Democrat-Socialist House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, wanting to stifle public debate about the proposed plans to construct a $100 Million Dollar 911 Mosque in Lower Manhattan, now throws the weight of her office behind the call of Muslims and the Liberal Loony Lefties for an investigation into who is funding the opposition of the Mega Terrorist Training Facility and Ground Zero Mosque.
Audio: Rep. Pelosi, Calls for Investigation of WTC Mosque Opposition–Washington Times
Only able to speak for myself, I’m not being funded by anyone Madam Speaker.
On the 25 July I wrote here about Feisal Abdul Rauf the Imam behind the plans to construct the Ground Zero Mosque, citing his intolerance and hatred of Christians.
On the 16 August, I wrote here about the proposed $100 Million Dollar Mega Islamic Terrorist Training Facility which was endorsed by the Islamic Jihad Terrorist Organization Hamas
President B. Hussein Obama, politicized the issue when he stepped into the controversy last week while celebrating Ramadan at the White House with his Islamic friends, throwing his support behind the Ground Zero Mosque.
Related: Ground Zero Mosque Developers will accept money from Saudi Arabia & Iran
Video: New Ad Features Families of 9/11 Victims
Hard Hats Won’t Work on Ground Zero Mosque–NY Daily News
Have You No Sense of Decency, Madam? Via Flares Into Darkness