Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Only in Los Angeles: Democrats Propose Setting Up a Commission on Voter Apathy

Friday, October 18th, 2013

Voter Apathy

(KPCC) With many more serious problems in Los Angeles such as double digit unemployment and poverty for young adults and Asian Americans one would think that Los Angeles City Council President Herb Wesson formerly Democrat Speaker of the California Assembly, would have better things to do with his time than introducing a resolution this week to tackle voter apathy in citywide elections.

Democrats with maybe just a little too much time on their hands, may be looking at the low voter turnout issue all wrong. It just may be as result of no confidence in the revolving door politicians that never really leave public office such as Herb Wesson being termed out in the California Assembly in 2004 he has since, continually been a member of the city council and doesn’t seem to have any higher ambitions than the next election.

In September, Gallup released a survey that showed Americans ‘trust in the American people” to make judgments about political issues facing the nation has declined in recent years but is still considerably higher than the confidence one has in politicians.

It Appears CNN Could Use a Geography Lesson

Thursday, October 10th, 2013

CNN GeographyHuh? Hong Kong Has Moved? ROFLOL –Image: Chicks On The Right

Coincidence? Riiight…ObamaCare National Phone Number That You Won’t Forget

Thursday, October 3rd, 2013

ObamaCare Natl Phone NumberSeriously! ObamaCare Natl Phone Number
1-800-3(F) 18(U) -2(C) 5(K) 9(Y) 6(O) –Image: Gail Trask/Twitter

ObamaCare Phone NumberUnforgettable ObamaCare Natl Phone Number
Stephen Zubrycky/Twitter

H/T: Confirmed! Hilarious ObamaCare Phone Number –Twitchy

Obama’s HHS Wants to Shut Down “Little Sisters of the Poor” Because They’re Not Religious Enough

Sunday, September 29th, 2013

ObanaCare -v- Catholic ChurchObama -v- Catholic Church –Image: June Moore/Twitter

(Investors Business Daily) The ‘Little Sisters of the Poor’ an international congregation of Catholic Women founded in 1839 by Saint Jeanne Jugan, presently serves the poor in over 30 countries around the world but this may all come to an end, at least in the United States if the Obama Administration gets their way.

Last Tuesday 24 September, the ‘Becket Fund for Religious Liberty’ filed a lawsuit on behalf  of the ‘Little Sisters of the Poor’ which faces millions of dollars in IRS fines for refusing to comply with ObamaCare’s mandate, that they provide to their employees free access to contraception, sterilization and abortion inducing drugs.

This is just the latest in a series of lawsuits filed by Catholics against the Obama Administration and their sacrilegious cronies, mandating that Christians violate their religious consciences, contrary of their First Amendment rights of religious liberty.

On the 14 June, EWTN–Global Catholic Network reported that a Democrat leaning group targeted the ‘Catholic Campaign for Human Development’ (CCHD) operated by the U.S. Bishops Conference, which provides millions of dollars annually to anti-poverty organizations–the Loony Liberal Lefty Democrat group alleged that the CCHD should not be able to bar funds (private monies of course) to groups supporting Abortion and Gay marriage.

Companies Seek to Unblock California’s 15.4B Barrels of Recoverable Shale Oil in Monterey Field

Tuesday, September 24th, 2013

Bright Future For ND Dismal Future For CaliforniaBright Future for North Dakota Energy Revenue, Dismal Outlook for California –Image: California Political Review

(WSJ) California’s Monterey Shale formation is estimated to hold as much as 15.4 Billion barrels of recoverable offshore shale oil reserves in the United States lower 48 states or more than double the amount of  North Dakota’s prosperous Bakken Field and Three Forks formations according to the 2013 estimates by the U.S. Dept of Interior and U.S. Geological Survey.

Problems do exist in extracting the oil from layers of rock seeming as impenetrable as another, California’s rigid regulatory climate.

The latter will likely make it impossible any time soon, for California to take advantage of this new found wealth right under ones feet, despite the state’s weak economy and high unemployment, falling tax revenues, a $127+ Billion deficit and dismal consumer confidence that things will improve anytime soon.

Democrats in Sacramento together with their loony liberal lefty environmentalist wacky partners, will be willing to forgo this huge new opportunity to reverse the state’s negative and dangerous economic trends and instead will kick a gift horse in the mouth by staying on their disastrous greeny course, benefiting no one in the short and long term but will ‘feel really good’ when they pretend to ‘feel the pain’ in the suffering of others.

Related: The Liberals Idea of Suffering –The College Conservative

So, Another Dude From Across the Pond Wants to Ban Guns in the United States

Monday, September 23rd, 2013

Second Amendment--Thomas JeffersonThomas Jefferson on the 2nd Amendment
Elliotte Fajardo/Twitter

(Chicks On The Right) There is a fellow named Henry Porter who wrote a little ditty in The Guardian/The Observer one may wonder if he’s besties with CNN’s Piers Morgan they may share wine, cheese and afternoon tea and discuss how all dumb Americans wear Cowboy Hats and say “YeeeHaw, Giddy Up Horsey” here in the States, while they try so desperately to change a country that is not their’s.

If we get down to the nitty-gritty here, I’m thinking that the dumb laments the fact that we have a U.S. Constitution and he’s irritated by the fact that we live in a ‘country where people are better armed and only slightly less nervy than rebel fighters in Syria.’

Henry is a gem like that and he feels as though it may be time for the international community to step in and do something about it. It’s TIME you see–well according to Henry anyway–he feels as though “America is in a jam and that international pressure may be one way of reducing the slaughter over the next generation. That has reached the point where it has ceased to be a domestic issue. The world can not stand idly by.”

Yet Henry is another one of those guys that isn’t from here, mind you but he strangely obsessed about whether or not we should have the right to keep and bear arms–Henry preaches in paragraphs–where he says that half of us are sane (liberals that are for gun control mind you) and the other half are apparently insane, “simply doesn’t grasp the inconsistencies and historic lunacy of its position.” Those would be Conservatives who value the Constitution, go figure.

My favorite part of Henry’s dribble is when he writes, “…since the day that Edward Kennedy was shot in 1968…” (before it was corrected by the Editors of ‘The Gaurdian’ to say Robert Kennedy) because Henry is such an obvious expert in American history and all. Thank goodness for that liberal intellectual superiority:

“To absorb the scale of mayhem, its worth trying to guess the death toll of all the wars in American history since the War of Independence began in 1775 and follow that by estimating the number killed by firearms in the US since the day that Edward Robert Kennedy was shot in 1968 by a .22 Iver-Johnson handgun wielded by Sirhan Sirhan.”

Full article here by Daisey at Chicks On The Right

How Times Have Changed

Sunday, September 22nd, 2013

Times Have ChangedTimes Have Changed Haven’t They? –Image: Chicks On The Right

Chicks On The Right@Twitter

Chicks On The Right@Facebook

Nancy Pelosi On Obama: This is an Effective President…Has the Power of Being Largely Non-Partisan

Thursday, September 19th, 2013

Nancy Pelosi ObamaCare is FabulousHouse Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) Calls ObamaCare Fabulous
Image: Rep Diane Black (R-TN) Twitter

(Politico Video) Nancy Pelosi speaking today on President Obama claims:

“This is an effective president and not only that he has the power of being largely a non-partisan president…he’s brilliant, he has a vision for our country…respectful of other peoples views…he thinks in a strategic way in how to get something done…he’s completely eloquent, thats a package they (Republicans) don’t like…”


Related: Eight Other Unbelievable Things Nancy Pelosi Has Actually Said

California Democrats Redefine “Assault Weapon” and Bans Them

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

American RevolutionAmerican Revolution –Cartoon: Cal Watchdog

(Business Insider) New sales of semi-automatic rifles with removable magazines would be banned in California under a bill passed by the Democratic led state legislature today and those who already have such weapons, will have to register them–I’m wondering how many criminals are going to comply?

“California which has some of the toughest gun laws in the nation, already bans rifles with large capacity fixed magazines, which cannot be removed,” writes Dana Loesch of “The Dana Show.” This latest brain-storm by the Democrat controlled state legislature, “adds rifles that accept large capacity removable magazines.”

On the 09 March, I posted here a cartoon which clearly explains the fallacies of gun control legislation that even loony liberal Kool-Aid drinking lefties may be able to understand? Well I thought anyway–it must have been over their heads.

Related: Gun Violence Has Fallen Dramatically Past 20 Years Says DoJ

2nd Amendment Rights Prevail in Colorado –NRA

Anthony Weiner Comes Up Short in NYC Democratic Mayoral Primary

Tuesday, September 10th, 2013

Anthony Weiner Flips Off ReporterDisgraced Former Congressman Anthony Weiner (D-NY) Flips Off Reporter –Micah Johnson/Twitter

(Politico) Anthony Weiner’s circus of a mayoral campaign came to a thudding halt tonight as Weiner offered his concession speech, dropping out of NYC’s Democratic Primary.

With 3/5 of the votes tallied, Weiner had just 5% of the votes and was in 5th place in a crowded race.

Moments after his concession speech, Weiner flipped off a reporter as he departed.

H/T: Andrea Tantaros/The Five