Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Obama Bows to Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio

Monday, February 1st, 2010

Oh my not again—President Obama bows to Tampa Mayor Pam Iorio, at MacDill Air Force Base.

Democrat-Socialists Plan to Move Full Steam Ahead on ObamaCare

Thursday, January 28th, 2010

Democrat-Socialists in Congress said today that they would continue to push full steam ahead on ObamaCare.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA said, “We will move on many fronts…any front we can…We must take whatever time it takes to do it but we are going to get health care reform passed for the American people.”


Democrat-Socialists remain out of touch with the American people. Only 3 out of 10 Americans say they want Congress to pass health care legislation this year according to a CNN/Opinion Research Poll conducted January 22-24

More here from Reuters

Obama Refers to Himself 132 Times in One Speech

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Obama superciliousness—refers to himself 132 times in one speech.

Video here Via Breitbart TV

Former Clinton Labor Secretary Robert Reich Claims Non-Existent FOX News Led to 1994 GOP Congressional Majority

Wednesday, January 27th, 2010

Former Clinton Administration Secretary of Labor Robert Reich in his column yesterday at “In December, 1994…Dem’s had lost the House and Senate. Washington was riding a huge anti-incumbent wave…Newt Gingrich and Fox News leading the charge…”


FOX News was not even launched until 07 October, 1996

More here Via Andrew Breitbart Big Journalism

NASA searching for “Little Green Men” on Earth

Monday, January 25th, 2010

Funny? It’s only taxpayers money which is being wasted—NASA and other UFO Hunters are searching for Aliens here on Earth.

More here Via Telegraph UK

Obama Comdemns U.S. Supreme Court Decision as Major Victory for Special Interests. Did it just slip his mind about all of the money to Obama’s 2008 Campaign?

Friday, January 22nd, 2010

Never being able to make an address without his teleprompter, speaking yesterday to the U.S. Conference of Mayor’s at the White House—President Obama condemned Thursday’s U.S. Supreme Court decision striking down much of McCain-Feingold campaign finance law, which placed restrictions on corporations from spending money on political issues.

Democrat-Socialists want people to forget how much money George Soros and his group spent during the 2008 Presidential Campaign attempting to influence the election outcome.

Related: Targets Rep. Michelle Bachmann, R-MN Via Info Wars

Obama seen as Anti-Business by 77% of Investors Via Yahoo News

White House Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel: “The First Amendment…Its Highly Overrated”

Tuesday, January 19th, 2010

Not at all surprising that the MSM has completely ignored this story—White House Chief of Staff Rham Emanuel tells a Entertainment Reporter at the White House Correspondents Dinner last year, “When you think of the first amendment…you think its highly overrated.”

More here including video Via NewsBusters

Columbus, Ohio Democrat Mayor Michael Coleman: “We are only one Slave Ship away from being in Haiti today.”

Monday, January 18th, 2010

Columbus, Ohio Mayor Democrat Michael Coleman said during the 25th annual Martian Luther King breakfast today, “We are only one Slave Ship away from being in Haiti today.”


Perpetual Victimhood

Gutter Politics Democrat Party Style

Sunday, January 17th, 2010

If you were a Liberal Journalist and someone attempted to stop you from doing your job, media hysteria would rise throughout the land but if you were a Conservative Journalist and even if you were writing find a magazine known for its quality and civility don’t look for the MSM to support you.

More here from The US Report

Michael Meehan admits he was “too aggressive” in trying to keep John McCormack away from Dem Senate Candidate Martha Coakley

Gutter Politics with Tomato’s and other Garbage

Danny Glover blames Haitian Earthquake on Global Warming

Friday, January 15th, 2010

Inseparable Moonbats—Goofy Al Gore with equally Nutty Danny Glover, they look like such a happy couple.

Danny Glover blames Haitian 7.0 Earthquake on Global Warming

Loony Liberal Lefties will blame maybe anything on Global Warming?

In November, 2008 Al Gore blamed Climate Change for the destruction of the Mayan Civilization