Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius: Time To Reeducate Americans Why We Must Love ObamaCare

Monday, August 30th, 2010

Obama Administration’s HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius says that it is time to begin reeducating Americans why we must love ObamaCare

Comrade Sebelius said on ABC New Radio today, “…there is still a great deal of confusion about the reform law.”

Correct—American’s don’t want it, the Obama Administration doesn’t get it.

Medical Care Facts & Fables, Thomas Sowell, Ph.D—Lew Rockwell

Repeal ObamaCare? Get your Congressman on the Record–Human Events

Obama’s Poor Elderly Auntie Zeituni Granted Asylum

Friday, August 20th, 2010

Not at all surprised that President Obama intervened in his Auntie Zeituni immigration matter who he so affectionately remembered in his book Dreams of my Father but one must wonder why the President’s Auntie goes without, while living in public housing?

While the Obama’s vacation in Martha’s Vineyard playing golf and shopping till they drop among the liberal elitist friends, has anyone given any thought to poor old Auntie Zeituni in South Boston?

Why hasn’t the President sent a car to pick up Auntie Zeituni, she too may enjoy the family reunion with her dear stingy millionaire nephew and his family?

Definitely says a lot about compassionate liberal elitist ideologues, President Obama is always so willing to spread the wealth with other peoples money but he doesn’t improve his Auntie Zeituni standard of living, leaving her all alone in South Boston.

More here from Politico

H/T: Xiao-Mei—Xiexie

Nancy Pelosi: Investigate Ground Zero Mosque Opposition

Wednesday, August 18th, 2010

Democrat-Socialist House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, wanting to stifle public debate about the proposed plans to construct a $100 Million Dollar 911 Mosque in Lower Manhattan, now throws the weight of her office behind the call of Muslims and the Liberal Loony Lefties for an investigation into who is funding the opposition of the Mega Terrorist Training Facility and Ground Zero Mosque.

Audio: Rep. Pelosi, Calls for Investigation of WTC Mosque Opposition–Washington Times

Only able to speak for myself, I’m not being funded by anyone Madam Speaker.

On the 25 July I wrote here about Feisal Abdul Rauf the Imam behind the plans to construct the Ground Zero Mosque, citing his intolerance and hatred of Christians.

On the 16 August, I wrote here about the proposed $100 Million Dollar Mega Islamic Terrorist Training Facility which was endorsed by the Islamic Jihad Terrorist Organization Hamas

President B. Hussein Obama, politicized the issue when he stepped into the controversy last week while celebrating Ramadan at the White House with his Islamic friends, throwing his support behind the Ground Zero Mosque.

Related: Ground Zero Mosque Developers will accept money from Saudi Arabia & Iran

Video: New Ad Features Families of 9/11 Victims

Hard Hats Won’t Work on Ground Zero Mosque–NY Daily News

Have You No Sense of Decency, Madam? Via Flares Into Darkness

Teaching Kids Not To Question Government, Do What Your Told, Believe What Marxists Say

Sunday, August 15th, 2010

The Dumb will lead the Dumber?

Center for American Progress, funded by George Soros hasĀ  developed and submitted a document entitled, Education Transformation—Doing What Works.”

Educators would teach kids to be as ignorant as they are about History, Civic, the U.S. Constitution and Economics, the young impressionable minds will believe just about anything and do what they’re told never questioning the government, which believes it has all the answers to life’s everyday issues.

More here from The Liberty Tree Lantern

Related: Education Transformation…Via Center for American Progress

H/T: Xiao-Mei—Xiexie

NYC Democrat Congressman Charlie Rangel: I’m Not A Crook

Tuesday, August 10th, 2010

During Congressman Charlie Rangel’s rambling self-indulgent address to his colleagues, the dinosaur media and the American public, for a minute I felt just a little sorry for the 20 year veteran Congressman from New York City but then thought about that.

Congressman Rangel formally a federal prosecutor has been in the House for 40 years, was the Chairman of the House Ways and Means Committee (the tax writing committee in the House of Representatives) until he was forced to step aside due to the alleged ethics violations which he has been charged with. Despite his distinguished military record and tenure in the Congress and advanced age who does the embattled NYC Congressman think he is? What entitles Rangel to any special consideration and treatment not provided to any other Member of Congress under similar circumstances?

It only took but a New York second to know the answer.

Congressman Rangel sees himself as “Entitled” he is of course a longtime NYC Liberal Democrat-Socialist Member of the House of Representatives–the privileged elitist class, who loves spending other peoples money while filing false tax returns and not pay his own taxes.

Congressman Rangel says he is not resigning amid ethics charges Via New York Post

Related Posts: Rangel: “Don’t leave me swinging in the wind” Via My Way News

Rep. Charlie Rangel: I gotta fight my way through this…Via Hot Air

Day in the Life of Democrats, It must be George Bush’s Fault?

Monday, August 9th, 2010

Obama’s sorry looking salute upon arrival today at Love Field in Dallas to attend a political fundraiser—Obama may need a saluting refresher, having forgot some of what he learned during his first how to salute tutorial as Commander-in-Chief?

It must be George Bush’s fault?

Lonely at the Top—Texas Democrats Duck President Obama

Democrat Loyalist, Dallas businessman Ralph Isenberg paid his $10,000 to dine and be seen with Obama today but operatives told him to stay home. With friends like these…

Obama blames Bush again, when is he going to accept responsibility Via Yahoo News

Democrat-Socialist Congressman Pete Stark: There Are No Limits On Federal Power, Government Can Do Whatever It Wants

Monday, August 2nd, 2010

California Democrat-Socialist Congressman Pete Stark: “The Federal Government can do most anything in this country…I think that there are very few Constitutional rules that would prevent the federal government from rules that would affect your private life.”

Video here Via W.C. Varones

Related: Judge Andrew Napolitano: Can Congress Write Any Law It Wants?

The Constitution in Exile–Whatever happened to our inalienable rights?

Democrat Memo: We May Be Incompetent But They’re Crazy

Thursday, July 29th, 2010

Yesterday Democrat-Socialists summoned the Dinosaur Media to their Central Committee offices, to listen to ‘The Chairman’ describe how their collective plans to define Republicans, heading into the mid-term elections.

The 2010 Democrat-Socialist Strategy: The GOP are crazy, having embraced the fringe and the racist-isolationists, voting for the Republicans is even more loony than the voting for the party that can’t tie their shoes.

Democratic Message: We May Be Incompetent But They’re Crazy Via The Atlantic

Related: Confidence in Congress Ranks Dead Last in Institutions at 11% Via Gallup

Trouble in White House Paradise: Obama’s not invited to Chelsea Clinton Wedding Via NBC

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid: We’re Going To Have A Public Option, Like It Or Not

Saturday, July 24th, 2010

Democrat-Socialist Harry Reid seeking to console Liberal Loony Lefties, disappointed with the final version of ObamaCare, tells liberal activists at the Net-Nuts Convention in Las Vegas, “We’re going to have a public option—the only question is when.”

Just like an out of touch narcissistic, goofy liberal. Promising to confiscate and redistribute more of Americans incomes because Democrat-Socialists believe they know what is better for us than we do ourselves.

56% of Americans want ObamaCare Repealed Via Rasmussen

Dinosaur Media & Liberal Bloggers: News Subjectively Reported

Thursday, July 22nd, 2010

Its what we all suspected about Dinosaur Media—MSM is filled with Liberal Bias the so called JournoList missives expose how Liberal Bloggers and the MSM schemed to smear Conservatives and any other Obama skeptics who raised questions about Jeremiah Wright.

Related Posts: Democrat Governor’s Assn Court Liberal Bloggers in Las Vegas Via Politico

Journalists are Dishonorable Losers Via The Daily Caller

The Vast Left Wing Media Conspiracy Via The Weekly Standard

Columbia Journalism Review Upset at Washington Post for Covering Black Panther Story