TweetsRes Ipsa Loquitur –Image: Sharyl Atkisson@Twitter

(Investors Business Daily) Citing liberal media bias, Sharyl Attkisson told CBS ‘Good-Bye’ on Monday.

George Soros funded, Loony Liberal Lefty ‘Media Matters’ upon learning of Attkisson’s resignation, quickly attacked the award winning journalist claiming that Attkisson’s “reporting has been marred by factual problems.”

Related: Anonymous CBS Sources Last Year Smear Attkisson –Breitbart

The Media’s Obama Protection Society –Commentary Magazine

Michelle Obama Claims ACA Navigators in Florida “Doing God’s Work” When Did BHO Become a God?

Thursday, March 6th, 2014

ObamaCare Horror StoryObamaCare War on Women  –Image: AFP

(CBS Tampa) Michelle Obama told ObamaCare Navigators in Miami, Florida yesterday that “You are doing God’s work,” when was ObamaCare endorsed by God?

On the 25 February, I wrote here that President Obama told OFA members disciples in Washington that they were doing God’s work.

Do ‘The Obama’s’ now see Barack Hussein Obama as a god?

When did this happen?

Obama Claims OFA Members Are Doing “God’s Work” Does Obama Now Think He’s a God?

Tuesday, February 25th, 2014

OFA Los AngelesOrganizing For Action (OFA) Worker Collected Signature of a ‘Tin Man’ Wannabe in Louisiana –Image: Michael Brenner@Twitter

(Time) President Obama rallied his OFA members disciples on Tuesday in Washington and told them, “You’re doing God’s work.”


Does Obama now see himself as a god?

NBC News Claims an Olympian That is Married and Christian is an “Alternative Lifestyle”

Friday, February 21st, 2014

NBC News TweetNBC Washington@Twitter claims Married Christian Olympian David Wise leads an alternative lifestyle.

H/T: Fox & Friends

Obama: Some Folks Just Don’t Like Me…

Monday, January 20th, 2014

Cry Baby Obama(Businessweek) President Obama claims that racial tensions may have been responsible for softening his popularity among some voters according to a story (1-27-2014) published in the The New Yorker on Sunday.

“There’s no doubt that there’s some folks who just really don’t like me because they don’t like the idea of a black president–Now the flip side of it, there are some black folks and maybe some white folks who really like me and may give me the benefit of the doubt precisely because I am a black president.”

Global Warming Scientists: Worlds Climate Warming Faster Than Expected, As Record Cold Grips Much of U.S. & Antarctica

Thursday, January 2nd, 2014

Global Warming Alert

Global Warming: Record Cold Temperatures Grip Midwest & New England Image: Racheal@Twitter

(The Telegraph) Global Warming Scientists claim the worlds climate is warming faster than feared because previous predictions were ‘too optimistic’ and overestimated the cooling impacts of clouds.


Today, according to The Daily Caller Climate Scientists studying the effects of ‘Global Warming’ on the Antarctic trapped aboard the Russian ship Akadmik Shokalsky in heavy ice since Christmas Eve, were rescued and transferred to the “Aurora” an Australian icebreaker, after being flown in groups from the crippled ship aboard a Chinese helicopter.

On the 10 December, I wrote here that a record low temperature of minus 135 degrees was recorded in Antarctica in 2013 while “Greenpeace” warned Virginia that Christmas may be canceled because of Global Warming.

It Took Barbara Walters 5 Years to Realize Obama Wasn’t the Messiah, Now Selects Hillary Clinton ‘Most Fascinating Person’ of Last 20 Years

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Barbara WaltersBarbara Walters Selects Hillary Clinton as the ‘Most Fascinating Person of 2013’ –Image: NewsBreaker@Twitter

(NewsBusters) Dr Charles Krauthamer on FOX News ‘The Five’ Wednesday speaking about Barbara Walters interestingly noted:

“Its remarkable that it would take a half a decade for the veil to be lifted from her eyes. Five years to realize the man (Barack Obama) isn’t a Messiah.”

Now Walters selects Hillary Clinton “Most Fascinating Person” of the last 20 years.

Just saying.