Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Former Obama Administration Official Warns Americans to “Back Off” Criticizing ObamaCare

Thursday, December 19th, 2013

Moment When Covered California Crashes“The Moment When Covered California Crashes 10 Minutes Into Applying” –Image: Tyler Hayes@Twitter

(Newsbusters) Former Obama Administration official Melody Barnes on MSNBC ‘Morning Joe’ recently, warned Americans to “back off” their Reagan inspired opposition to centralized government in general and ObamaCare  in particular.

“It is to everyones benefit that people back off of what was the Reagan Administration legacy that government is bad, government workers are bad and think about how we’re going to make this work because what we’ve seen time and time again with Katrina and moving forward, is if we don’t have an effective federal government people get hurt–in fact, people can die.”

Has anyone ever heard any large companies such as Amazon which has 2.7 Million visitors a day to their glitchy free website or eBay which has 4 million visitors a day, send out their spokespeople to ‘warn Consumers’ to back off any criticism of their companies? If ObamaCare is as good as their advocates claim it to be, why are they afraid of criticism?

Related: Latest ObamaCare Surprise Freedom of Travel Restricted –IBD

Whole Foods CEO: ObamaCare is Hurting Our Employees –WND

New ObamaCare Success Metric: Those ‘Poised’ to Gain Coverage

Abandon Ship! 4 State ObamaCare Chiefs Bolt Post October Launch

Record Low Temperatures Recorded in Antarctica of -135 While Greenpeace Warns Virginia, Christmas May Be Canceled Due to Global Warming

Tuesday, December 10th, 2013

Now Thats C-C-C-Cold...Now That’s C-C-C-Cold –Image: Kelsey Von Berge@Twitter

Yes Virginia, Santa Claus will be coming to town despite the dire warning by Greenpeace Bozo’s courtesy of CBS News that Christmas may be canceled because Global Warming is rapidly melting Arctic Ice.

Not according to Reuters which reports that record low temperatures of minus 136 degrees were set in Antarctica this year, the previous record low was minus 128.6 set in 1983 at the Russian Vostok Research Station in East Antarctica.

Oops! Can You Spot the Spelling Errors on Sign Used by Senate Democrats Today?

Thursday, November 21st, 2013

Democrat Press Conference SignSenate Democrats Use This Sign During a Press Conference Today and They Call Republicans and Conservatives Stupid
Bret Baier@Facebook

Bozo Obama: 100 Million Americans Have Enrolled in ObamaCare

Tuesday, November 19th, 2013

Obama Oblivious

(Daily Mail) President Obama told an audience of ‘Organizing for Action’ disciples in a conference call on Monday:

“In the first month alone, we’ve seen  more than 100 million Americans already successfully enroll in the new insurance plans.”

Excuse me Mr President, Sir–only 106,185 Americans have made it all the way through your crippled ObamaCare website selecting many times, an inferior health care plan than they previously had which now costs more.

Giving Obama the benefit of the doubt, it maybe those 100 Million people did sign up for his Affordable Unaffordable Care Act on whatever parallel universe that Obama lives, on the “Internate” in those 57 States where President Obama resides?

CNN Piers Morgan: More Americans Signed Petition to Have Me Deported Than Enrolled in ObamaCare

Friday, November 15th, 2013

Piers Morgan Image--Libertarian GirlPiers Morgan Tweets About ObamaCare Disaster –Image: Libertarian Girl

(NewsBusters) Has President Obama now lost Piers Morgan?

Consider this Tweet the Liberal Lefty CNN host sent out on Wednesday saying:

“Considerably more Americans signed a petition to have me deported, than enrolled in ObamaCare. I’d start panicking Mr. President.”

For those who may have forgotten, on Christmas Eve 2012 Piers Morgan went on a rant about the bible and Christianity arguing that there needs to be “an amendment to the Bible” for Gay marriage because like the Constitution, the bible is inherently flawed.

Later in December disgraced former  Editor of The Daily Mirror Morgan continued his anti-2nd Amendment rants adding that unless its amended, he may voluntarily leave the United States for greener pastures elsewhere. Shoot he’s still here–I digress.

Last year an online petition at White was being circulated calling for Morgan’s deportation, it now has 109,334 signatures.

The combined enrollment in ObamaCare via the federal and state exchanges is 106,185


Loony Liberal Lefty Website Blames Crappy ObamaCare Law on the Republicans

Tuesday, November 12th, 2013

Health Care OverhaulNot a Single Republican Voted For ObamaCare

(KRLA AM870) Its totally not the Democrats fault for the ObamaCare train wreck according to loony liberal lefty website Addicting which claims:

For the final bill, over 10% came from House Republicans and almost 30% came from Senate Republicans. That brings the total GOP contribution to ObamaCare  to 38.5% meaning that over a third of ObamaCare was written by the Republican party.


Related: Dem’s Rattled by ObamaCare Train Wreck –Twitchy

Obama Orders Feds to Prepare for Impact of Global Warming

Friday, November 1st, 2013

An Inconvenient Truth Al GoreAn Inconvenient Truth Messers Obama & Gore –Image: CFACT

(Washington Times) Unable to focus on one failed initiative at a time, President Obama has issued an ‘Executive Order’ today, directing a government wide effort to boost preparation in states and local communities for the impact of the Junk Science of global warming.

Related: The Science Fiction of IPCC Climate Models –Human Events

Democrats Say the Strangest Things: Nancy Pelosi Claims “Of Course” We’ll Pick Up Seats in 2014

Tuesday, October 29th, 2013

Pelosi We Don't Have a Spending ProblemHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi: ‘We Don’t Have a Spending Problem

(The Hill) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) dreaming out loud, vowed that Democrats “of course” will pick-up seats in the 2014 mid-term elections.

When cows can fly–In 33 of 36 Mid-Term Elections Since the Civil War the party occupying the White House has lost seats in the House of Representatives.

Flashback: Remember when Nancy Pelosi claimed “The cupboard is bare, there is no more cuts (in the federal budget) to make. I think its really important that people understand that.”

Related: Sen Tom Coburn Waste Book 2012

Nancy Pelosi: On the 4th July Celebrate ObamaCare

Florida Democrat Congressman Alan Grayson Sends Fundraising E-Mail to Supporters, Likens ‘Tea Party’ to KKK

Tuesday, October 22nd, 2013

Dem Rep Sends KKK Letter to ConstituentsRep Alan Grayson (D-FL) Fundraising E-Mail to Supporters Features Burning Cross “T” in Tea Party –Image: Dave Levinthal@Twitter

(Roll Call) Rep Alan Grayson, an outspoken loony liberal lefty, is taking heat from his Republican colleagues for his despicable attempt to raise money off an email which he associates the “Tea Party” with the Ku-Klux-Klan.

Do liberals have any shame?

“The way of a fool is right in his own eyes but he that hearkeneth unto counsel is wise.” –Proverbs 12:15 (KJV)

MSNBC Liberal Lefties Say the Strangest Things: GOP is to Blame for ObamaCare Roll Out Failure

Friday, October 18th, 2013

MSNBC Loony Liberal Lefties...MSNBC Loony Liberal Lefties Say The Strangest Things
Image: KRLA AM870

H/T: Twitchy