Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Hillary Clinton: Political Fights Hurt U.S. Image

Thursday, February 25th, 2010

ObamaCare supporters Joan Stallard (L) and David Barrows (R) waiting to cross the street today to join the demonstration across from Blair House, Washington, DC

Sec of State Hillary Clinton: Political Fights Hurt U.S. Image “We are always going to have differences between the executive and legislative branch but we have to be attuned to how the rest of the world sees the functioning of our government…”

Just what sort of message are these Loony Liberal Lefties conveying to world?

Washington Post & Daily Kos, Blame “Tea Party” for Austin Suicidal Pilot

Friday, February 19th, 2010

Its a wonder that anyone can really take those Goofy Liberal Lefties seriously again or will be able to ever say that the Washington Post is serious journalism, upon alleging the deranged Austin suicidal pilot Joesph Andrew Stack of being influenced by the “Tea Party” movement to commit murder and mayhem.

The hate filled site “Daily Kos” (which I refuse to link back to) contributor mcjoan writes, “Obviously Stack was not a mentally healthy person and he was embittered at capitalism…and the government. Reading larger political motives into this action would be preliminary…about whether he actually has been involved in any political movement like the teabaggers but it should inject a bit of caution into the anti-government flame throwers on the right.”

Wacky in the head, brain dead goofy liberal lefties are so far removed from reality, they will just publish anything.

Why didn’t the MSM and the far left blogs such as Daily Kos, leave open the possibility that “Obamania” incitedĀ  political extremist Amy Bishop to arm herself with a rifle and murder her colleagues last week at the University of Alabama?

Related: It’s all the Tea Party’s fault by Michelle Malkin

H/T: Megyn Kelly

Climate Change Scientist: No Global Warming Since 1995

Monday, February 15th, 2010

Professor Phil Jones of Britain’s University of East Anglia has admitted in an interview with the BBC, that there has been no statistical significant warming of the earths atmospheric temperatures since 1995

Rest here Via The Washington Examiner

Related: The Hottest Hoax in the World by Ninad D. Sheth Via Open Magazine

World may not be warming, say scientists Via Times Online UK

The Global Warmist’s Desperate Dance of Death Via Breitbart–Big Journalism


MSNBC Keith Olberman: 9/11 was George Bush’s Fault

Sunday, February 14th, 2010

MSNBC Keith Olbermann, having nothing worth saying, copies the same old tired rhetoric of Obama and his minions but this time, blames former President George W. Bush for the tragedy of 9/11

More here from NewsBusters

Related: Olbermann: Global Warming really means “Cooling” or maybe Climate Change Via Big Journalism

DHS Monitoring Drudge Report, Possible Terror Threats

Saturday, February 13th, 2010

Department of Homeland Security Chief Janet Napoliano is monitoring comments made on The Drudge Report including ABC News—The Blotter, Twitter, Google, other websites and social networking sites for possible terror threats during the Winter Olympic games in Canada.

One can always wish that by monitoring and reading Drudge, Loony Liberal Leftists may discover the error in their ways. May be too much to hope for?

More here from ABC News—The Blotter

Obama Administration: Warrantless Surveillance of Cell Phones Permitted, There is No Reasonable Expectation of Privacy

Thursday, February 11th, 2010

The Obama Administration is pushing for even more power to control what people communicate with one another.

This corrupt administration, elected on the platform of “Hope-n-Change” now wants the authority to track cell phone users for they claim, Americans enjoy “no reasonable expectation of privacy” in their cell phone whereabouts. DoJ Lawyers are claiming, “a customers 4th Amendment rights are not violated when the phone company reveals to the government its own records” where a mobile device placed and received calls.

“Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.” John Dalberg-Action (1834-1902)

More here from CNET News

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs Takes Cheap Shot At Sarah Palin

Tuesday, February 9th, 2010

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs, takes a swipe at Sarah Palin, who wrote a few words on her hand as a notepad, before addressing the Tea Party Conference last week in Nashville, TN

Gibbs crossed out bread and instead lists the words “Hope and Change” in his criticism of former Republican VP candidate Sarah Palin.

While Sarah Palin uses her hand to jot down a few words as a reminder while giving a public address, at least she does not need the use of a teleprompter for every public address she gives, unlike Barack Obama.

On the 19 January, President Obama, spoke to children at Graham Road Elementary School in Falls Church, VA and of course uses his teleprompter.


More here Via FOX News

Related: Meghan McCain accuses Tea Party of Racsim on “The View”

2″ Toy Gun from Lego Set gets 9 year old in trouble at NY School

Thursday, February 4th, 2010

Nine year old Patrick Timoney brought a little Lego man to South Beach Public School on Staten Island and nearly was suspended from his 4th grade class.

Patrick Timoney found himself in hot water at school when he stuck the 2″ toy gun into the hand of a plastic police officer.

Timoney was terrified when he was yanked into the principal’s office to discuss the tiny 2″ most dangerous weapon and the school district zero tolerance policy.

It’s a 2″ gun—dangerous to who?

Too many public schools have become nothing more loony government indoctrination centers, designed to inculcate children with their values and beliefs through repeated study of wacky liberal propaganda.

More here from NY Daily News

Related: Indoctrination Watch: Student Contest for “Best Census Cheer” Via Michelle Malkin

Boo-Hoo-Hoo, Over Priced News Reader Katie Couric Facing Pay Cut

Wednesday, February 3rd, 2010

Katie Couric, doing nothing to turn around CBS Evening News which is suffering from horrible ratings faces a pay cut of her $300,000 per week salary.

In perspective: News Reader Katie Couric, is being paid enough to hire 200 News Reporters for $75,000 per year. Where is the moral outrage from the liberal loony political lefties, who constantly seek salary caps forĀ  persons who they determine are overpaid?

The Obama and his Administration advisors have worked up many Americans into a frenzy over bonuses paid to financial executives, remain silent on MSM over priced news readers, who are in the tank for Obama. MSM are paying the consequences from their lack of journalistic integrity during the 2008 Presidential Campaign and beyond. It should be no surprise that their dismal ratings continue to suffer.

More here from Drudge

Related: FOX News Up Double Digits, Best January Ever Via TV Newser

Gimmie, Gimmie, Gimmie

Tuesday, February 2nd, 2010

Standing all by himself, John McCarthy holds his “Gimmie-Gimmie” sign outside Nashua North High School, New Hampshire where “Hope-n-Change” delivered yet another speech blaming Bush (again) for the economy that he inherited and making yet another pitch for ObamaCare.

Obama definitely loves to get around as long as its on the taxpayers dime.

In October McClatchy reported that Barack Obama stands alone as the most heavily traveled President making foreign trips.

During his first year as President, Barack Obama didn’t care if he left his carbon footprint behind domestically either, making 46 out of town trips to 58 communities in 30 states, making him the most traveled President in history.

Congressman Henry Waxman, D-CA in 2006 reported that the flight operating costs for Air Force One are $56,518 per hour likewise domestic Presidential travel involves the use of cargo planes accompanying the President at a cost to the taxpayers of $6,960 per hour.

Related Post: Obama most costly freshman Senator world traveler Via MSNBC