Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Why The Electoral College Remains Important To Our Republic

Tuesday, July 20th, 2010

Liberal Loony Progressives that either don’t understand the Electoral College or want to be more like a European Democracy, are once more attempting to eliminate how we have elected President’s the last two centuries.

Both California and Massachusetts Progressives, are working on plans to throw out the Electoral College and to choose a candidate that wins the majority vote.

Why is this dangerous? Why is the MSM ignoring this important story?

Over the last two centuries, there have been Constitutional Amendments have been proposed more than 700 times to abolish the Electoral College, never a one has come close to being adopted.

The Framers of the Constitution did not believe that political contests for President should be declared by majority rule, rejecting pure democracy as a great menace to liberty, James Madison wrote in Federalist No 10 “…that a pure democracy, by which I mean a society consisting of a small number of citizens, who assemble and administer the government in person can admit of no cure for the mischief of faction. A common passion or interest will, in almost every case, be felt by the majority of the whole…and there is nothing to check the inducements to sacrifice the weaker party or an obnoxious individual. Hence it is that such democracies  have ever been spectacles of turbulence and contention; have ever been found incompatible with personal security or the rights of property and have in general been as short in their lives as they have been violent in their deaths…”

Our Founding Fathers debated electing the President by a direct popular vote and also by  Congressional selection. The idea of a popular vote was summarily rejected because the more populous states such as California today, and their political, economical and ideological persuasions could elect a President with little to no influence of the less populous states and a Congressional appointment of a President was antithetical to the separation of powers—the compromise between the two was the Electoral College.

The Electoral College is as important today as it was two centuries ago. Candidates for President are forced to campaign throughout the entire country instead of only focusing their campaigns on the most populous states such as California, New York, Texas, Florida, Ohio, Illinois and Pennsylvania while ignoring the least populous states and territories such as Wyoming, Vermont, North Dakota, Alaska, Delaware, Guam, Northern Mariana Island and American Samoa.

Our Founding Fathers, “…in their wisdom and appreciation of history gave us representative government enshrined in a Constitutional Republic that has been resilient, enduring and tested. In a moment of acrimonious passion and partisanship, let us not discard, piecemeal, a precious gift that has served us well for over 200 years.”

More here from Canada Free Press

San Francisco, Pass The Soy Milk Ban Bottled Water

Tuesday, July 13th, 2010

Ah, nothing is better for you than cool refreshing water but some San Francisco Elders after proposing bans on pet stores and soda pop now have decided that bottled water is the latest evil that must be banned to protect citizens from themselves.

Mayor Gavin Newsom exempts himself and his security detail from any such a ban on the hideous, cursed, wicked bottled water.

Michelle Obama, Loony Liberal Leftist Words Of Nothing

Monday, July 12th, 2010

“Oh Barry, what you say is so captivating…” Michelle O, appears to be quite taken in.

Two years ago, Community Organizer and part-time Junior Senator from Illinois Barack Obama with a mere 143 days of Senate Experience before deciding to run for President, went crying to the Dinosaur Media to leave his wife alone because her little tender feelings were being hurt.

Outspoken Michelle O, most definitely is an Elitist and is most certainly ready to share her opinions, no matter how trivial they are.

During Michelle O’s appearance today at the 101st NAACP Annual Conference in Kansas City speaking on obesity, we learned that dessert is a luxury and not a right for Commoners.

Michelle O, doesn’t look like someone who passes up too many sweets in exchange for healthy alternatives.

Jumping rope is good exercise, it may be easier to do it though without heels?

Related Posts: Video-Michelle O, encourages African Americans to “Increase Intensity”

Michelle O, Repeats Loony Lie, Accuses Tea Party Activists of Racism Via ABC News

Andrew Breitbart Offers $10,000 to anyone who can document Tea Party Racism

Sarah Palin Was Correct About ObamaCare Death Panels

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Remember last year when Democrat-Socialists, (Liberal Progressive Kool Aide drinkers that now want to repackage themselves as Center Right) decried former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin for writing that ObamaCare Death Panel Charge was 2009 Biggest Lie what has happened since?

ObamaCare bureaucrats have not not ruled out turning away sick people created by the new health care law to provide coverage for the uninsured.

Critics of the $5 Billion Dollar high risk pool insists it will run out of money before 01 January, 2014–that is the date when health plans can no longer deny insurance to persons with pre-existing conditions.

Obama Administration officials insist that they can make changes to the program to ensure it last until 2014 and risks turning away sick people by changing programs, reducing benefits to redistributing funds between state pools.

Sarah Palin was truly far ahead of the goofy loony liberal lefties concerning death panels ObamaCare rationing for all.

Related: No Escaping the Consequences of Fiscal Mismanagement–The Daily Caller

ObamaCare 3 months of Broken Promises by John Boehner, R-OH Via Human Events

Rep. John Dingell, D-MI ObamaCare will eventually control people Via Breitbart

Obama Redefines NASA Mission

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

Obama redefines NASA’s Mission—Building ties with the Muslim World

Having scrapped the Space Shuttle program, its hard to know how long the touchy-feely new endeavor may help Muslims be happy and cheerful?

Rest here from The Washington Examiner

VP Joe Biden, The Eternal Optimist

Tuesday, July 6th, 2010

VP Joe Biden says that predictions are wrong about some Democrat-Socialists getting fired by their Constituents in 118 days saying, “I think we’re going to do a great deal better than anyone gives us credit for…we’re going to continue to grow the economy, one month will not a determination make.”


Richard Fisher, President of Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas says that the U.S. Economy will likely decelerate as job security, portfolio risks and a sagging housing market continue to constrain consumers.

Spin is Bad Enough But When You Believe And Act On Your Own Spin Via iStock Analyst

Lack of Jobs Increasingly Blamed on Uncertainty Created by Obama’s Policies Via Daily Caller

Related: Where are the 5.2 Million Jobs Biden Promised? Via NewsBusters

Obama is Barely Treading Water by Mort Zuckerman, U.S. News & World Report

Nancy Pelosi: Unemployment Compensation Creates Jobs Faster Than Almost Any Other Initiative You Can Name

Thursday, July 1st, 2010

With the U.S. unemployment rate near 10% and President Obama’s failed $787 Billion Dollar $862 Billion Dollar Economic Stimulus not creating the 5.2 Million Jobs promised it comes as little surprise that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA would now say, Unemployment compensation “creates jobs faster than almost any other initiative you can name.”

Video here Via Breitbart

Related: Real Unemployment Rate 16.6% Via MSN Money

Senate Democrat Majority Leader Harry Reid, adjourns for 4th of July holiday without extending unemployment benefits Via The Hill

Republican Minority offer compromise bill that would extend jobless benefits for two months, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid rejected offer Via The Washington Examiner

Yikes! A 50 foot Nancy Pelosi Via Newsweek, The Weekender

EPA Brainiacs: Taiwan Oil Skimmer Can’t Help Remove Oil Polluting Gulf Of Mexico Until Its Deemed Effective

Wednesday, June 30th, 2010

Wall painted with protest messages against President Obama and BP Oil in New Orleans

Health Advisory Notice—Swimming may be hazardous to your health.

Day 72: The largest Taiwan owned oil skimming ship in the world has arrived on scene but will the federal government permit it to suck up oil out of the Gulf of Mexico where millions of barrels of oil have already contaminated the Gulf of Mexico and continue to pollute the southern coast.

Thanks to the EPA the oil skimming ship is not permitted to get underway because federal bureaucrats at the EPA are concerned that some of the 500,000 barrels of oil the ship is capable of sucking up per day may contain some traces of oil when placed back into the Gulf.

Huh? What sort of Brainiac came up with that?

More here from The Daily Caller

Related: Oil Spill Visits Get Partisan Via Politico

Will Marxists In The Senate Give Comrade Obama The Power To Silence Free Speech?

Sunday, June 27th, 2010

“When the freedom of speech is taken away, then dumb and silent we may be led like sheep to the slaughter.” –George Washington

Will the Democrat-Socialist Majority in the Senate, give Comrade Obama the power to shut down the Internet for 4 months and silence political dissent?

Internet Kill Switch bill moves to Senate Floor Via Prison Planet

“Any society that would give up a little liberty to gain a little security will deserve neither and will lose both.” –Benjamin Franklin

Related: Obama wants to be Internet Dictator Via Dakota Voice

Remember When Illinois Senator Barack Obama, Didn’t Vote To Denounce This MoveOn Ad

Thursday, June 24th, 2010

When given the opportunity to condemn this advertisement, then Barack Obama missed the vote to denounce the in the Senate.

Screen Shot of despicable MoveOn that Senator Obama was silent on.

Related: Clinton and Obama on the same page as Via Human Events