Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Pledge of Aggrievance: The United States of Obama Flag Makes a Comeback

Sunday, August 25th, 2013

Obama FlagDisgraceful: Obama Flag Seen at 50th Anniversary of the Martin Luther King March on Washington on Saturday
Image: Yahoo News

H/T: Twitchy

NAACP Asks Secret Service & Dept of Justice to Investigate Missouri State Fair Rodeo Clown

Tuesday, August 13th, 2013

Rodeo Clowns Wore Bush FacesRodeo Clowns Wore George Bush Mask in 1995 –Dark Star/Twitter

(Breitbart) Today the NAACP issued a statement asking for a federal investigation of the Rodeo Clown that wore the Obama mask at the Missouri State Fair and asked the crowd if they’d like to see Obama run down by a bull?

“The activities at the Missouri State Fair targeting and inciting violence against  our (thin skinned) President are serious and warrant a full review by both the Secret Service and the Dept of Justice…Incidents involving individuals acting out with extreme violent behavior in movie theaters, schools, churches, political appearances and outdoor events in general speaks volume to the irresponsible behavior of all the parties involved with the incendiary events at the Missori State Fair,” wrote Missouri NAACP President Mary Ratliff.

Where is the moral outrage of the NAACP and demands of federal investigations of the death wishes and nastygrams of George Bush via Twitter subsequent to his recent heart surgery or the double standard by the race hustlers Rev’s Al Sharpton & Jesse Jackson, that have said nothing about the horrible beating on a school bus in Florida by three Black thugs who targeted one 13 year old Caucasian boy?

Crickets Chirping…

Related: Rodeo Clowns Asked to Take ‘Sensitivity’ Training

Obama’s First Dog Bo, Airlifted to Martha’s Vineyard on $100 Million Marine Corps Aircraft

Monday, August 12th, 2013

Obama On SpendingObama On Spending Other Peoples Money…

(The Telegraph) When money is no object, how does ‘First Dog Bo’ arrive in Martha’s Vineyard where ‘The Obama’s’ are vacationing?

Bo, ‘The Obama’s’ Portuguese Water Doggy arrived separately on one of two $100 Million MV-22’s Ospreys hybrid aircraft which takes off like a helicopter but flies like an airplane.

Did You Know? NSA Declassified Map Declares Canada & Mexico as Part Of U.S. Homeland

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Declassified MapSen Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) Refers to Canada and Mexico as  Part of “The Homeland” at Senate NSA Hearing –Image: Before Its News

H/T: Lana Wong

Public School Advocate Matt Damon Claims Has No Choice But to Send His Children to Private School

Thursday, August 8th, 2013

Matt Damon School Choice

(Reason) Matt Damon is moving to Los Angeles, when he arrives, he’ll be sending his own children to private school–no biggie??? 

In 2011, Damon took on FOX News reporter Michelle Fields over public school teachers, claiming that he was a strong advocate for the public school system.

Hypocrite: Fast forward two years and Damon tells The Guardian that he didn’t have a choice about educational options because public schools are not ‘progressive’ enough.

Michelle Fields reacted on FOX News/Hannity on Wednesday saying, “Actually yes, he (Matt Damon) did have a choice. The people who don’t have a choice are the rest of Americans who don’t have Matt Damon’s bank account and can’t afford to send them (their children) to private school.”

Damon has been critical of various aspects on modern public schooling, including the focus on testing and quantitative measures of success but has been vehemently opposed to alternative providers (especially those capitalists  that dare to make a profit) saying that he’ll continue to cheer public education—for other peoples children.

Related: Academic Performance in California and L.A. County Drops

George Bush’s Heart Surgery Brings Out Death Wishes & Nastygrams

Tuesday, August 6th, 2013

Twitter Lynch Mob(Twitchy) “Die B*tch!” President George Bush’s Heart Surgery Brings Out the Worst of Liberals:

“People root for the Death of George W. Bush; Unhappy he’ll recover.” –Cameron Gray/Twitter

“G-D damn it! What surgeon placed the stint on G.W. Bush?
Cant he just die already?” –Janine Radu/Twitter

“George Bush abt to kick the can? F*ck him. Peace out nigga.”
Madam Ling/Twitter

Oh No! Democrat Rep Sheila Jackson-Lee Recommended for New Homeland Security Chief

Tuesday, July 30th, 2013

Shelia Jackson Lee on VietnamRep Shelia Jackson on House Floor Speaks of North & South Vietnam

(Washington Times)  Just two weeks after ‘Big Sista’ Janet Napolitano announced her resignation as Secy Dept of Homeland Security (DHS) the Congressional Black Caucus has recommended Rep Sheila Jackson Lee to fill that post.

In a letter sent to President Obama, signed by Rep Marcia Fudge (D-OH) the Houston Chronicle reported the Congressional Black Caucus said that Rep Jackson-Lee,”stands as a strong and honest–voice of reason” that the DHS could stand to gain.

Oh My–God Have Mercy!

Nimrod Jim Carrey Totally Gets Why the Lincoln Memorial was Vandalized: ‘Corporate Tyranny, Disguised as Democracy’

Friday, July 26th, 2013

Lincoln MemorialDisgusting: Lincoln Memorial Vandalism –Image: Ethan Klapper/Twitter

Lincoln Memorial VandalismVandals Attack Beloved Lincoln Memorial –David Beard/Twitter

(Twitchy) Nimord Jim Carrey steps in it again, this time when he claims that he totally gets why the Lincoln Memorial was vandalized: “Corporate Tyranny Disguised as Democracy.”

Flashback: Remember earlier this month when Jim Carrey claimed that he was so sorry for calling gun owners heartless mother f*ckers in his Tweet and recent poorly made music video.

College Students Sign Petition to Legalize 4th Trimester Abortion

Thursday, July 25th, 2013

Idiot(MRCTV) Once again MRCTV’s Dan Joseph went to college campuses and  asked students to sign a petition. This time the goal was to get people to show their support for legalizing ‘4th Trimester’ abortion.

For those of you who failed biology, babies are born at the END of the 3rd Trimester.

H/T: Twitchy

Detroit Having Resolved All Other Problems, Calls For Federal Investigation of George Zimmerman

Wednesday, July 24th, 2013

Detroit Rock Bottom CityDetroit’s Bankruptcy in a Nutshell –Sue Yang/Twitter

(Twitchy) Bizarre! Having resolved all other problems, the City of Detroit calls for a federal investigation of George Zimmerman.

Related: Bankrupt Detroit Spending $280M on New Hockey Arena

Taiwan Video Mocks Detroit Bankruptcy–Obama Rolling Bailout Request