(Twitchy) Tolerant Intolerance Brigade: Loony Liberal Lefties Call Dr Ben Carson “Uncle Tom” and send other racially charged “Nastygrams” following CPAC 2013 address today.
More here from Examiner
H/T: Barracuda Brigade
(Twitchy) Tolerant Intolerance Brigade: Loony Liberal Lefties Call Dr Ben Carson “Uncle Tom” and send other racially charged “Nastygrams” following CPAC 2013 address today.
More here from Examiner
H/T: Barracuda Brigade
(Breitbart) Busted: Gabby Giffords, (D-AZ) husband Capt Mark Kelly claimed to support Gun Control legislation before purchasing AR-15
Flashback: Back in January, Kelly testified before a Congressional Committee and claimed, “…Guns have turned every single corner of our society into places of carnage and gross human loss.”
Related: Kelly Gave Gun Control Testimony 1 Day Before Buying AR-15
H/T: Political Follies
(CNS News) House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) claimed this week that the government must cut spending and then (tried) explaining that “Tax cuts are spending.”
“Our whole budget is what $3.5 Trillion–so when we talk about reducing spending we certainly must and we certainly have–$1.6 Trillion in the previous Congress…Spending is also related to tax cuts, tax cuts are spending…”
I don’t get it.
The Weekly Standard explained in December that the $1.6 Trillion tax hikes (which Pelosi calls spending cuts) a mere $400 Billion was used for deficit reduction–that sum quickly would be eaten up on interest alone on our out of control $16.67 Trillion federal deficit.
Ashley Judd Fundraising Letter –NRSC
(FOX News) Ashley Judd has yet to officially announce her political aspirations but a source close to FOX 411s Pop Tarts says that Judd is preparing to challenge Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY in 2014
Judd has been meeting with well financed Democratic donors and last week ventured into Washington for more public engagements–It is far from clear how an untested Judd would fare against the hardball tactics of McConnell writes Politico when it comes down to the daily grind of a real campaign.
Her past comments are going to hurt her points out Weasel Zippers comparing coal mining to Rape in 2010, that may play well with her Loony Liberal Democratic base and Environmentalists but many Kentuckians are already convinced that President Obama is engaged in a “war on coal” an industry with a strong presence in the state, which will ultimately doom her campaign.
H/T: Chicks on the Right
Rev Jesse Jackson & Venezuela Dictator Hugo Chavez –Bully Pulpit
(Twitchy) Rev Jesse Jackson Tweets: “I extend my deepest condolences to his family and along with people around the globe, am deeply saddened by his (pal Hugo Chavez) passing. During this sad and difficult moment in the lives of all those affected by this unfortunate news…”
Where did I put that air sick bag, I’m getting sick–Good Grief!
Yesterday, I wrote here that Islamic Fascist President Ahmadinejad tribute to Chavez included a claim that ‘he’ll be resurrected with Jesus Christ.’
Michigan School Confiscates Cupcakes with Toy Soldiers
(WNEM TV/Saginaw) OMG They’re losing their minds…A 3rd grader who took 30 chocolate cupcakes to school to share with his classmates to celebrate his 9th birthday, was told topping them with WW II era toy soldiers was “insensitive” considering recent gun related tragedies, specifically the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.
More here from Todd Starnes/FOX News
California Misery –Daryl Cagle Cartoons
(LA Times) California Gov Jerry Brown vowed last week to keep pushing to “decarbonize the economy” and invited other state governors to join his pursuit of the liberal green initiative at the Natl Governors Conference in Washington last week–even though climate change is not what Americans are saying is the most important problems facing the nation today.
Most Important Problems Facing America Today –Gallup
Related: Obama Out of Touch–Makes Climate Change Top Priority
Anti-Gun Zealot Michael Moore –Image: Free Republic
(Twitchy) Michael Moore portrays Canada as crime-free, Socialist Utopia.
Why not move there? I’ll buy you a one way bus ticket.