“The Moment When Covered California Crashes 10 Minutes Into Applying” –Image: Tyler Hayes@Twitter
(Newsbusters) Former Obama Administration official Melody Barnes on MSNBC ‘Morning Joe’ recently, warned Americans to “back off” their Reagan inspired opposition to centralized government in general and ObamaCare in particular.
“It is to everyones benefit that people back off of what was the Reagan Administration legacy that government is bad, government workers are bad and think about how we’re going to make this work because what we’ve seen time and time again with Katrina and moving forward, is if we don’t have an effective federal government people get hurt–in fact, people can die.”
Has anyone ever heard any large companies such as Amazon which has 2.7 Million visitors a day to their glitchy free website or eBay which has 4 million visitors a day, send out their spokespeople to ‘warn Consumers’ to back off any criticism of their companies? If ObamaCare is as good as their advocates claim it to be, why are they afraid of criticism?
Related: Latest ObamaCare Surprise Freedom of Travel Restricted –IBD
Whole Foods CEO: ObamaCare is Hurting Our Employees –WND
New ObamaCare Success Metric: Those ‘Poised’ to Gain Coverage
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