Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Nancy Peloisi: Nothing But The Best, Money Is No Object

Wednesday, June 16th, 2010

HRM Queen Nancy Pelsoi, D-CA could maybe a little more convincing that she really cares about her “Subjects” struggling to find ways for their small companies to survive and keep the doors open if it wasn’t for her plush San Francisco Congressional Office.

Nothing is to fine for the Democrat-Socialist House Speaker, as long as she doesn’t have to pay the $18,736 monthly lease.

Pelosi’s Press Secretary attempting to justify spending what it takes many Americans 1/2 year to earn—The House Speaker needed more room and better security than what was being offered in that low rent area near City Hall where the Commoners “Taxpayers” were shelling out a mere $4300 a month for her previous Congressional Office.

More here Nothing but the Best for Queen Pelosi Via The New York Post

Related Posts: Nancy Pelosi: Ethics are Overrated Via

Pelosi insists that she is running the most Ethical Congress ever Via NewsBusters

Nancy Pelosi, Where Is The Love Among Democrat-Socialists?

Tuesday, June 8th, 2010

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA covers herself with a scarf before attending a dinner with Hamid Karzai at the official residence of the Vice President Joe Biden.

(Hey Nancy, just for your information, it really isn’t necessary to cover your head with a scarf when attending events on the grounds of the U.S. Naval Observatory in Washington)

Today while addressing members of her own political party, Democrat-Socialists shouted down Nancy Pelosi at the America’s Future Now conference in Washington, where is the love? Where is the Loony Liberal Lefties tolerance for one another?

Related: Pelosi’s Peaceful Town Hall Meeting Via Moonbattery

Hecklers Disrupt Nancy Pelosi Speech Via Politico

Democrats To Honor 9/11 Truther Van Jones In San Francisco

Tuesday, May 25th, 2010

Eight months after Van Jones resigned from the Obama Administration amid criticism that he signed a petition in in 2004 which claimed that the Bush Administration may have deliberately allowed the 9/11 Islamic Jihad Terrorist attacks to occur—Democrats will honor the 9/11 Truther on Thursday in the San Francisco Bay Area.

More here from San Francisco Chronicle

Massachusetts Gov Deval Patrick, Political Dissent Seditious

Monday, May 24th, 2010

Massachusetts Democrat Governor Patrick Devall, superimposed head on a poster held by State Treasurer Tim Cahill (Right) running for Governor and Democrat State Senator Jack Hart, as Boston Mayor Thomas Menino (Bottom Left) looks on.

Governor Deval Patrick, so confused.

Gov. Deval Patrick, D-MA and “The Anointed One” at a DNC fund raiser in Boston last month.

Massachusetts Democrat Governor Deval Patrick speaking at Suffolk University Law School today as the final guest speaker of the 2010 Gubernatorial Forum said that Republican opposition to Obama’s agenda has become so obstinate that it “is almost at the level of sedition.”

While George Bush was President, Hillary Clinton and HRM Nancy Pelosi, D-CA told Democrats that political dissent is patriotic.

Hillary Clinton in her own words

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi in her own words

When did political dissent become seditious?

Government Motors: Embarrassing Impression & Appearance, China Shanghai World Expo

Monday, May 17th, 2010

Matryoshik Dolls on display at the Russia Pavilion, at the China, Shanghai World Expo

Piece of wooden sculpture on display at the Africa Joint Pavilion at World Expo Park

Chocolate sculpture at the Belgium Pavilion, Shanghai World Expo

Traditional felt dolls on display at the Kyrgyzstan Pavilion, Shanghai World Expo

Copper statue on display at the Nepal Pavilion, Shanghai World Expo (Xinhua Photos)

Performance next to Government Motors SAIC-YeZ concept car at the GM Pavilion

U.S. Secretary of Transportation Ray LaHood rides in Government Motors EN-V Concept Car on Friday, at the China, Shanghai World Expo

Democrat-Socialist in Washington encouraging Government Motors to turn out these cars of the future—God help us.

Of course these are the same people that authorized spending $61 Million Dollars for the Expo, on the 04 May I wrote here Democrat-Socialists were criticized for spending an exorbitant amount of money in China, Shanghai for the World Expo

Shanghai World Expo Attendance has been lower than expected–Epoch Times

China expected that 70 million people would pass through Expo Park however with more than two weeks since Shanghai Expo opened, only about 3 Million people have been welcomed. Event organizers concede that unless something pretty dramatic happens, there will be a lot of disappointed people.

Visitors have been critical of the event as Chinese authorities have been shutting down bars.

More here Day 17 Via Shanghai Expat

Related Post: China Use of “World Expo” Tactical & Peculiar Says Hong Kong Editor

Georgia Public Indoctrination Center Accuses 14 Yr Old Autistic Boy With Making Terrorist Threats Over Stick Figure Drawing

Thursday, May 13th, 2010

Sandy Springs, Georgia Via FOX News Atlanta

Shane Finn, a 14 year old child autistic child (with the mental capacity of a 3rd Grader) has been accused of a felony by Georgia School Indoctrination Officials for drawing stick figures labeled “Me” shooting a gun at another stick figure labeled with his teachers name above it.

Shane Finn’s Mother says, “I think there needs to be some sort of common sense used with the school system, that a 14 year old autistic boy who does not understand what he has done or what he has drawn. He has an IQ of 75 and should not be charged with a felony. It’s outrageous.

Couldn’t say it better myself but matters such as this (unfortunately) are becoming all too familiar in Public Indoctrination Centers around the country.

Related Posts: Schools Accused of Criminalizing Disability Via Houston Chronicle

Waco, Texas 4 year old boy Suspended for “Sexual Hug” Via Dallas Morning News

Teacher lets Kindergarten students vote 5 yr old out of class Via

2″ Toy Gun from Lego Set gets 9 year old in trouble at New York School

Georgia Seniors May Now Say Grace Before Eating

Monday, May 10th, 2010

Another Loony Liberal Leftist misinterprets the U.S. Constitution, this time telling Peach State Elder Adults at the Port Wentworth Senior Center in Georgia that they are not permitted to pray before they eat.

While the Georgia Senior Center have now reversed themselves and have told persons that they serve that they may now pray before their meals. Why did this controversy even arise in the first place?

This matter is very similar in nature to the many goofy educators around the country that misinterpret the First Amendment and tell students that prayers are not permissible in the public school.

The U.S. Supreme Court has repeatedly held that public school officials must be neutral in their treatment of religion, showing neither favoritism or hostility towards religion.

First Amendment forbids religious activity sponsored by the government but protects religious activity that is initiated by private individuals. See, Everson v. Board of Education 330 U.S. 1

Private religious speech is fully protected under the Free Speech Clause as secular private expression. See, Capital Square Review & Advisory Board v. Pinette, 515 U.S. 753 (1995)

The Supreme Court has said, “There is a crucial difference of government speech endorsing religion which the Establishment Clause forbids and private speech endorsing religion, which the Free Speech Clause and Free Exercise Clause protects.” Sante Fe Independent School District v. Doe, 530 U.S. 290 (2000)

In 2003 the 8th U.S. Circuit Ct. of Appeals re-stated the above in their opinion under the caption of, Doe v. School District of the City of Norfolk, Case No. 02-4135

Loony Liberal Lefties running rough shot over the Constitutionally protected rights of others, will now want to forgive and forget. Will they ever learn?

H/T: Xiao-Mei—-Xiexie

Calling Charlie Sheen, 9/11 Conspiratorial Nimrod’s Gathering Tonight Near San Francisco

Saturday, May 8th, 2010

Calling Charlie Sheen—9/11 Conspiracy Theorists gathering this evening in San Leandro (considered a suburb of San Francisco/Oakland) which speaks volumes about the “Loony Losers” two day special event.

In September last year Charlie Sheen requested 20 minutes with Obama to urge him to reopen the official investigation into 9/11

Conspiracy Theorists believe that they posses a special knowledge and that a secret plot was hatched to mislead the public in pursuit of some hidden agenda.

Of course to actually believe in any conspiracy, one must believe that all the government officials are also in on the conspiracy and can actually keep a secret—politicians can’t keep secrets about anything.

If anyone should see Charlie, don’t forget to remind him about the meeting this evening.

H/T: Contra Costa Times

California School Sends Students Home For Wearing Flag Shirts

Friday, May 7th, 2010

Via NBC News San Francisco Bay Area

On any other day at Live Oak High School in Morgan Hill, Daniel Galli and four of his friends would not even be noticed for wearing T-Shirts with an American Flag.

Galli and his friends were seated during a brunch break when the Vice Principal asked the students to remove American flag bandannas from their heads and turn their T-Shirts inside out because of Cinco-de-Mayo.

When the students refused they were instructed to go to the Principal’s Office and were sent home because school administrators determined that their T-Shirts were “incendiary” that would lead to fights on campus.

The decision by the Bay Area school administrators to send students home for displaying an American flag is absurd and violates the students constitutional rights.

In 1969 the U.S. Supreme Court said that students speech could be regulated by school administrators if the challenged speech “materially disrupts classwork or involves substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others.” Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, 393 US 503

In reaching the decision the Court reasoned that school administrators could not prohibit student speech on the “undifferentiated fear or apprehension of disturbance.” Id 508

School Administrators striving to be politically correct, chose to step on the Constitutional rights of others. In this case the San Francisco Bay Area Public School made a decision to censor a patriotic message of Galli and his friends on Wednesday, while at the same time permitting Hispanic students to freely express themselves sporting red, white and green colors on themselves, some had their faces painted with the Mexican flag. Freshman Laura Ponce, wore a Mexican flag over her shoulder.

Politically Correctness running amok. Morgan Hill Unified School District has subsequently released a statement that they do not agree with how school administrators handled the situation and the boys would not be suspended.

More here from Morgan Hill Times

Obama’s Louisiana Inspection Tour Photo-Op

Monday, May 3rd, 2010

Incoming White House Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel said subsequent to the 2008 Presidential Elections, “You never want a serious crisis to go to waste and what I mean by that, is an opportunity to do things, that you didn’t think you could do before.”

More than a week following the BP Oil Drilling Platform fire, Obama Advisers claimed to have planned a trip down to Louisiana “to inspect”  the situation in the Gulf in order to get a better handle on the spill? What took Obama so long if the trip really was for what they claimed?

Subsequent to touring the Gulf area, Obama positions himself in front of a Coast Guard vessel to hold a press conference saying that the oil spill has the potential of being an unprecedented environmental disaster.

Perception is Reality: An Obama White House Dream—Another opportunity for Democrat-Socialist to demonize “Big Oil” while vowing to get to the bottom of this—The Congressional Majority schedules hearings before anyone knows much of anything about what really happened. Congressional Democrat-Socialists want to be perceived as doing something, anything during an anticipated tough election for them this year.

P.R. Gamesmanship: Obama Administration now says there will be no new domestic offshore drilling until the investigation into the Gulf of Mexico oil spill is complete. When will the investigation(s) end? Likely not for years to come.

Grandstanding: While Obama placates the Environmentalists Nimrod’s, China will continue to drill for oil throughout the Gulf of Mexico and is not the least bit concerned about Loony Liberal Lefties that will fight U.S. companies ability to ever construct a new oil platform and drill for oil.

Who will pay for the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill? White House Jokester Robert Gibbs said, “BP will pay the full cost of the spill.”

Riiight—Reality Check: The American Consumer will foot the bill in the form of higher prices.

More here from NASDAQ