Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Obama Looking Past The White House

Monday, October 18th, 2010

Seeing the writing on the wall, Obama makes his prime time television debut on the Discovery Channel MythBusters Wednesday, 08 December 9:00 pm

Should the whole acting thing not work out for Obama, he could always try his hand again as a Producer?

Obama Production Casting Call–Entertainment Jobs –Publius Forum

Obama: Don’t Make Me Look Bad

Sunday, October 10th, 2010

Confidence Building?

Hoax & Chains speaking at Bowie State University on Thursday, pleaded with his Democrat faithful in attendance to vote in the upcoming midterm elections saying, “Don’t make me look bad now.”

News on Friday, that the economy lost another 95,000 jobs in September resulting in 14 straight months of unemployment exceeding 9.5% Obama doesn’t need any help in making himself look bad, that’s the one thing he has done well.

Red Herring Politics “October Surprise”

Tuesday, October 5th, 2010

In an election year this is the time for an “October Surprise” some sensational and often irrelevant  revelation to distract voters from serious issues.

This year, there are October Surprises from coast-to-coast, there are a lot of incumbents that don’t want to talk about serious issues, especially their own track records.

This years October Surprise which is getting the biggest play in the media is the revelation that California Gubernatorial Candidate Meg Whitman, once employed a housekeeper for $23.00 an hour who turned out to be an undocumented immigrant.

Its great political theater as activist lawyer Gloria Allerd puts her protective arm around Nicky Diaz-Santillan after going public that she falsified Social Security information under the penalties of perjury–a felony. Gloria Allred should be ashamed of herself, putting her client at risk of deportation.

Social Security Administration document showing that Nicky Diaz Santillan lied to both GOP Gubernatorial Candidate Meg Whitman and to the federal government providing fictitious documents regarding her immigration status.

Why is Nicky Diaz-Santillan unhappy for earning $23.00 an hour for housekeeping? Maybe she is unhappy that Meg Whitman terminated her after she discovered that her housekeeper was an illegal immigrant, who had provided her with fictitious documents in order to obtain employment?

What is Meg Whitman guilty of? Not being able to tell false documents from real ones? Is that what voters are supposed to use to determine who to vote for as Governor of California next month?

October Surprises are especially phony  when they are used on behalf of someone with a long track record in government like Jerry Brown, who has held government jobs ranging from Mayor of Oakland, Attorney General and former California Governor.

What did Jerry Brown do the last time he was Governor? That should tell us a lot more than whether Meg Whitman is a document expert—she is not running for a job as a document expert.

One politically appointment by Governor Jerry Brown, ought to tell us a lot about his ideology. Jerry Brown’s most infamous was making Rose Elizabeth Bird who served as the first woman on the California Supreme Court becoming Chief Justice—During the 1980’s Chief Justice Rose Bird became a controversial figure because of her intransigent opposition to capital punishment, of the 61 death penalty cases appealed to the California Supreme Court, Bird voted to vacate each death penalty case that she reviewed substituting her own liberal opinions and ideas. In 1986 by a margin of 67 to 33 percent, Justice Bird became the first California Chief Justice booted out of office by the voters for being a soft on crime liberal activist Jurist.

Full article here Red Herring Politics by Thomas Sowell, Ph.D –National Review

Related: Greta Van Susteran, Smacks Down Delusional Gloria Allerd–Newsbusters

Gloria Allred Joins Mark Levin for a Little Conversation –The Mark Levin Show

Remember in 1981 when Governor Jerry Brown mishandled the Medfly Infestation

White House Party Crashers Michaele & Tareq Salahi, Threaten Legal Action Against “Real Housewives of DC”

Friday, October 1st, 2010

In this photo released by the White House—Party Crashers Michaele & Tareq Salahi have threatened to commence litigation against the Ladies on “The Real Housewives of Washington, DC” if they dare call them “White House Party Crashers.”

These “White House Party Crashers” seen with President Obama, attended a State Dinner the Obama’s were hosting in honor of India’s Prime Minister Manmohan Singh last year.

More here from FOX News

Dumb-O-Krats in Kongress, Kool on Kolbert

Thursday, September 30th, 2010

Congressional Dumb-O-Crats with little to do but spend others peoples money, have a message for Stephen Colbert, your dead to us—after failing to woo voters at last weeks Congressional Hearings but instead the shenanigan blew up in their face.

More here Congress Cools on Stephen Colbert—Politico

Vice President Joe Biden On Succession To Presidency

Monday, September 20th, 2010

Vice President Joe Biden believes that he is second in line to succeed Obama, pursuant to the 25th Amendment.

Where did you find your law degree Joe, in a Cracker Jack box?

More here from Weasel Zippers

Related Post: Bozo the VP botches line of succession—Michelle Malkin

2010 Values Voter Summit, Establishment Republicans & Loony Liberal Lefties Love To Hate

Saturday, September 18th, 2010

Delaware GOP U.S. Senate candidate Christine O’Donnell addresses the 2010 Values Voter Summit encouraging Conservatives to lead a Constitutional comeback in this years mid-term elections.

Conservatives have put aside the negative stereotypes of elitist Republicans such as Karl Rove and the loony liberal lefties such as DailyKos, which calls Mike Huckabee, Glenn Beck, Newt Gingrich ‘the American Taliban in Full Force’—How dare Conservatives challenge the wacky political establishment, championing such radical ideals as:

Limiting the roll of Government

Controlling federal spending

Defending our Freedom

Since when is championing family friendly values, extremist views of fringe Republicans?

Related Posts: Newt Gingrich: “Establishment in State of Shock” –The Hill

Congressman Mike Pence Address at the Values Voter Summit

Obama Administration Recruited Students To Fill Vacant Seats Wednesday At Cuyahoga Community College

Thursday, September 9th, 2010

Desperate people will do desperate things.

President Obama couldn’t fill Cuyahoga Community College venue on Wednesday so White House aides recruited students to fill empty seats.

More here from

Daily Kos American Taliban: Liberal Fanaticism

Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

Liberal Fanaticism

Many Liberals Reject Markos Moulitsas Book—Yahoo News

Sacramento Rejects Loony Liberal Statewide Plastic Bag Ban

Wednesday, September 1st, 2010

Pedestrian in San Francisco carries a plastic bag across the street. At one time, no one would have given a thought to plastic bags but since the PC crowd has taken the liberty to tell people what they should or shouldn’t do, Legislators with (maybe) just a little too much time on their hands, have considered laws banning the dreaded plastic bag.

Sacramento on Tuesday, rejected a Loony Liberal Democrat proposed bill that would have created a statewide ban on plastic shopping bags.

More here from Newser