Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Bill Ayers: The Left Must Utilize It’s “Absolute Access” To Indoctrinate America’s School Children

Sunday, December 23rd, 2012

Indoctrination Center AheadGovt Supported Public Education –Asian Conservatives

(The Blaze) Another reason to send children to Catholic or Private Schools. Bill Ayers, the former domestic terrorist turned university professor and Obama’s Chicago friend, reemerged earlier this month to argue how the loony liberal lefties access to govt fund indoctrination centers (public schools) and neighborhoods will help them to shape the future of America.

Speaking at a New York University “Change the Stakes” meeting on the 04 December, Ayers said the left must utilize the existing “movements on the ground.” In this video obtained by Heartland Magazine, Ayers also first blasts Conservatives for portraying Barack Hussein Obama as a “Secret Muslim” running around with terrorists (like himself) and Arabs.

Ayers claims, “If we want change to come, we would do well not to look at the sites of power we have no access to–the White House, the Congress the Pentagon…We have absolute access to the community, the school, the neighborhood, the street, the classroom, the workplace, the shop, the farm…So our job is movement building (Obama’s) job is governance and sitting in a chair of empire.”

Post-Newtown School Murders: Death Threats Being Made Against NRA Officers & Members

Tuesday, December 18th, 2012

Twitter Lynch MobTwitter Lynch Mob –Asian Conservatives

(Twitchy) There is a certain irony in the fact that many liberals, purporting to be devastated by the Sandy Hook School murders of 26 innocent victims, 20 which were children, are responding by calling for the murders of NRA members–well to be fair, some are just calling for the murders of NRA Officers.

More here from Power Line

Texas Democrat Committee Member Cobarruvias, Calls for Shooting of All NRA Members

Monday, December 17th, 2012

Texas Dem Party Exec Committee Member ---Barracuda Brigade...Girl(Breitbart) Texas Democrat Executive Committee Member John Cobarruvias Tweeted “Can we now shoot the #NRA and everyone who defends them?”

Whatever happened to President Obama’s call for civility of speech following the attempted murder of former Rep Gabrille Giffords, D-AZ ?

I guess that the “civility” that Obama was speaking about only must apply to Conservatives and Republicans?

Related: Disgusting Lefty Celebs Crawl Out–Politicize Tragedy

Michael Moore: ‘Things Got Better’ When Reagan Voters Died

Image Courtesy: Barracuda Brigade Girl

Prayers for Victims at Newtown, CT Elementary School, 27 Dead, Including at Least 20 Children

Friday, December 14th, 2012

Peace Park Memorial Hall of Victims Nanjing Jiangsu Province --China DailyPeace Park Memorial for Victims Nanjing, Jiangsu Province –China Daily

(Twitchy) Police in Newtown, CT are reporting that 27 people are dead, 20 of them children have been killed in a shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School.

Execrable Newsweek Editor Ghoul David Furm mocks victims of Connecticut school shooting, other liberals join in seizing the opportunity to showcase the tragedy to promote their far lefty loony gun control agendas.

In China, despite having some of the strictest gun control laws in the world, sick b-stards intent on murdering children do not need a firearm to kill.

In 2010 I wrote here, here and here about some of the cold blooded senseless murders of Chinese school children by knife wielding assailants. Should knives be banned too?

Obama Supported Michigan Union Thugs Finest Moments, Where is Their Civility?

Wednesday, December 12th, 2012

Union Criminal Damaging --Weasel Zippers
Mich Union Thugs Shout “N-ger & Uncle Tom” Destroy Hot Dog Stand –Weasel Zippers

Union Thug --Barricuda Brigade

Michigan Union Criminal Wanted for Assault on FOX News Contributor Steven Crowder

(Washington Examiner) Mich Union Thugs destroyed African-American Clint Tarver’s Hot Dog cart which he had operated since 1996 until yesterday, when union protesters demonstrating against “Right to Work” legislation, must not have thought that Tarver had the right to work and support his family. Shouting “N-ger & Uncle Tom” Union Thugs temporarily put Traver out of business.

Greedy, Racist non-caring, Scrooge like Conservatives, helped to raise over $23,000 today to help Travor reopen his small business.

Related: Obama Uncensored…Mich Gets Right to Work –Red State

Keep it Classy Liberals: Jimmy Hoffa Warns ‘Civil War’ as Michigan Governor Signs “Right to Work” Legislation

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid Blocks Vote of Obama’s Ridiculous $1.6 Trillion Budget Proposal

Wednesday, December 5th, 2012

Obama 2006: “America has a Debt Problem and Failure of Leadership.”

(The Hill) Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, R-KY today offered an amendment to force a vote on Obama’s ridiculous deficit reduction plan but Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-NV raised an objection to the amendment, thus removing it from consideration.

Why didn’t Democrats want to vote on Obama’s plan?

Sen. Reid knew that Obama’s plan wouldn’t even get enough votes in the Democrat controlled Senate, just as Obama’s 2012 Budget proposal was rejected in the Senate by a vote of 99 to 0 and in the House of Representatives 414 to 0

Related: Rep. Maxine Waters, D-CA Wants Govt Confiscation of Oil Co’s

Image Courtesy: The Heritage Foundation

Democrat Congressman Hank Johnson: Amend Constitution to Allow Govt to Control Speech

Friday, November 30th, 2012

Congressman Hank Johnson (D-GA) Worries Guam May Tip Over –Chicago News Bench–

(CBS News) Rep Hank Johnson who expressed concerns to a Navy Admiral Robert F.Willard in 2010 that Guam may become so overly populated that it may just tip over, now is calling for an Amendment to the Constitution of the United States that would allow the legislature to control free speech of corporations because he seems to believe, “…corporations control patterns of thinking…they control the media.”


How is it that Rep Johnson was even elected to Congress in 2006 with such whacky, peculiar ideas and says them publicly?

Obama’s Watch: Is Egypt About to Become the Next Islamic Fascist Iran?

Wednesday, November 28th, 2012

Islamic Fascist Mahmoud Morsi –Twitter

(The Telegraph) It wasn’t very long ago that Democrat/Socialist Progressives were repeating the same lame Obama Administration talking points about the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, claiming they were “reformers” to “Democratic moderates that one can somehow work with.” One doesn’t hear this much (if at all) anymore by those same loony liberal lefties that have been taking one to many drinks from the Obama cistern.

Since Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood President Morsi’s power grab last week, Morsi has been trying to reassure a skeptical Egyptian population that he is pretty much like them and he has no ambition to become a new Pharaoh but Egyptians are not buying the snake oil that Morsi is attempting to sell–violent demonstrations have erupted in Tahrir Square reminiscent of the Arab Spring, which naive Obama Democrats and their dinosaur media allies wanted Americans to believe would result in ‘peace, hope, love and joy’ throughout the middle east, were they ever wrong–again.

Related: Radicalism Rising in Egypt –Hannity/FOX News

Egyptian Islamists to Rally on Saturday –Reuters

Blasphemy: Jamie Foxx at the Soul Train Music Awards Refers to Obama as “Our Lord and Savior”

Monday, November 26th, 2012

Barack Hussein Obama False Messiah –

(The Blaze) Blasphemy: Actor Jamie Foxx made some outrageus comments about Barack Hussein Obama at the Soul Train Music Awards which aired last night, during an on-stage performance Foxx referred to Obama as “our lord and savior.”

“Thou shalt not have no other gods before Me.” –Exodus 20:3

“They that make a graven image are all of the vanity and their delectable things shall not profit and they are their own witnesses, they see not nor know, that they may be ashamed.” –Isaiah 44:9

Pravda: Obama Reelected by an “Illiterate Socirty”

Monday, November 26th, 2012

(Pravda) After Obama was elected to his first term as President, then Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin gave a speech at the World Economic Forum in January, 2009 ignored by the western dinosaur media as usual, offering  helpful advice to help the world economy saying the world should avoid the Soviet mistake.

Subsequent to Obama’s reelection to a second term, even the former Soviet Union state media seen through the fog many Americans were unable, calling those who voted to reelect “Hoax-n-Chains” an “illiterate society” adding Obama,

‘…is ready to continue his lies of less taxes while he raises them, he gives speeches of peace–love (and joy)  in the world while he promotes wars as he did in Egypt, Libya and Syria, he plans his next war with Iran as he fires or demotes his general’s who get in the way…he is Communist without question promoting the communist manifesto  without calling it so. How shrewd he is in America–his cult of personality  mesmerizes those who cannot get beyond their ignorance, they will continue to follow him like fools who still praise Lenin & Stalin–Obama’s fools and Stalin fools share the same drink of illusion.’