Archive for the ‘Loony Liberal Lefties’ Category

Obama Credits Stimulus With Creating 2 Million Jobs

Thursday, January 14th, 2010

Is Barack Obama delusional or is he nothing more than a mouthpiece and will say anything for the Loony Liberal Lefties? Obama now claims that his
Economic Stimulus has created or saved 2 million jobs since he signed it into law in February.

Huh?  That would be definitely stunning news if it was true.

Since Obama signed into law the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act into law in February, the nations unemployment rate worsened according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the economy continued to lose jobs in December for a total of 2.7 million jobs lost since Obama’s Economic Stimulus bill was enacted into law in February.

More here from Pro Publica

Massachusetts Senate Democrat Candidate Martha Coakley: There are no Terrorists left in Afghanistan

Wednesday, January 13th, 2010

The loony liberal lefty Martha Coakley, wanting to be Massachusetts next U.S. Senator (replacing the  Ted Kennedy) said during the final campaign debate Monday evening, there are no Terrorists left in Afghanistan because they’ve all gone to Yemen or Pakistan.

Martha Coakley, tell that to the families of two U.S. Soldiers killed in Afghanistan in bomb blasts today.

More here Via The Weekly Standard

Related: Coakley misspells the name of the state which she wants to represent Via Hot Air

Bill Clinton: “A few years ago this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

Sunday, January 10th, 2010

Bill Clinton: “…A few years ago, this guy would have been getting us coffee.”

During the 2008 Presidential Campaign Hillary Clinton told staffers to push Barack Obama’s Cocaine use allegations.

Where is the moral outrage by the Loony Liberal Lefties about the bigotry against Obama because he is an African American?

Media Bias 2010—NPR Blasts “Tea Party” Protesters as Nazi’s

Wednesday, January 6th, 2010

National Public Radio elitists which could  not survive in the free marketplace if it wasn’t for taxpayer dollars to exist,  creates animated video blasting Tea Party Protesters as Nazi’s.

Tea Party Protesters are just average Americans with homemade signs, exercising their rights of free speech.

MSM elitists must think that the First Amendment only apples to them?

More here from News Busters

Protesting the Media Culture of Corruption Via Michelle Malkin

Related Posts: NY Times Columnist David Brooks: Tea Party people are stupid but they are having an impact

Explaining the Town Hall Protests

Senator Harry Reid, D-NV: Tea Party Protesters Are “Evil Mongers”

NYC Schools Teaching Kids How To Use Heroin Safely

Tuesday, January 5th, 2010

At taxpayers expense, NYC schools are distributing a 16 page pamphlet entitled, “Take Charge, Take Care: Ten Tips for Safer Use” the goal of the program according to a statement by the NYC  Dept. of Health and Mental Hygiene, the pamphlet is to help children “…who are injecting drugs reduce the harm associated with this type of drug until they are able to get into treatment and recover.”

On Monday, NYC Mayor Michael Bloomberg defended the program claiming if people are shooting up anyway, we should teach them how to shoot up  more safely.

Huh? Why is taxpayers money being wasted to teach junkies how to shoot up heroin more safely?

More here KDKA TV Pittsburgh

Related: Does Spending More on Education Improve Academic Achievement Via The Heritage Foundation

Senate Democrat-Socialists Dismiss Constitution OK ObamaCare

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Senate Democrat-Socialists met in a rare Christmas Eve session, ignoring their constituents and the Constitution voting early this morning on a party line vote, passing their version of ObamaCare 60-39 next step, the bill moves to a House-Senate Conference Committee.

Rep. Louise Slaughter, D-NY says that the Senate version of ObamaCare is fatally flawed because it excludes a Marxist public option.

Rep. Bart Stupak, D-MI predicts ObamaCare will go down in flames in the House because of the major differences between the House and Senate versions.

Democrat-Socialists political agenda: Voters are irrelevant (except on Election Day) government and not the American people know what is in our best interests.

Related Posts: So You Say You Want a Health Care Revolution Via Canada Free Press

ObamaCare Forever—Democrat-Socialist’s add provision requiring super-majority to amend any portion of ObamaCare Via Radio Vice Online

Hopeless Atheist’s War on Christmas

Thursday, December 24th, 2009

Unhappy Atheist’s who are miserable and angry with themselves, want everyone else to be just as miserable as they are, have posted this sign in the “Land of Lincoln” Springfield, Illinois

Most Americans identify themselves as Christians, in 2008 Trinity College in Hartford, CT collected answers from 54,461 Respondents and discovered 76% of Americans call themselves Christians.

While the Atheist Grinch wants to steal Christmas and undermine Christianity, this holiday gift of hope and blessings is given to us by Almighty God,  who sent His only Son to the World to conquer pride, violence and greed by his love.  Pope Benedict XVI

“For God sent not His Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world through Him might be saved.”
John 3:17 KJV

“The God who gave us life gave us liberty…Can the liberties of a nation be thought secure when we have removed their only firm basis, a conviction…That these liberties are the gift of God. The bible is the cornerstone for American liberty.” Thomas Jefferson

Related Posts: FDR 1944 Christmas Message to America

Deconstructing Christmas Via Patriot Post

Climate Change Hysteria, Pets Are Serious Threat To The Environment

Wednesday, December 23rd, 2009

Man’s Best Friend could be  one of the environments worst enemies, according to a new study which hypothesizes the carbon paw print of a dog is more than double that of a gas guzzling sports utility vehicle.

Other animals are not much better according to Global Warming Soothsayers, Cats have an eco-footprint slightly less than driving a VW Gold for a year,  while two hamsters equates to a plasma television, even tiny little Goldfish are not spared, allegedly burning enough energy equal to two mobile phones.

Will Obama’s put Bo down and buy a Pet Rock to save the planet?

How many carbon emissions do Santa’s Reindeer emit during their global Christmas Eve trip? Should we cancel Christmas to save the planet?

More here Via Yahoo News

When Protesting is Patriotic?

Friday, December 11th, 2009

Loony Liberal Leftists

Democrat-Socialists in Washington and MSM are silent about these Liberal Loony Leftists protesting outside United Nations Climate Change Conference in Copenhagen yesterday where the temperatures reached a high in the lower 40’s

These goofy protesters must make their Mother’s very proud?

More photos here from Peoples Daily Online China

In August I wrote here House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-CA called Townhall Protesters Un-American

Penn State to Investigate Prof that Fabricated Climate Change Data

Wednesday, December 2nd, 2009

Climate Science

Penn State University will investigate Michael Mann, PhD accused of fabricating climate change data.

Related Posts: Climate Cult Con—When did Global Warming turn into forced religion? Via NY Post

Climate Change: This is the Worst Scientific Scandal of our Generation Via Telegraph, UK